>Your political ideology
>Your favorite artist/band
Other urls found in this thread:
this is a better, more accurate chart
upon which I'm on Strong Men
and listening to Matt Corby - Miracle Love
These rows should be flipped
>weak men
pick one
if you're not on week men, you are a dickhead
>Being fucked over by planet-destroying corporations is "good times"
>Zionist/Illuminati control and genocide is "strong men"
Okay retard
>nazi germany under adolf hitler
My political ideology is based around gassing people who take political compass tests
>starving makes you strong
Unironically Death in June.
the beach boys
The most bottom left corner
Tim Heidecker - I am a Cuck
republican, american imperialist
ash ra tempel
>>Your political ideology
marxist-leninist (stalinist)
>>Your favorite artist/band
burial, scott walker, the beatles, beethoven, loren connors, my bloody valentine, joy division
grow up
psychopath detected
>"grow up"
>listens to MBV, Joy Division, Beatles
okay buddy
libertarian socialist
>>and genocide
Middle of the green square.
I don't know, Talking Heads? Blue Oyster Cult?
>tfw weekend man
what am I
libtard, sweet trip
school shooter vibes
all three are beyond seminal artists whose historic and artistic importance go entirely without saying. you’d have to be ignorant not to respect them.
Outreach is more important than idealogical purity
go full M-L already pussy
Animal Collective
I'm not taking that faggot ass quiz again but I was in that area
Jodie Foster's Army or Travis Miller
authoritarianism is bad
As a former liberal myself, just learning how fucked everything and that there are other options is enough to move one left
gospel, city of caterpillar, leonard cohen, jackson c frank, eгop и oпиздeнeвшиeб, янкa
my views on most issues are fascist but a few are left wing or libertarian. averages out to neocon or whatever on charts like these
my therapist is a liberal who likes joe biden, supports gun control, called john mccain a “war hero” (but then called him a war hawk in the next sentence, speaking out of both sides of his mouth out of cowardice), etc. liberals, especially the american kind, are a generational disease.
and people like you just need to be exterminated in general.
>Your political ideology
Apparently green square/libertarian socialist when it comes to these tests but in reality I just describe myself as both progressive and a traditionalist.
>Your favorite artist/band
Ludwig van Beethoven (specifically late period).
>authoritarianism is bad
why do you hate getting things done?
>both progressive and a traditionalist.
and here we see the cowardly opportunist at work.
OP your meme makes no sense. The people up the upper-left quadrant literally don't believe in private property, so there's no trajectory there to libertarian-leftism. jesus leftypol is retarded
Political ideology: Anarcho Capitalist
Favourite band: Nine Inch Nails
this comic would make more sense if it wasn’t animation 101 drawings
>making strong assumptions on such vague descriptors
And here we see the gargantuan faggot at work.
Grade: ninth
>>both progressive and a traditionalist.
user, these are two mutually exclusive schools of political thought, do you not get that?
>Anarcho Capitalist
not him but you can be socially conservative and economically liberal
>schools of political thought
Now that's a gross generalisation. Maybe you should've rather asked me where I'm progressive and where I'm traditionalist and not make assumptions about very vague terminology.
people like you handily get exterminated by the people you thrust into power.
>they will never imprison, torture, or murder me!
There is something quite seminal about them alright, and its dripping down your chin right now.
This guy has got it.
exactly, once the death squads become a reality in western countries this channel 4 warrior will be the first to go
ironically youll most likely kill yourself/die alone and poor with no children like most commies. all this talk about exterminations and the only thing thats gonna die off is your own bloodline :(
>Anarcho Capitalist
historically speaking capitalism has never been able to survive without the state to help bail out fraudulent business practices.
or let me guess, you don’t believe that’s actually what capitalism is?
such a stupid ideology
genuinely what are you talking about
provide evidence for this weird fairly tale
Choking Victim
FUCK roads and FUCK medicine
The Beatles.
may God bless and keep you always
Daiy reminder these threads only get spammed to bait right wingers into doxing themselves by posting their idiosyncratic, easily identifiable taste, so psychotic koolaid-drinking wingnuts like this guy:
can harass them in real life or otherwise do harm to them
define “people like me” first and foremost
i understand user, you don’t know shit about the history of popular music. i’d appreciate if you were just honest about it.
capitalism existed for hundreds of years without bailouts, theyre a very recent thing. generally intended to protect the state or the consumer, not the business.
t. not ancap
weird conspiracy theory
average skacore fan
This kind of retardation couldn't even happen in Yea Forums.
also; who is “they” in the context of a marxist-leninist government? do you personally know? because i don’t trust that you do.
i used to hang out with a lot of commies. none of them have a home, a kid, or more than a couple hundred bucks in savings. most are junkies. very much the "politics suck so im not gonna participate, ill just wait for the inevitable revolution" types
more like this
marxist-leninist, stalinist, socialism with chinese characteristics
broadcast, fever ray, julia holter, candy claws, low, flying saucer attack, slowdive, young thug, ben frost, armand hammer, the microphones, robert wyatt, sweet trip
Center right, Classical Liberal
Judas Priest is my favourite band
>Strong Men
>Don't even know if they're men
Richard D James
low class manchesterian capitalist
you mean protect profits?
that’s great, user. you were probably hanging around anarcho-commies and not leninists though. even then, classism is so not cool — of course ideologies which are intended for working class uplift would attract working class people. does that surprise you or something?
Authoritarian right, I dont have a screencap of my political compass rn.
Anco, Sufjan, Radiohead, Kanye, Father John Misty, Xiu Xiu, Low.
Some fav albums not done by those guys are:
Hospice, The Earth is Not A Cold Dead Place, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone, Things that Happen At Day//Things that Happen at Night
>theyre a very recent thing
i am a straight, white, physically fit marxist-leninist man. you are a paper tiger with neither balls nor integrity.
garbage music taste to go with your garbage politics, wonderful.
they = the politburo, the central committee, the secret police, all the tools that the ML government possesses
Marxist-Leninism and all its offshoots are little more than red fascism. They call for Left Unity then shoot you in the back after sending you to the gulag.
Kronstadt, Catalonia, Ukraine, etc. are defining moments in history that anarchism cannot coexist or tolerate Marxist-Leninism.
redpill me on “socialism with chinese characteristics” pls.
great taste btw! you like yo la tengo?
>green square
>good times
You can literally go to jail for just saying certain things in every progressive countries.
Oh yea, thoughtcrime, truly the mark of good times.
>Marxist-Leninism and all its offshoots are little more than red fascism
holy fucking shit, drink a cup of nuance and read a book
>why don't you subscribe to my PARTICULAR, SUPER DUPER CORRECT version of leftism? you're doing leftism wrong! you get the bullet too!
you people are such overgrown children, thank god you don't run our country
>implying the proletariat have ever been in control of capital
No counterpoint other than "lol just read more"
Advise me some reading material that will make me change me views.
I don’t understand politics. Would you anons kindly explain this to me?
Politics is gay. Don't bother with it.
akshuaallly, the ideology that robs you of property rights and genocided millions of Ukrainians has nothing to do with fascism semantically speaking, and furthermore
the incessant need to label opinions
>They call for Left Unity
yeah you don’t know shit lol
literally anything by lenin
the panic of 1792 and the great depression bailouts in 1933 were both the government purchasing private debt, they didnt help businesses at all and in fact hurt them. if you read at the bottom, all the businesses listed were bailed out in 2008
theyre not working class. they dont work. people like me do.
>i am a straight, white, physically fit marxist-leninist man. you are a paper tiger with neither balls nor integrity.
Sure thing, fella. Go tell a post op mtf how beautiful """"she"""" is before you pound his front hole and leave your slop in his gaping wound.
Good Times
Kanye West
funny way of saying you’re a theoryless reactionary who’s never read anything by a socialist author before.
They also suck.
and none of that has anything to do with capitalism because you don’t like what they did, right?
>yeah you don’t know shit lol
Okay man, whatever you say.
>literally anything by lenin
I've read Lenin, plenty of him actually.
Turns out the guy who had his lapdog Trotsky shoot striking sailors and anarchists and obliterate the Free Territory in Ukraine was not exactly the pinnacle of leftist thought.
what concerning fan fiction you’ve got here, user.
the people you’re describing (people i have no way of confirming whether or not they’re even real) or working class people altogether?
Why do I get the feeling alt-right respects actual communists more than liberals?
>Corneliu Codreanu is cool
>Bach boi
you can argue whether or not the bailouts were the right thing to do or whether there should have been regulations in place to prevent situations where they were needed from happening. but this
>historically speaking capitalism has never been able to survive without the state to help bail out fraudulent business practices.
is objectively wrong, even the united states didnt start bailing out businesses until the ~80s and many other capitalist countries dont use bailouts whatsoever
>reactionary larpers respect other reactionary larpers
beats me, user
counter-revolutionaries like them deserved it.
Don’t bother.
No one respects liberals.
communists aren’t reactionary, that’s not what reactionary means bro.
I've never experienced good times. Name one country with libertarian policies and leftist economies. Protip: you can't.
what do you call government bailouts if you don’t think they’re peak capitalist?
If you can go easily to jail you're most certainly not on the green square.
i wouldnt describe myself as altright but i can respect people who recognize the current state of western politics as rotten and who care deeply enough about their convictions to act on them. commies and fascists both identify the same problems with the world, communists just dont recognize the ruling class as jewish. most of the ideological differences are on how to solve that problem. neocons and neoliberals are essentially the same bug people just with slightly different views on gay marriage or weed or whatever inane shit will distract them from actual issues. they both belong at the end of a rope
Bob Dylan, Jackson C. Frank, Lil Ugly Mane, Angels of Light, and Hillbilly Thomists
using Politiscales insted because the Political Compass put me at dead center
>she was just 16
>you know what I mean
very nice chart and artists
>i wouldnt describe myself as altright
>communists just dont recognize the ruling class as jewish
what point are you trying to make? if theyre peak capitalist then are gulags peak communist? which do you think is worse?
>Nine Inch Nails
>>centrist, -0.5, 0
>commies and fascists both identify the same problems with the world, communists just dont recognize the ruling class as jewish
gross and dangerous oversimplification of both ideologies. fascism is about imperialism, ultranationalism, social elitism (and social conservatism), and class collaboration — NONE of this has anything to do with communism
fascism and communism are on the completely opposite sides of the political spectrum.
I've tried for years to break out of the centrist mindset but I just can't help it.
Liberals kind of have a point.
So do communists. So do fascists. So do libertarians.
I'm firmly against any sort of gun control, but I'm anti-war. I despise SJWism but I also believe homosexuals deserve all the same rights heterosexuals deserve. I like capitalism but I believe it's gotten out of control and is anti-environment. I can go on all day you get my point.
political compass: upper right green square
favorite artist: Boards of Canada
books are what teach us how to think in the first place, everything else is dunning-kruger masturbation.
literally what the fuck is SJWism? is any kind of social change SJWism?? vague as hell.
>Nobody read the picture name
nobody had a single thought before the first book was written?
do you really believe the shit you're writing right now?
liberals jumping ship to commie because they're triggered by le blumpf isn't reactionary?
>He's never read a book and spent time reflecting on what he's read
The state of today's retards
i dont agree with richard b spencer whatsoever, why would i call myself alt right?
i would describe myself as fascist, though anti imperialist and ethnopluralist
my mind and seeing how things are and experiences “teach” me how to think, reading books is seeing through others minds and should not shape our views
fascism and communism while opposites are both rejections of the status quo, which i can respect
reading books will not elevate your IQ, more important than reading is knowing how to write a coherent paragraph
This is exactly what an illiterate retard would say
Though it has the word reaction in it reactionary and I can see how people can think.
>Reactionaries are people who espouse a political view in reaction to any political changes
It specifically means opposing liberal social and economic reforms. I don't know if we have a good name for le triggered left, i think social marxists is the de-facto term that's being used for it even if it seems innacurate.
i’m saying you currently have no excuse not to read and challenge your preconceptions with billions of books in circulation.
this doesn’t happen for the vast (vast) majority of liberals.
liberalism and communism are mutually exclusive ideologies; you would know this if you actually sit down and read some socialist literature.
what if i told you that our minds are imperfect and it’s incredibly arrogant to assume you know everything when you aren’t actively educating and pushing yourself?
>I'm not altright, i'm more of a fascist really.
While reading books you disconnect from the world, you no longer know what’s going on, you are stuck in time while the world is advancing at high speeds, you lose track and start living fantasy.
it sounds like youre all over the chart rather than in the center of it
look up ideologies like strasserism, national bolshevism, ecofascism, third position etc. and see which appeal to you
>speedcore, breakcore, industrial, noise
>what if i told you that our minds are imperfect and it’s incredibly arrogant to assume you know everything when you aren’t actively educating and pushing yourself?
that’s cute, where did you read that? Or you came up with this fallacy yourself?
>reading books will not elevate your IQ,
Who talked about IQ
>more important than reading is knowing how to write a coherent paragraph
Yeah, and that's something you learn by reading and understanding coherent paragraphs
>reading bad
i do enjoy some yo la tengo but i've never listened to much of them. but i probably should.
china had and to a big degree still has (outside of the mega cities) quite undeveloped productive forces (due to the imperialism it suffered from). socialism with chinese characteristics is basically dialectical materialism applied to china with adequat policies in order to develope it. its somewhat of a market socialism. the economy is highly owned and controlled by the communist party. the economy is a capitalist one but one of the most tightly controlled capitalist economies that exists with the communist party basically "playing capitalism" to their advantage. and their policies work. they developed the country to a degree never seen before in history in the past 30 years. they have pulled millions of people out of poverty. the state is organized according to democratic centralism. anybody who joins the party has to become highly educated in marxism and pass tests on it. the workers are highly involved in the economy. huawai for example is a worker-owned cooperative. they use a lot of their ressources to pull other undeveloped countries out of their situation (helping them to ressource independence by developing their productive forces, railways, roads etc). the success of china due to the communist party is imo the biggest hope of any communist right now. and they have actually well developed plans on when they will reach higher stages of socialism.