In the Grimes song "Oblivion" Grimes sings about being raped

In the Grimes song "Oblivion" Grimes sings about being raped.

She sings in the song about someone coming up behind her and the lyrics are about a girl watching her health in the song, is this about her rapist coming inside her?

Is it true she got herpes and had to abort a half black baby after this incident?

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I wish. She's an ugly lying rat kike, nobody would rape this plague dog

She wrote a musical song about being raped. Apparently it occurred in Montreal and she was targeted by a black guy who raped her and infected with herpes. She later found out that she was pregnant from the rape. Also, she had an abortion as a result of being raped, yet she went on to write "Oblivion", a song she calls a "lighthearted take" on her being raped. The lyrics in part of the song say: "girl you gotta watch your health". That part is a plea to girls to get on birth control before they start living a life of wearing skimpy clothing around downtown on a dark night and get raped so they won't have to have abortions like Claire did. They could not get pregnant in the first place. I wonder if she will ever write Oblivion 2 about how she aborted her rape baby. Maybe something like "girl you got to throw that fetus out".

thanks for the wank

That's some dark shit

Guiltily keking







the absolute state of Yea Forums


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>musical song

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Poor girl. Rape is the most degenerate act man kind has ever come up with.

Why is she fucking Elon Musk?

>Why is she fucking Elon Musk?
musk wanted nigger herpes and grimes had it so they hooked up

>not allowed to sing about what women do best

He could have just bought his own nigger

>bought his own nigger
that's illegal in the USA now

Is it?

yeah since 1867

Yeah, but is it?

>Yeah, but is it?


Isn’t he Afrikaner anyway

>She later found out that she was pregnant from the rape. Also, she had an abortion as a result of being raped
made up bullshit, kys turboautist

Grimes is the nicest girl. It is sad that there are people on this planet who would rather hurt her than do something good.

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rape her too

This is a sad thread

>made up bullshit, kys turboautist
she has talked about it in interviews

>not providing any links

im not the one who raped grimes bro

lame bait, fuck you

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