Your favorite artist
Your favorite Yea Forums tripfag
Your politics

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't listen to music
They all are insufferable faggots
Politics are gay


Bathory. Also trip fags deserve the rope.

>Judas Priest
>Tripfags should french kiss a moving train
>Classical Liberal

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OP is a trip fag seeking validation

This chart is completely fucking wrong. Strong men don't tolerate weakness and faggotry.

>favourite artist
pink floyd
i dont care enough to know any of the tripfags, they should be hung
traditionalist and nationalist. Center right economically. On the graph would probably place halfway between the (0,0) point and "Economic Right" label.


kate bush
the guy that knows his shit about black music
deep ecology/transcendentalism

t. tripfag

TryHard Philosophical Hipster

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Probably Sonic Youth if I had to pick only one. I, The Witchfinder General was a pretty cool guy. I don't care about politics.

>genuinely has a favourite tripfag
>is a tripfag himself
>not even an authoritarian leftie
holy fucking gay

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>Thee Oh Sees
>Egoist anarchism

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>Joe Henderson
>don't mind gay people, hate sandniggers, am an atheist, you decide what that makes me



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>tryhard hipster guy
>centrist, both sides fucking suck

idk i love all of my fellow tripfriends
marxist-leninist, anti-revisionists

reactionary paper tiger

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fuck anarcho communists every other ideology is better ok bye

>Nine Inch Nails
>Why would I have a like any basement dwelling fagaloon who bases their identity on their Yea Forums username more than any other? They're all wastes of oxygen
>Every Political Compass test I've taken puts me in the center-left, though I believe I lean a little towards center-right.

>Every Political Compass test I've taken puts me in the center-left, though I believe I lean a little towards center-right
This is actually pretty normal. The political compass site that everybody users is skewed towards the bottom left, probably on purpose.

The Velvet Underground
Don't Care

Damn I kinda miss 2011-14 trip culture...

my therapist is a progressive liberal too, you “people” need to be shot. arm the poor you fucking pussy.

Only the cops we love and trust so much should have guns retard. Oh and the government we think is totally and utterly white supremacist. Regular citizens shouldn't.

i can’t tell whether you’re serious or not, that’s a problem.

Don't have one
Center Right Independent

if you can't tell if he's serious or not the problem is you
stop watching commie propaganda

Also voting Trump in 2020, in case anyone is wondering.

i think you’re just giving him the benefit of the doubt; you’d be quite surprised how bad the takes can get...

may i ask why, my uneducated zionist friend ?

>you’d be quite surprised how bad the takes can get...
I would be quite surprised if I were introduced to commie propaganda on the regular. Let me guess, you are a CTH fan, am I right?

>historical analyses of societal development under capitalism
>communist propaganda
sounds like someone’s never read marx before.

and no, i’m not. i don’t even use reddit.

sun ra
darkwave sharethread spammer
strong good weak hard men times
fully automated ascetic asexual astro-black anti-imperialist egoist accelerationist micro-juche with schizoid characteristics
hipster yuppie gulags and the liquidation of netstream leftbook cracker goblin-kin

>sounds like someone’s never read marx before
sounds like someone's never read anything other than marx before

swing and a miss
keep deflecting paper tiger

swing and a miss
keep deflecting paper tiger

This but ill side with the anti leftists because they wont stop fucking with me

People who read Marx usually read other things too. People who unironically say "commie propaganda" don't read Marx and they sure as fuck don't read Hegel or anything worth of substance or at all.

>People who read Marx usually read other things too
Let me guess, you are marxist, right?

>and they sure as fuck don't read Hegel
I appreciate Hegel (and Marx too, to a certain extent), but I find both of their philosophies to be retarded. I feel a similar way towards religious philosophers as well.


dsa kids don't read and cops can't read
no american is politically literate they're just sperging for concessions or clinging to whatever remaining civil liberties they might think they have
alt right is police
leftbook is police
dems is police
police is republicans
no popo

wow dude you just refuted both marxism and hegelianism in one sentence, that’s crazy.
you don’t have to lie, by the way, we both know you’ve never read either philosophy. stupid fucking reactionary.

>Let me guess, you are marxist, right?

>calling philosophies retarded
>I feel a similar way towards religious philosophers as well.
This stuff ain't for you, buddy.

I wasn't refuting them. Learn to read.
I'm not a reactionary either, I just think commies in general are dumb as fuck (at least the ones who turned into commies after the dissolution of the Soviet Union).

Anarchist then.

>This stuff ain't for you, buddy.
Am I not allowed to think of philosophers like Aquinas or Kierkegaard as interesting but also stupid?
When i was at school they begged me to join their party
When i was watching tv they begged me to join their party
When i go on Yea Forums they begged me to join their party

COMMUNISTS!!!! You only love money. All you communists are made from the same mold


It matters not to you how people suffer
And should they, you'd consider that a gain
You bring a lot of trouble to the town and then you leave
That's part of your Communistic game
I detect a little Communisim
I can see it in the things ya do
Communisim, socialism call it what you like
There's very little difference in the two

painting the imperial core red won't save it and neither will flippant atrocities at perceived outgroups
there's no saving it your lifestyle is unsustainable
you're circling the drain

>I wasn’t refuting them
i know, that’s the joke. you haven’t read either marx or hegel so where do you get off on calling their exceptionally dense bodies of work “retarded”? the arrogance is astounding.

>Anarchist then.

>Am I not allowed to think of philosophers like Aquinas or Kierkegaard as interesting but also stupid?
You're allowed to think whatever you please. The fact that you would describe any of these people or doctrines (religion) solely as "stupid" or "retarded" just proves that you're incapable of handling any of this and that this stuff isn't for you.

>communists weren’t running the soviet union
lmao galaxy brain
you really need to get an education

ah yes the famous communist soviet union with a not moneyless society and "work or starve to death" ethics

>you haven’t read either marx or hegel
But I have.

>so where do you get off on calling their exceptionally dense bodies of work “retarded”?
Just personal opinion. You can admire someone's philosophy on technical merits, but still disagree with their premises and conclusions. Maybe retarded wasn't the correct word, but I'm guessing you would feel a similar way towards fascist philosophers, or am I wrong?

What are you then?

Retarded and stupid are not the correct words, but let's just say I disagree with most of their philosophies.

The Soviet Union never achieved communism, yes, what's your point?

the soviet union was socialist, not communist. even something as rudimentary and summary as wikipedia states this.

it turned into a kleptocracy after stalin don't be pedantic

True. And it got progressively more capitalist instead of communist (which was supposedly the goal in the first place).

>backpedaling this hard
good little retard.

all marxist-leninists agree that the soviet union turned to shit after stalin, by the way.

Fuck all neo tyrants

benis :-D-DD

>the soviet union was socialist
They stopped being socialist in 1921.


don’t bother answering which political philosophy you align with, it’s a trick so he can put you into a box and promptly dismiss everything you say. he’s a coward.

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Good idea. It's impossible to refute my ideology if they don't know which ideology I subscribe to, especially if I move back and forth between policies from different ideologies.

>They stopped being socialist in 1921
yup you’re uneducated
prove it

Lisa Germano

You are the uneducated one who has never heard of the NEP.

stalin abolished the nep in 1928

you lose. learn about the soviet union beyond rudimentaries and stop acting like you know everything.

>stalin abolished the nep in 1928
Correct. Now prove the economic system that followed was socialism.
I'm waiting.

>implying you knew that
just stop, amg
just stop

Currently weezer, kate bush, bob dylan, charles mingus, and current 93 but heavily subject to change
Tie between avantmath, montie, and brandoroony lole
I used to be authoritarian right, then libritarian right, then centrist, then libritarian left, now I'm authoritarian left and this is subject to change.

I did know it.
Now go on, prove the system that followed was socialism.
I actually know you won't, and that's because you simply don't know. All you know about socialism comes from socialist memes, and it shows because your only argument for everything socialism related is "read marx", and it's always the same person who says that shit. What a fucking moron you are. Go overdose or something instead of pretending you are intelligent.

at the whim of a federal agent yeah lmao

Devin Townsend
tripfags more like die in a fire fags
Classical Liberal/Libertarian Centre-Left

1. my phone is on 1% so i can’t argue for much longer
2. do you know exactly why lenin passed the NEP, as a temporary measure?
3. nowhere in your post here indicates that you had any idea that the soviet union went back to a worker’s state after the NEP. this is all a manipulative game to you.

let’s start with a clear and concise definition of socialism, just so everyone is aware of what socialism is: worker’s control over the general means of production. correct?

>do you know exactly why lenin passed the NEP, as a temporary measure?
Yes. And did you know that the economic system before the NEP and after the NEP were completely different, right?

>went back to a worker’s state after the NEP
Because it didn't. That's why I'm telling you to prove it. But hey, I know you won't anyways: because you don't know.

If the workers own the means of production, it's socialism. If it's privatized or state controlled (partly or as a whole), it's not worker's ownership, and is therefore not socialism. That's how socialism is usually defined.

Only because I'd like to become a politician

this is one of the worst threads ever on Yea Forums and every tripfag should kill themselves as soon as possible

Black Sabbath
Burn them all
Utilitarian, and willing to adapt to whatever system is presented to me unless it is so oppressive my life is totally routinized and pre-determined under it.

>Lisa Germano

Also, fuck communism

People who post charts like this and think that politics has a cyclic nature between the 4 parts of an unhelpful and reductive illustration of variance in politics like this should be gassed

>Moderate Conservative

Billy Childish
Literally who?
Green Party fuck you

This. Communists and fascists are retarded.

beach boys, followed by 13th floor elevators

CLT, cap'n die katz, ...idk any new ones

registered independent, slightly right libertarian, voted trump 2016 but am vegan and care about the environment... will probably vote yang/tulsi 2020

go back

you should take your own advice and go back to leftypol

Tommy Wright III

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jai paul
the guy who got lavren mayberry to read a Yea Forums thread
pic related

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what the fuck this picture is LITERALLY 10 years old now
surprised to remember so many people

It's from mid-2014

t. on this list

to the people that have stayed here for that long: why?

im in a really weird period of my life right now where I have nothing to do and not many options so im here again

My Bloody Valentine
aqam, sshx

a fag
is that discord still alive? old invite doesn't work anymore

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>is that discord still alive?
Which one?

the tripfriend one, I remember like a couple of years ago you pm me on rym about one

thinking about it sure
I'm a boomer now so the dates mix up easily lol

left for a long ass time, completely disconnected from music, wanted to see what ppo are listening to these days
from a glance at the catalog -- turns out its largely the same shit as ever, only more rap and kpop

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Oh, nah, it got deleted.
I made a new one, pretty inactive, for the purposes of this chart of 1111 recordings I made. It's okay.

I'm only staying because I have hopes of diversifying Yea Forums's taste, at least to enough people to have a decent music general. I only really post here if I get mentioned or if I'm about to spam/try some of my threads however.

ah okay, just curious. I'm in the same boat i guess, kind of. It was my main board until I left in 2012. Once in a blue moon I'll check back (like now) but I've always been superdisappointed. I though maybe I just got old or something. It's not that I outgrew Yea Forums either, I just moved on to other boards, and I still like music. this place just feel really immature compared to other boards imo, but again maybe i'm just out of touch and too much of a boomer

I think I've kind of settled on what I like, as far as music, too. So there's not a huge desire/compulsion to discover stuff like when I was 18 or 19. I mean, I've tried but it's all kind of hard to keep up and overwhelming now and I'm not super impressed for the most part with newer releases. Also it was just so much easier when there was /rs/ and sharethreads with mediafire links, but i think mostly I was just more dedicated then to discovering new music and had more free time. I really do think this place has changed though and it's not all nostalgia

>Your favorite artist
Fang Island
>Your favorite Yea Forums tripfag
KFC twigs
>Your politics

same in almost every regard and yeah it changed a lot. it used to be the most fun board along with Yea Forums. now both are husks of their former selves, most of Yea Forums is in an absolute state now. still go to Yea Forums though desu. the constant need for new music definitely decays over time and due to age (this is a good thing imo)

also just checked - my mediafire links from 2011 are still up lmao -- although one may reasonably assume the rotational velocidensity has completely wrecked those files by now desu

>king crimson
>never heard of her
>constitutional conservative

Turning Point Crimson Court

>Your favorite Yea Forums tripfag
fuck off, stop feeding these fags

And people complain about kpop threads when THESE exist

Kanye West
whatever bi-polars are, don't care but I've been in one of those spaces before

Machine girl
center left

>Your favorite artist
Skinny Puppy

>Your favorite Yea Forums tripfag

>Your politics
Centrist Liberal Democrat

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