Holy shit it's on Apple music
Holy shit it's on Apple music
old man Fripp is losing it
Already Listened to ITCOCK, what else is good? 1/5th through Red and it fucking slaps.
All of it.
larks tongues in aspic and starless and bible black
Their 80's trilogy.
Everybody seems to hate Spotify D:
Using spotify confirms you're a pleb with their bullshit 3000 song per device rule
I have a retarded phone so I don't have the storage for 3000 songs anyways.
I like the UI slightly better on Spotify so I just use it
10000 now niger
when is it gonna be on spotifyyyyyyy
june 10th
i literally switched from spotify to apple music because of the 10,000 song limit it’s not enough plus they also limit albums saved
also someone based give me too 5 king crimson albums and the order to listen
>Apple Music
reminder that this is happening because fripp is actually dead but they're hiding it like ruth bader Ginsberg
are the streamingcucks just starting to listen to King Crimson now?
It's coming to spotify on june 10th iirc
You should just download every kc album
That album cover is hideous and puts me off ever listening to the album
what is it with zoomers and judging albums by their covers
>After being longtime streaming platform holdouts, the prog-rock legends have changed course as they commemorate their 50th anniversary. Following the Apple Music debut, the band’s full discography is expected to come to Spotify and other streaming services on June 10th — just in time for the kick-off of King Crimson’s celebratory world tour.
Apple Music shitters shitting their pants over this lmao
the point of album covers in the 70s was literally to get you to blind-purchase the album in the store, and it worked
and judging covers is supposed to be a "zoomer" thing?
>it's on apple music!
>it's on spotify!
said literally nobody who's actually into music, ever
it is when you correlate music quality to album art quality
everyone unconsciously does
I know I do
shut up boomer
This is something I recall bothering me, thank you