Im at her concert now. shes so fucking amazing

Im at her concert now. shes so fucking amazing.

Any other aussies seeing her while shes here?

Attached: Billie.jpg (2048x1365, 112K)

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Lucky bastard

Attached: Untitled.png (610x422, 27K)

This post is embarrassing on so many levels

Yeah m8, she fuckin sucks, I only came to this shit because my homosexual friend payed for my ticket and didn't want to be alone, worst shit I ever heard, rather have a wallaby take a diareah dump in my fucking meat pie

it was a girl

Based Aussie perv

Attached: 18f1455f95c967673c9bdbac85e09c68.jpg (683x1024, 200K)


Attached: 1556835892906.jpg (375x500, 64K)

she's so beautiful
it's not fair bros

Sigh...Billie Boo Boo

Attached: 60d41c16695644b094bafb9241a13251.jpg (628x628, 70K)

Shes ugly

she has beautiful ocean eyes

Her eyes are fake.

tell us how is the smell please

Based tourettes waifu


Attached: 20c40a191e8fb845576b180a2db211c7.png (1241x1232, 2.61M)

what went wrong? she looks very cute here, why did she develop that cunty face?

loli billie

I'm sick of this tatted up mumble rapper

sorry i only see genuine musicians

Jesus Christ don’t you realize you need to be 18+ to post here

Attached: 843B7F15-1CBF-4B93-931A-DB601E92BDAC.png (730x748, 613K)

Billie Eilish might have the w o r s t vibe of 2019

Actually Ghostemane

you're a fucking creep

i think she does it intentionally

to appeal to black men

Thats what happens when u queerbait

Based boomer em

Don't disrespect Kali Maa like that, user. She will come for you.

This was already done in the 80's in a less annoying way. Billie does do anything for me

Ur lying if u don't think she's beautiful


What’s cool about her? Is it the silver hair? She’s just a kind of stoner hot topic kid. The music is Halloween tier

>posting on Yea Forums dot com at a gig

How is her vocal ability? Does she sing out? Does she stay on key?

She unironically looks exactly like me (male)


Wanna fuck?