What is the worst band that ever made it big and why is it ACDC
What is the worst band that ever made it big and why is it ACDC
They're pretty good actually, possibly the most formulaic band of all time though. Their hard rock stuff is their best.
Bro i've heard them in like every avengers movie they're not good. Formulaic is boring
Also hard rock is shit, the only band I can think of that might be worse is Nirvana
What do you like then
the beatled
Mostly Jazz and Classical some rock funk and latin is ok
lol faggot. acdc is based
ok retard
you can enjoy both
The Ramones got a long career out of exactly three songs.
I am physically unable to enjoy acdc, everyone I know who has even brushed the surface of music education feels the same way
they're like the Ramones of mainstream hard rock. they gave you a consistent product and always delivered live. no experimental change of direction into prog rock faggotry or jumping on disco or rap bandwagons. they had the formula for success and ran with it while you still wash dishes for a living and live in your mom's basement.
Why is it that all rock bands have shit singers
You must be fun at parties...
If they're going to have a consistent formula than it should be good.
Also Cope
I've never been at a party where they play rock music my dude
Haha gotem
*blocks your path*
Lmaoing at your sad life
Really really like the Bon stuff.
With the exception of Back in Black (the album) almost every Johnson song sounds uninteresting.
Who the hell still plays rock at parties boomer
I can't make excuses for Brian Johnson's voice but Angus and Malcolm Young are very influential rock guitarists and the Bon Scott stuff is inoffensively fun. Pic related or Nirvana are better examples of irredeemably bad bands with objectively shit musicians
The worst band to ever make it big is Motley Crue, which is why they are remembered solely for their hijinks and not their music. Even a band like Led Zeppelin people think of the music first. (with plagiarism being second and Jimmy Page being a non-ironic hardcore Satanist and child molester third)
White people
Why does Yea Forums have such a hateboner for this band? They're fun for what they are and have a swath of good singles.
Just because your boomer dad listened to them, that doesn't make them bad.
you're like my 60 year old boomer dad who thinks hip hop hasn't completely eclipsed rock in popularity. Rocks best hope is to cling to its more complicated stuff and hope it ends up immortalized and celebrated "intellectuals" like jazz
They're bad because every song is the exact same 3 chords
I feel bad for you if you can't get enjoyment from at least 1 of these songs
Aerosmith is significantly worse
Guns and Roses and Aerosmith are way worse.
Ironically maybe thunderstruck if it wasn't for that bullshit singer lack of content
and* lack of content
Plagiarism is usually the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Zep, other than "who the fuck played this shit?" when I'm at a bar and someone played Stairway to Heaven on the jukebox
Holy shit this is the most pretentious comment ever written on mu. I hope youre.not serious. For the record, I dont even.like ACDC..
And to answer Ops question, pink floyd.
I unironically prefer the Joe Lynn Turner era over Dio (the only other one that matters)
Motley Crue have a shit ton of catchy songs.