Making music as a girl

i'm a 7-8/10 female (i don't see myself as attractive as people tend to rate me though) with quite cute voice and for the past few years i was trying to make music.
it wasn't that bad imo, but nothing interesting too. just bedroom-folk tier songs about being in love and feeling lonely i guess.
but this year i've come to realize that i probably don't have a 'talent' and and making music just isn't for me. and that's alright with me,
im not disappointed or anything, shit just happens and i should seek for something i'm gonna be good at.
but the worst part is that IF i would start publishing my songs/videos that would expose my face im pretty sure i would gain a pretty big audacity made from sad and lonely males that would buy anything from me, no matter if its good or not.
everybody here knows (or at least should know) that majority of female artists are praised nowadays just because of their attractiveness or just the fact that they're females, right?
and that's really unfair for all those talented and genuine people that cant be found because theres too much shit around them.
my question is:

am i wrong? should i just continue what i've been doing for the past years and just stop thinking that im liked just because im pretty?

inb4 show face, show tits, show music. im not here to shill. i just want some opinions.

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Other urls found in this thread:


you made this exact thread 2 weeks ago. go make music and stop posting on Yea Forums for attention.

not this shit again

hey man. have some respect for the ladies of Yea Forums. you piece of shit.

have sex

I have respect for the ladies Yea Forums that don't feel the need to talk about their vagina for attention. Quit being a whiteknight pussy whipped bitch.

you're not doing it for people
you're doing it for yourself.

people are usually shallow ignorant animals, but some minority one will appreciate your art. it's them who really matter.

suck my right nut virgin

do a rhcp parody song you slut

>inb4 show face, show tits, show music. im not here to shill. i just want some opinions.
this really is hilarious in hindsight


maybe if you compliment her enough she'll post a picture of her feet you faggot

i can be your pretty girl shut up when you want me to :^)

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i give it an hour before you're posting nudes

>he doesn't know


Why do you think the retards here like Clairo so much when she's just doing the same shit Grimes already did?
Because she's pretty.
For plebs, music is very visual. How it is visually presented and performed is a big deal. Nail the right aesthetic with fashion and makeup and it won't matter how derivative your music is.

It doesn't matter how people will sexualize you in the future of your music career.
And it's true that you'll be glorified just because you're female.
Sometimes that could be a good thing since people tend to support/advertise women artists more.
But you're making music for you and yourself. Not for the whitenighting-incel-feminist-faggot.
Express yourself in anyway you want.

she's ugly

Isn't this just a copy of Emily's first post

woah looks like we got a sherlock holmes here

you posted this a few weeks ago and you aren't getting money from cucks for your shitty music you have your answer

just make your music, and dont make it about “muh strong woman fronting the band” as long as you show its about the love of music, and not the aesthetics, you will be respected.

r u a real gril or trans?

Abuse the fuck out of it nigger, a suprising lot of starting male artists hire girls to be their "face" and have them pretend they're actually the creators of the music, because a cute girl indie artist is always more popular than a regular indie artist.

If you're scared if your popularity is genuine or only because you're female pull a daftpunk/gorillaz/studiokillers deal and publish your music through a fake male or androgynous/nonhuman persona. If you care about being popular, keep using your cutegirl powers to gain thirsty lonely neet fans like clairo has done.

OP in this case is an obvious rando user copy-pasting the original. His gif filename is different from the original's -- it's the name you'll get if you copy the original post's gif into your files.
You should be smart enough to realize this though.

you're ugly as fuck


stoped reading there

Don't tell them. Just call them a retard.

Everything good come with isolation, take some time to yourself and try to do your shit. Things can work if u work on it :^)

post an image of your anus please


Stopped reading there

Make your music, don't worry about your looks being a factor in the appreciation of your music. The best thing you can do is to just put yourself forth and put your music out there. If people like you for your looks, take it as a compliment, but don't take it as the reason they like your music.

i'm a 7-8/10 female (i don't see myself as attractive as people tend to rate me though) with quite cute voice and for the past few years i was trying to make music.
it wasn't that bad imo, but nothing interesting too. just bedroom-folk tier songs about being in love and feeling lonely i guess.
but this year i've come to realize that i probably don't have a 'talent' and and making music just isn't for me. and that's alright with me,
im not disappointed or anything, shit just happens and i should seek for something i'm gonna be good at.
but the worst part is that IF i would start publishing my songs/videos that would expose my face im pretty sure i would gain a pretty big audacity made from sad and lonely males that would buy anything from me, no matter if its good or not.
everybody here knows (or at least should know) that majority of female artists are praised nowadays just because of their attractiveness or just the fact that they're females, right?
and that's really unfair for all those talented and genuine people that cant be found because theres too much shit around them.
my question is:

am i wrong? should i just continue what i've been doing for the past years and just stop thinking that im liked just because im pretty?

inb4 show face, show tits, show music. im not here to shill. i just want some opinions.


Trade bodies with me.

I wish I could.

What was the original thread? I missed it

nobody is "born" to make music. musicians are people who took the time and the initiative to develop their skill. if you want to be one of them, stop fucking around on Yea Forums and go manifest your own destiny.

this week in mentally ill autistics flocking to e-girl threads: copypasta

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