How can you call yourself a fan when you've been listening to a podcast which makes money off of the Merzbow name?
How can you call yourself a fan when you've been listening to a podcast which makes money off of the Merzbow name?
Other urls found in this thread:
>slant earrape music
A podcast celebrating the band and adding to their fandom?
>being a merzbow fan
What the hell is there to discuss about Merzbow?
>when you've been listening to a podcast which makes money off of the Merzbow name?
I haven't though
Greh Holger (Corey Cruz) and Mike Conelly of Wolf Eyes (Sub Pop and Third Man) are making $356 a month. They post pics of Masami's mail art and cassettes behind a Patreon paywall to get people to pay money.
ouch, a review podcast is one thing, but that's just directly making money off of someone else's art without permission
Fuck wolf eyes dude. I'm from their area and I swear they play at every single remotely underground show. Boring as hell every time. The only interesting thing is seeing what they pull out to use as instruments. Would literally take any random opener over them
Merzbow seems reasonable
Mike Connelly left Wolf Eyes in 2013, so I guess he didn't get any of that Jack White money
atleast aaron dilloway is a good artist
I seem to remember that the Merzbowofficial account retweeted the article about the two podcasts (but I don't see it now). He must have found out about
Yeah, I remember that. Sucks that the hosts didn't even bother talking to him about it.
Posting pictures of mail-art or master cassettes seems fine, but using them as patreon bait is scummy
Only music podcast I listen to
dilloway moved to oberlin and runs hanson out of his house (or at least he did when I visited there.)
All Merzbow cares about is money. He releases multiple albums a year with limited copies to clear out all his fan's bank accounts. He doesn't even try to make decent quality noise because he knows his dedicated fanbase will buy anything with his name attached to it.
Fuck you kiss your mother with that mouth?!?!?
it's a podcast man it literally doesn't matter. like all those other podcasts about individual bands/TV shows. it's s a garbage medium for austists looking for a friend simulator.
More like ₩O£ƒ€¥€$ amirite
He's not even mad, he just did like them charging money for his own work
Post your favorite Merzbow album. For me, it's pic related.
you can tell how bad this dude wants him to listen to his dumb podcast and for sempai to notice him.
It's funny, Corey aka Greh Holger was behind with the Maniacs Only and RRR California dramas if anybody remembers those. But nowadays Merzbow uses several of Xome's Audible Disease devices, and said he doesn't know the people who run podcast, even though Greh as Hive Mind has opened for Merzbow.
Medamaya is one of his best, but is completely unknown because it was only part of an archival boxset. If it had come out in 1998 on Alchemy like it was supposed to, it would be considered a classic.
are all his albums distorted drum solos?
No some are distorted junk metal, distorted synths, distorted guitar, or distorted recordings
>imagine liking and "enjoying" noise
>imagine caring about what people like or don't like
Now a bunch of people on Twitter are mad at him. They're going on about the podcast "promoting Merzbow", but are ignoring that Merzbow's complaints are about making money by using his artwork on locked Patreon posts.
jesus christ, never listening to wolf eyes again, dont know the other guy. these guys should get sued.
theyve been shit lately anway.
Good maybe they'll learn not to be little vultures
>Merzbow tweets, 43 likes
wow, contrary to what creepy pale nerds on the internet would have you believe, it's almost like Merzbow is a nobody and an artistic non-entity with no real fanbase
Kill yourself
Wolf Eyes have some decent stuff, but is mostly boring rather than terrible. All of the videos and interviews I've seen make them look like douches though. Especially after the whole "don't call us, noise we're trip metal" thing. It's like they make their career in noise, but think it's beneath them.
Aaron Dilloway has done some good stuff after leaving though
yeah this is how commies work. they (the left) turn on each other over this shit all the time, it cracks me up.
>hey can you please stop stealing from me
>DUDE... it's all about, like, spreading the good vibes! I'm promoting your work!
>no, you're stealing from me, please stop
>what the fuck, man. I thought you were COOL.
Why are you here?
>Implying social media engagement determines quality
The only bad thing is that he has a Twitter at all. Even though he only uses it to retweet release/show announcements and post pictures of animals and gear. This is the first time I've seen him interact with Twitter, and the responses are to ignore what he posted and just yell at eachother
He has a good social sense when it comes to people, that's what I've noticed about him...
>huwhite liberal pig responds with quintessentially western sjw guilt-tripping cloying passive aggression
>merzbow responds with quintessentially Japanese "thanks for understanding" polite-fuck off
I love it
WTF I can't believe this! Merzbow is cancelled now!!! Please be sure to like and retweet my post, check out my soundcloud, subscribe to my patreon, catch me on twitch, and, and, and...
Meanwhile Merzbow's just like
Did you hear Merzbow is actually a nazi?
He wears tight black clothes, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots there.
Not a joke, I've seen people worrying because he puts out releases on "problematic" labels like Coldspring, Old Europa Cafe, etc. and even lists Soleilmoon as an official shop on his website, who are listed as a hate group by SPLC because they were a distributor and manufacturer for Death in June and NON.
Of course, he's put out releases on Tzadik and Oren Ambarchi's Black Truffle. And is a friend and collaborator of jews like Ambarchi, Richard Pinhas, and Jamie Saft. I don't think he cares about western politics one way or the other.
One of my favorite things is when Twitter liberals run into non-Westerners with different a worldview and get outraged. Not even necessarily *against* their own values, just different.
Woo go trump, fox n friends is almost on guys
It's not about fucking Trump, or Democrats, or American politics at all. On Twitter there's a bunch of users outside of Western Europe/America, who have their own political and social views. They might be, let's say, asian and socialist or gay or whatever. But they still get piled-on on Twitter because western, especially American, users assume that their own western viewpoints are universal. They think that other views, even when not against or incompatible with their own, are wrong and must be argued with.
whitoid are disgusting
Twitter isnt exactly where the harsh noise fans hang out
Who's your favorite girl on fox n friends?
What do leftists and communists have to do with it?
Explanation: On the episode with Phil Best of Consumer Electronics as guest, Best talks about his collab with Merzbow and brought along the original tape of raw materials Masami sent in. The hosts talk about how he tape has a drawing of the signal chain on it, synth and metals through effects. They then say that they'll post a picture of it online so that the audience can see it.
Now on Patreon, you don't have to lock image posts, it can be public. They locked it on purpose to get people to sign up to see the tape and the mail art.
Nothing, one would think. But when you look at the profiles of the people replying to Merzbow not wanting his artwork being used for Pateron, they almost all have a certain bend.
I don't even think that airs in my country
having a patreon is not "making money"
merzbow's music sucks but at least he's vegan and an animal rights activist, so i can't judge him
It might not be much in the grand scheme of things, but it's not "nothing". Especially when they're using his artwork as bait. Talking about Merzbow is fine. The Merzbowofficial account even retweeted an news article about the podcast when it started. Merzbow's tweets specifically mention making money off of his images:
One of the hosts said that they would fix it and Merzbow said thanks:But now a bunch of Twits are flinging shit around
>But now a bunch of Twits are flinging shit around
That's what happens man, shouldn't try to use merzbow to make money.
Hey man, they're encouraging people to buy Merzbow albums. So what if they're posting his artwork on their $356-a-month Patreon, they need to make money too. *sends tweet*
More like >shouldn't try to use twitter
Why didn’t these autists just solve this with pm come on
He sometimes makes passive-aggressive posts at labels sometimes, but deletes them pretty quickly. It's pretty funny, but I don't have any screenshots saved. Stuff like "I haven't received payment yet, are you still having problems with your bank?" or "The artist copies haven't arrived yet, can you send them again." I guess publicly posting those briefly gets the labels to do what they're supposed to do.
le epic defense of westerncultural imperialism xDD slay kween
Ok, Morrissey
is that james hetfield
If Merzbow had a podcast, what would it be about?
The cuckold lifestyle
But it would be about actual cuckoos
I think he might be kinda mad now. Google translate:
>What is an enthusiastic fan who opens the program without permission and donates to the audience using old images and texts picked up on the net and says, "I'm promoting the sound source"
If anybody is a Patreon, can they post the artwork here. Or better yet: Post it on Twitter and tag the hosts
Amerimutts are literally kike money grabber
quintessentially reddit post
Now he's been explaining that it's not the podcast, but making money off of his images. Twitter is still ignoring him to say that it's "promoting his music" or that he's "canceled" (how does that work?)
The only thing Merzbow has done wrong trying to engage with Twitter.
>Twitter is still ignoring him to say that it's "promoting his music" or that he's "canceled" (how does that work?)
I tried to explain how taking intellectual property for money, which isn't even shared out, is not "promoting" but some people don't listen.
the photo is also on instagram, freely available
OK, that's good. But what about the mail-art set?
Based japs saving the guilty white Yea Forums nerd from his burden
I don't have an account, is Twitter usually this bad?
It depends who you follow, I guess. Twitter's only use for me is getting news fast. Judging by the screencaps posted here and what tweets get promoted yes it's awful
that might be the only thing "bad" about it all. it's scans of physical art from the 1980s though, which is almost certain already online somewhere. akita could have easily just dmmed merzcast and asked that the mail art be removed from patreon, which would've certainly been done by them. the whole thing is a non issue blown up by the fact that akita is an arrogant asshole apparently, who only wants to squeeze as much money from his music. he's a sellout now
i mean, you're not wrong
>please stop charging people money for *my* art
>woooow man that’s really a letdown, I thought you were cool, think of the exposure you’re getting
What a fucking nigger, 90% of people would have hit them with a cease and desist right there
I feel like a pleb but nothing has ever topped Venereology for me, every second is crispy as fuck.
His early analogue albums tend to feature a lot of unpleasant sounds while a lot of his less-popular modern ones dwell on offputting frequencies too much, or are mixed in a way that makes them less impactful.
Pulse Demon is a meme but I feel like Ven and 1930 are popular for a reason.
In 8 hours he goes from >Thanks for understanding
to this
wow and look at how indignant and whiny they are being about the whole thing like >'nuff said
fuck you "nuff said" they didn't fucking say anything they put someone else's art behind a paywall and acted like that's exactly the same as publishing a review on the internet. Even if this isn't what they are doing they didn't make it anywhere near clear enough and immediately went into full fucking defensive attack mode like a fucking 4 year old. Fuck these dudes whether or not they are stealing his shit this is pathetic and unprofessional for someone who looks old enough to at least know what a cease and desist is and that merzbow could have sent one
Twitter turns everyone on it into a monster, and it already attracts a lot of hipsters, boomers, thots, commies, trannies, alt-righters, feminists, and nerdgeoisie so when you throw all those groups into a mix you can be assured it’s absoltely nothing but some of the most spiteful shitflinging you’ve ever seen.
poor masami, he's too old for this shit
I clicked around on some of the tags, and it is pretty terrible. At least on Yea Forums you can have and follow a conversation. Twitter embodies "yelling into the void", except the void starts yelling back at you.
"merzbow disappoved" would be a pretty cool tagline actually
It’d be funny if it wasn’t literally someone selling someone else’s art without their permission
Like I don’t normally give a shit about piracy or starving artists but how are people justifying actually profiting off of what someone else made?
>the band
Why won't sempai notice me?
Oh shit! Sempai noticed me
It's been over 9 hours since Greh responded to Merzbow. Since then he's had time to retweet callouts on Twitter and post a meme on Instagram, but the art pack is still on Patreon
strop spreading false shit, their stuff has always been available on Instagram. Also I doubt masami is actually the one posting english on twitter. He would not be posting shit like DESU. It's probbaly some asshit that works at relapse bitching'
>listening to podcasts
>le ebin ching chong earrape man
You're right, the tape is. But the mail art scans aren't.
seething cuck,keep coping
That guys lucky merzbows even allowing him to make money off his name let alone use his name for his shitty podcast and patreon
They're saying that they did DM Greh and were ignored
I would've been mad too if assholes would make money of my work.
lmao what a bitch
>oh we didn't *mean* to put it behind a paywall, whoops haha
Fuck off
wtf i LOVE nips now
Greh finally deleted the offending post. But now everyone on Twitter is shitting on Merzbow.
While all of this is going on, there's some much nicer content on Daniel Menche's Instagram
Daniel Menche is one of the best noise musicians and the coolest elementary school librarian. His Instagram is great too:
I fear that one day, like Merzbow, he'll interactive with people on Twitter and the same thing will happen
>At least on Yea Forums you can have and follow a conversation.
Yeah, once a fucking calendar year.
>But now everyone on Twitter is shitting on Merzbow.
id say its about half & half. Although people are quite upset at them putting merzbows art behind a paywall it turns out they dont play the songs except a small snippet but instead have a podcast regarding the tape and something relating.
Why are söyboys so cringey?
i love that they're so genuinely hurt by this. probably thought he would hear their podcast and how they suck his dick and ask to work with them or something.
merzbow basically is cultural appropriaton of computer
merzbow has always been quite weird about his fanbase. has sent legal threats to a fan forum before as well.
Does anyone have a copy of the mail art set that caused this mess in the first place?
i get it now
this must be performance art reflecting how harsh and aggressive his music is, how uncaring it is regarding whether or not the listener enjoys it
which is actually based
nice reading comprehension
I do remember the Maniacs Only drama and Stimbox getting himself permabanned for leaking it to the world. That was golden. My favorite post was RRRon talking about "what's wrong with fags? They're fucking fags!"
Merzbow is technically band since it started out as one, but usually people talk about merzbow as one guy yeah
Well I mean, both Greh and Mike were hefty boys when I met them.
What a fucking loser lol
How many Recycled tapes did Ron end up deleting from the catalog? Stimbox and Cementimental at least
>Garbage noise counts as art
I mean, I guess its shitty. But this is coming from a creatively bankrupt individual who makes noise music. He’s not Mozart. Why do Americans digest this crap?
>Daniel Menche is one of the best noise musicians and the coolest elementary school librarian.
Yep, and Arrow is super cute. I saw menche with zbigniew karkowski (rip) years ago and fuck me if it wasn't one of the loudest sets I've ever heard. Daniel taps into something fucking heavy when he plays.
dudes i bet dropping some acid then putting on a harsh noise record would be fucking INSANE lmao, anybody here tried it?
Shut up.
No idea. I made my way onto the RRR "The Best" comp though which was a high point in an otherwise uneventful career as a noise guy. 95% of my noise stuff that I collected is long gone though. The only things I've kept from that era are some locals stuff, and an Expressway Yo-Yo Dieting 2XLP.
He finally removed the art post from Patreon. Merzbow hasn't tweeted in 4 hours, but Greh is still retweeting every single "he was only promoting the music, why is merzbow so mean" post
>and the coolest elementary school librarian.
Tell us more.
>zbigniew karkowski (rip)
RIP indeed. I unfortunately never got the chance to see him live. He had a reputation as being an asshole, but everyone I've ever talked to or read who worked with him have almost nothing but good to say about him.
What more is there to say? He's an elementary school librarian in Portland. Here's a news story about the buddy bench he built:
He sometimes posts pictures on his Instagram:
I heard the same thing too but the organizers at the gallery space that put him on said he was a nice enough guy. I thought his solo set was a little dull but that's a lot of laptop noise for me. There's very little that you can do with a laptop that will fulfill the same level of spectacle and physicality that a guy smashing a bunch of stomp boxes or flailing around on broken glass tends to have.
I think Zbigniew was one of those people who reflected your attitude back at you. If you were chill, he was chill; if you were an asshole, he would be a huge asshole
wonder if mr akita ever paid anything to kurt schwitters
This guy definitely molests kids
I don't think Masami ever used any of Schwitters' actual art, has he? At least, he's never took money for access to copies of it.
Oh my god. Merzbow went silent, but now Jenny Akita's tweeting insults at people now. This isn't going to burn out yet.
If you actually met daniel you'd realize how fucking retarded what you just wrote was.
This is really pathetic. At some point as a fan you have to realize an artist doesn't owe you anything, even if you have been incredibly supportive.
What's pathetic is that he thinks that he's the victim. He thinks that he wasn't making off of putting artwork behind a paywall because he wasn't charging for that particular post. But he should be able to understand why artist in question wouldn't like that. Merzbow's original complaint says exactly that: making money on the podcast by using his images without permission. Instead he's repeating conspiracies that Merzbow is *really* upset about one of the stories or that there's a podcast at all, even though Merzbow said that he didn't care about the podcast at all and even retweeted the announcement when it started.
Merzbow's since deleted the fat insult and the other tweets except for the original callout and went silent. But Greh is going on about how heartbroken he is and how Merzbow is a big meanie.
Daniel seems to be one of the nicest people in the world, period. He's a real mensch, even thought I found out he's name is actually pronounced like men-chee
podcasts and podcast """"culture"""" were a mistake
wtf I love Merzbow now!
Apparently, accounts being blocked by MerzbowOfficial are also being blocked by Throbbing Gristle, Chris, and Cosey
capitalist sell out
Never thought I'd get to see some serious noise drama unfold like this lmao. BASED Masami.
Social media was a mistake, now mail art hometaper culture, that was something
I don't have an opinion on the podcast or even merzbow really. But love that fact the merzbow asking for his images to be removed from patreon has caused several people on twitter to have meltdowns over the last 12 hours
Merzbow should just delete his net presence and go back to printing his postal address and fax number on his releases
Labels that want to release his music will contact him anyway
"living rent free inside your head" is a dumb phrase, but think about it; a year from now Akita probably wont even remember it, but this dude will still be upset
Good. Fuck these retards.
I love the drama, but I need to stop reading Twitter. I can't even tell what's real and what's a joke anymore. People keep making Lars Ulrich/Metallica comparisons – but this Bon Jovi tweet is a joke, right?
Buy my art.
The next 51 Merzbow albums coming out this year are gonna be so angry because of this. Thx Greh
This sort of behavior reminds me of how "nice guys" try to get laid through unsolicited pandering. These people buy CDs/ records/ tickets, and then trudge around looking for anecdotes about the artist, history behind the recordings, whatever. Which is all well and good on its own, but after they've dumped time and money into all this, they develop an expectation that one day this musician will suddenly want to be their best friend in the world.
"Hey Greh, Merzbow here - just wanted to let you know that you're an awesome guy - love all the work you do! Let's hang out sometime!"
And then lo and behold - the artist actually, rightfully, feels uncomfortable, either on a personal or professional level. The overzealous fan has forgotten that the musician is a person onto themselves, not just an imaginary entity that rewards obsessive "engagement" with their oeuvre. The fact that the Merzcast guys have shifted into "he's being mean to us" overdrive only shows how entitled and ignorant they are. It's reminiscent of admins for female Twitch streamers when they realize they're not going to get laid. Instead of learning their lesson, they buckle down on being nasty and vindictive. I wouldn't want anything to do with these "fans" either.
I don't use twitter, I just started following the drama after seeing this thread. What really confuses me: heavy twitter users have this ironically sincere/sincerely ironic writing style that I just can't get a handle on
wrt to your pic, you never know what will set a Black off so you've got to play it safe.
b a s e d
>It's been eight hours since this post and he's still tweeting mad
>It's been eight hours since this post and Merzbow's still hasn't tweeted again
he's been blocked by Merzbow
I'm sure all this drama is giving the podcast more traffic than it's ever had
So Merzbow hasn't been active and can't even see his posts anyways. So why is he's still obsessively tweeting and retweeting. It's almost been a day since was posted, the Patreon pics that caused the problem in first place have been removed, the Merzbow account has been silent. So why is this still going on?
Damn, pretty good analysis of the stalker fan syndrome that some people seem to get wrapped up in.
That attitude will always exist, but social media allowing fans (from fanatics, remember) to interact with artists has brought about nothing positive
Fucking yikes, a D list artist complaining about someone making a podcast celebrating his shitty music
To bad that Merzjerk has shattered Greh's heart 100% and now Greh doesn't want to do the podcast anymore or even listen to Merzbow
just circle jerking. they tweet nice things so they're noticed and retweeted and the hosts retweet them so they keep paying their patreon subs.
That's actually good advice, but not in the way he thinks
he needs to get over it
i think they wanna rebrand as a podcast about noise in general
>i think they wanna rebrand as a podcast about noise in general
kind of sounds like that's what it already was and they mostly used the merzbow name and his content to get attention since he's one of the more well-known noise acts
>i think they wanna rebrand as a podcast about noise in general
That's a good idea, but will he actually learn his lesson, or will he post stuff like people's artwork behind a paywall again
ya it was definitely heading in that direction
So Yea Forums, Is she right? Does listening to noise make you fat?
Nah, if that were true merzbow would be a whale
lol i hope not. i actually enjoy the podcast but i had no idea they were doing that on patreon
Wait, do these people on Twitter realize that Greh has a Death in June tattoo?
remember me
I hope that all of these tards saying that they're gonna sell their collections actually follow through. They some releases I want, and I might even be able to get a good price if they're really mad.
Why do you think he listens to his own releases
i'm with you. that shit can't be easy to find
merzbtfo more like
tl;dr merzbow gives ego death to fat commie basedboys
Look at the hairstyle of the duck on the right, clearly alt-right. I wanna punch that fucking duck
this post hurts my brain
Man I missed this whole drama today. It's not that weird that Merzbow reacted badly to the podcast, he's always been weird about fan things before. Also it's not like the hosts are two completely random fans, they've both played with Merzbow before and Wolf Eyes have done records with Merzbow before. Greh has always been a weirdo though, the Chondritic Sound forum was one of the worst forums for shitheads back in the day. He was notorious for ripping people off too through his label.
He's actually doing it! I better get my want list together. I swear, used albums sold in anger sound better!
I think this could have been avoided if they had just made their initial posts and then stepped away. Merzbow say he wanted the pics removed, and Greh said he would remove them. The drama started when Twitter started flinging shit and both of them joined in. Merzbow at least deleted his shit posts and went quiet. Greh's still going.
Harsh noise is a joke. can be made in a daw in 20 minutes. its lazy and retarded
You're wrong. If you had paid attention, you'd see that it's SERIOUS BUSINESS
It's strange to see almost every artist that's in the scene jump in to defend the podcast, he sent an email to GX Jupiter Larsen asking him to stop talking about the pornography stuff from years ago. GX replied saying "nah, you're acting like a Chile. Cancel the planned reissues and the future projects we're doing". Like Merzbow is just being protective of his personal life.
>He was notorious for ripping people off too through his label
Oh shit, it's been over 10 years and you reminded me that he never sent me the LHD split I paid for
They just put up an episode about the drama. Haven't listened yet.
really looking to capitalize on the only publicity they'll ever get lmao
So while all this was happening on Twitter, and we were following on mu. Daniel Menche posted about his favorite Merzbow album and then spent the day kayaking with his dog.
What am I doing with my life?
fuck off m8 not listening to your SHIT podcast
Trent Reznor really let himself go
Is that a totenkopf pin? Greh has a Death in June tattoo how many of their defenders realize that?
Greh's still going, when is he going to sleep
Only a retard would use twitter for engaging in a debate about anything
It's a medium for promotion of celebrities, shilling and ganging up on people via echo chambers
I can't wait to see what theories I'll wake up to
what's wrong with these people lol. merzbow doesn't have "skeletons" he just doesn't want random fucking nobodies discussing his personal life
>shy, private person doesn't want strangers adding conjecture about him and his family while making money (though small amount) off of his intentionally hard to find art.
>noisesoys threaten to sell collections because senpai noticed them and didn't like what he saw
The absolute state of harsh music today lads.
This is the most entertaining thing to come out of the noise 'scene' in the last 8 years. Pop some popcorn folks, it's going to get silly.
There's a plenty of good conversation to be had on boards that normalfags don't like, like /tg/; decent board game general thread etc
basically general threads are where it's at
nigga it's not a band
it hasn't been a band since the fuckin 80s man
Nice to see that even in the most obscure fandoms pundits make more money than artists while the audience sides with them (the pundits)
The post you're replying to already recognized that... Did you somehow not read that 20-word post in its entirety?
I know nothing about Merzbow or these obese Americans, but judging by the twitter thread, they're fags (as in, they suck dick) and have their chums (as in, other fags and probably cultural marxists) gang up in the dozens to support the current narrative shift because big bad Jap stuck his hand in the cookie jar.
Am I correct?
There is something that reeks of almost feminine malice here so I'm pretty certain that the propagators are faggots.
I thought this was boogie2988 lmao
Wow, I've finally found the accelerationist equivalent in music.
spending too much time on /pol/ again
why do u sound greek
Meanwhile: Merzbow at this moment
Taking a dump right now
Having an entire podcast dedicated to one dude is fucking weird anyway, what kind of creep starts something like that
These fat fucks are nit making any money retard. Trash music, trash genre, trash fanbase
Better than what's happening on Twitter
Just read through this guy's twitter and he's retweeting every entitled fan who feels like Merzbow owes them anything, what is wrong with these people.
nah putting in the work to do a podcast at all deserves something back, masami is probably crazy 2bh anyway
It would be fine if they only monetized their own work, problem is that they put stuff made by Masami that they don't have the rights to behind a paywall.
Death in June is good gusic
>nah putting in the work to do a podcast at all deserves something back
no it doesn't
>masami is probably crazy 2bh anyway
irrelevant even if it were true
I ordered about $40 worth of stuff from Chondritic Sound in 2005 or 06 and never received it. He kept blaming PayPal, his bank, or the post office being closed. Stupidly I let the dispute period run out. He then blocked my email address. Seeing him get asshurt over being blocked by Merzbow on Twitter is pretty funny.
I never would have seen noise fans as being autistic
You must never have seen noise fans before now then.
But speaking of autism, have you seen any Coil discussion groups?
podcasts are legit eat a dick
I like some of their stuff, mostly the early records. But a lot of the people on Twitter supporting Greh have soc-jus or leftist stuff in their profiles. I wonder how many of them even know who Greh is.
The fucking Patreon actually went up!
Fuck those people, they're trash. Breakdancing Ronald Reagan AKA Johnny Cash AKA Sunk Cost, was right about them.
they're legit but they don't deserve anything back
I lust for the day twitter closes
harsh noise isnt music
harsh music isnt noise
faggot. noise can be made in any daw in minutes. ITS. NOT. REAL. MUSIC.
i can also make you cum in minutes
daw. noise can be made by any faggot in minutes. MUSIC. ITS. NOT. REAL.
unironically no lower form of media than a podcast
Eh sort of, once you actually figure it out.
rumor has it, he molests chickens and then samples them on record
i'd argue the podcast takes far more skill than anything merzbow has ever produced
What's wrong with resharing publicly shared files?
>taking intellectual property for money
That's not how patreon works. You're donating to the people /while/ they share images and make the podcast, you're not buying the images or the podcast. Big difference.
Kill yourself
no... any dipshit can make a podcast as evidenced by the flood of zero-effort "we're just regular guys drinkin and talkin about stuff!" projects. not to say noise can't be a zero-effort pursuit at times but masami's been at it for forty fucking years. it's no surprise he's the first name in noise, and for many, the only name
>He was notorious for ripping people off too through his label.
>he calls heary fondles earrape
>You're donating to the people /while/ they share images and make the podcast, you're not buying the images or the podcast. Big difference.
By the same reasoning, nobody has to pay taxes, because they can work for free while their boss donates them their wages.
This, genuinely just time-wasting garbage
This is pretty based desu
Funny how you left out certain kind(but equally annoying) of users, could it be that they align with your views?
Its a fucking tribute podcast making 350 bucks a month divided in 2 guys, is not like people pays for all his albums
>256 replies
as if any of you plebes even enjoy merzbow or noise music in general
His art should be free anyways
Uh oh we got another one...
>merzbow asking for his images to be removed from patreon
He lied too, pretending that the art wasnt his or some shit, and then they said he sent it himself to some other guy un the industry lmao, this is all pretty dumb desu
Thats a stretch m8
You'd like Ben Shapiro if he wasn't Jewish
Good point, he didnt have to lie tho
This, also
I think it's because patreon automatically puts it behind a paywall
I listen Masonna, Hijokaidan, MSBR, Grunt, Brethren, Organized Resistance, White Heterosexuals, Mo-Te, Government Alpha, Robochanman, Kimihide Kusafuka, Macronympha, Jason Crumer, Breathing Problem, Black Leather Jesus, Richard Ramirez, T.A.D.M., Torturing Nurse, Super Eight Loop, Zbigniew Karkowski, the list goes on and on...
All of this is hilarious. Just have Jonathan Cash suck everyone's cock and continue making subpar art.
what a joke of an interaction about a harmless podcast
merzbow's language and culture barrier not being acknowledged
and all these fat autists selling their records over some dumb shit
this is why you dont participate in social media
I've seen the Rita easily more than 10 times you fucking nutsack. Jesus christ I know it hurts your head but try reading the thread first instead of going to the bottom to drop doozies like this.
Jonathan Cash drew a lot of ire from the noise community back in the day by getting Nate Young's (of Wolf Eyes) paypal account shut down because he was trying to raise money for his brother who was injured in a house fire.
Do we even have proof that there was a fire?
I was only kinda joking. Most noise people are scum; from my own experience, Johnny is very decent. Go to bed, mike.
Amerimutts like you need to be genocided in masse
imagine actually listening to harsh noise
>in masse
What did he say?
That they're lame
hahahahaha based noise sperg
i find it impressive you could make money off merzbow fans off of a merzbow podcast
He might have gotten better over the years but back then he was a fucking annoying troll that a good 80% of the noise boards HATED. The only people that didn't hate him were other board characters like Rubbish and Tim (Cementimental)
I imagine the fire story was probably real. It seemed more straightforward than half the users there that took preorders and never delivered product (greh was one of those people until he finally put out that Steel Trap comp like...2-3 years after he was supposed to.)
The archives are long gone but the noise forums (i heart noise and noisefanatics) really were a great source of bantz as well as discussion about non-noise music. You had regular people willing to share everything they knew about ridiculously hard to find stuff as discogs 11 years ago wasn't super refined and catalogued the way it is now. On top of that, you could book and organize a cross country tour via PM's and emails and actually do it, I doubt you could pull that off these days which I think in part contributed to the overall decline of the scene.
People do it on Facebook breh
Facebook fractured the forum scene into a thousand pieces with groups/sub groups/sub-sub groups and IM's. It made all conversation cellular instead of being in an open forum where debate could actually occur without people giving each other likes and having 20+ mods fine tooth combing your shit for 'offensive language.'
In addition, the housing crash/recession killed a lot of jobs for people, and the costs of pressing vinyl rose drastically due to nickel mine strikes making the costs of plates even more expensive
These basically crippled the scene in one swift blow. All that's left now is the maniacs only forum which is pretty much dead, special interests forum, which I haven't been to in ages but I doubt there's as much going on as the heyday, plus Mikko is sketchy. You still see the occasional big fest happen but regular shows have rolled off big time. There's not enough people touring to make it steady and locals-only shows are only as strong as the locals willing to go out.
We ouchea
Not like 2008 you're not.
Stop hatin
> FB friend with Philip Best fist-bump
Endless entertainment