Is this music?

is this music?

Attached: 1550251012606.webm (640x640, 1.85M)

stop posting this rubber phony ass it's disgusting

conceptualize the fragrance

fake butts don't jiggle like that

no thanks

Attached: i.png (708x500, 279K)

thats just fat moving


Built for BWC

built for BBC

which is it

BWC. They know their place.

Attached: 1556909640851.jpg (576x1024, 65K)

Ass on face

Attached: 1537864514083.webm (640x800, 1.3M)

Black girls are god's gift to man ughh


my jungle fever is reaching higher levels

Black girls are so much more fun to talk to than white girls too. I'm pretty much done with white girls, too stuck up and uninteresting. Black girls are fun, flirty, and sexual as hell

Attached: 1486057481930.webm (480x480, 2.43M)

God bless black girls. They rarely like white guys unfortunately

No, they rarely like you

they like chads

Attached: 1495142789350.webm (480x600, 1.6M)

I'm just saying in general black girls don't like to date outside their race whereas black guys are way more willing

sauce pls

Nobody wants to date black chicks on average they're all fuckin insane and will throw a brick through your car windshield if they suspect you're cheating on them

I also thought that for a while, but I'm starting to realize most of women are batshit insane in general

Pretty much this.

And black girls are just a little bit more

Honestly every black girl I know at college is cool as fuck. I don't think the being batshit crazy and violent is a racial thing, its a poor and uneducated thing

imagine all the dried shit inbetween those massive cheeks desu