Post your Yea Forumsfu's

Attached: Patti_Smith_in_Rosengrten_1978.jpg (2520x1680, 732K)

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*shits a long corny turd in your brand new thread*

This thread belongs on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1471320714412.jpg (440x600, 60K)

and you belong on reddit, faggot


Attached: JP2.png (933x1106, 2.48M)

I want to do dirty things with her. Yea Forums tier stuff, so I won't describe any of my thoughts...

Attached: 6beba72f77f1d053c55e63aa089d4d1b560ff1a3f3457dcac00208245875c4a1.jpg (1067x1600, 134K)

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absolute cute

Attached: 46624579215_e0341443a9_o.jpg (2155x1437, 1.26M)

Who is that?

A based and redpilled nigger fighting qt3.24

Attached: 5bqwynn21d8z.jpg (799x997, 115K)

Then I like her

>ywn rail a line of coke off stevie's asshole
why even live

Attached: stevie.jpg (1582x2000, 573K)


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wuthering heights is a perfect song and i'm shocked i didn't see the music video until recently since it fits it so perfectly
referring to this one
damn i didn't know she looked like that from behind
something something brandon

Attached: KATE.jpg (500x713, 119K)

Exclusively circa 1972

Attached: 3bf23ba6d2ecadd07f10d249c16c4df3.jpg (800x419, 40K)

Here's another one from behind.
How could that fat fuck leave her? I would kill to have her/ someone looking like her.

Attached: 7392fbec7aed9f05d51fd03844e97f8d072d1391f73be08983fae9590c0377d7.jpg (1067x1600, 579K)

Oh, Brandon!

Three way with Stevie and Christine

patrician taste

Not him. See

Attached: rosemont-illinois-usa-30th-dec-2015-singer-lauren-mayberry-of-chvrches-FAN1BA.jpg (866x1390, 180K)

based and turdpilled

I claim Natalie

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Very qt

I love her music.

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you can see her pp

I can't

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i cant stop fapping to grimes no matter what retarded shit she does

Attached: 4411441.jpg (1340x1794, 470K)

thx user ;)

Kill yourself.

I'm not Brandon

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Attached: Michelle+Zauner+2017+Budweiser+Made+America+mn5jQ68xxHEl.jpg (448x600, 115K)

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Attached: DJ Mariko Goto.jpg (556x952, 139K)

> 10/10
> concert pianist
> literally has a wolf pack in her garden

Can't beat that.

Attached: 250px-Helene_Grimaud_Roque-d_Antheron_2004_cropped.jpg (250x323, 28K)

I met the bitch in 1987. True story. At a record store signing.

Do dead girls count?

Attached: sandy-west-portrait-on-kit.jpg (640x557, 201K)

Saw her last night, she looked like an angel

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