My sweet emily

my sweet emily....

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I don't eat
I don't sleep
I do nothing but think of you
You keep me under your spell

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Emily, please come back. You just left without a word. My heart aches for you.


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sometimes i forget just how maladjusted people here are
and that means a lot coming from me

Who’s ass is this and why do people keep posting it?

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i miss you emily

Me too and I mean it completely unironically.

You are a beacon of light in this shithole of a board, Emily.

GOD what I would do to caress Emily's angelic body . . .

I wonder what she is doing right now.


I don't think I could bring myself to touch her and soil the purity of her body. I'd just admire her from afar.

Some girl that was here for two days or something and got scared off.

rubbing lotion on her ass and supple breasts. At least that's what I'm thinking about ;)

She posted like 2 days ago mate. Don't you have a restraining order you should be breaking right now?


I love her. I love her music taste. I love her body. I love her soul. I love love love love love Emily

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Thirsty retard, get a fucking life



so who the fuck is she? some sort of "le new Yea Forums queen like every couple of months? what did she post?


>i love her music taste
What‘s it like?

I’m a 21 year old neet junkie who steals money to buy heroin with and you waifuing autists are arguable more pathetic

see pic


Whores herself out on Yea Forums, even worse, on Yea Forums

Idk, i guess i‘m just very disappointed in just how low your requirements for concepts like angelic and pure are. I expected more of you.

I was in the thread where she claimed to be an aspiring musician, and wanted to be known for her talent and not her appearance.

Seems like that didn't last too long

Aha, ok. Boring af.

To be fair, she didn't shill her music.

She just comes across as really sweet in her posts. I don't mind the pics :)

listening to Trout Mask Replica

she posted that chart?


it's pretty good desu. basic, but good.

I‘ve randomly picked a few songs and they all sounded the same. Boring. But yeah, to each their own.

Based emily

based AND cute

I'm in love with her voice.

>Emily hasn't posted in two days

I'm worried lads

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Quick rundown on this butt and emily meme?

does anyone have some of her posts saved? i dont mean the pics just the posts

I am in love with Emily. I want to marry her and I want to impregnate her and I want to live in a small seaside house with her and our children. Emily. Emily. The word is like velvet on my tongue. I see her face in my dreams every night. My every waking moment is consumed with thoughts of her, and she will never even know me.

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She Loves Us

k thanks
im gonna jerk off to her pics tonight desu

Emily if you're reading this post another pic of your cute butt

>blotchy skin
>no hairy pusy
>not at least a C cup
into the trash

Quick reminder that Yea Forums is full of horny teenage boys and twinks who like looking at flat - unshapely asses and jacking off to twink soundcloud rappers.

it's honstly comforting, to see that despite all my bad habits, I'm nowhere near the bottom.

Also would like to add that you fuckers are jacking it to someone who is most likely under 18 years of age.

I'll admit I farted

She's obviously over 20. You can tell by her hands.

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Yeah, we did it reddit. I think it's finally time for me to delete my Yea Forums account.

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Good riddance.

bumping a good thread

yikes sage



That is dreadful

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>nichijou manga


I'm watching Emily, full bloom
I'm hoping she will soon explode
Into one billion tastes and tunes
One billion angels come and hold her down
They could hold her down until she shines

(come back. i miss you)

She's clearly trying to appeal to Sad bois here, not that they Care, unfortunately.

>She's clearly trying to appeal to Sad bois here
How so?

Go outside
Get help
Have sex


lmao perfect

She's probably being throat pied by a black dude at the local bar right now after 10 shots of the cheapest 100 proof shit they had laughing about her camwhore past

There are no black people in Eastern Europe.

Haha, well I think people know that it's fucked up, they just let themselves feel it because it's the only good feelings they've had... well... since the last mu queen

Didn’t she used to have nudes up on her tumblr or something?

Yeah I know how pathetic I sound and I'd wager most Emilyfags do too, but the thing is I just haven't felt this strongly about someone in a long time.

I just wish she would return.

Please tell me you guys are larping. I honestly weep for you pathetic fucks.

>Please tell me you guys are larping
I wish :(

It really fucks me up to think about how sad and lonely you all must be. I really wish I could help.

>bedwetter sounds like talk talk sounds like everyone asked about you
you really did just pick a few songs huh


Perhaps you could use it as a force for positive change? There's a real chance you could meet someone you could feel this way about. You obviously want that a lot, and I think you can use that to gain courage when the fight is hard. You gotta let yourself dream that it is possible

no sorry bro


this makes me want to cry

I have more

Will emilyfags reveal their age?

Nah I have very niche interests which make it hard to find someone I genuinely care about, in particular in real life. I also suffer from really bad social anxiety and only feel at ease when I'm drunk or on benzos. I've genuinely given up on love. And the worst of it all is that I'm not even unattractive – 6'3", /fit/, good face. And yet I'm still so very lonely.

20, but I don't see what that has got to do with anything.


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i wish i wasdead

I wish I had Emily by my side.

for me its stella

Stella has already said that she has never been to Yea Forums and wishes people would stop posting pics of her.

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