
meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *purr* meow meow meow meow

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why not do this on Yea Forums
why do you need to do it here

Gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu

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this desu
dudes annoying at this point

/gu/ has been going downhill for the past few days

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Actially OP we do have a problem.
As a representative of the Yea Forumsmes inc. foundation I have been informed that your Yea Forumsme has a very loose correlation to music, consisting only in the word "gusic".
Our managers however do see great potential in your image driven approach, so I was sent here to inform you of the situation. You are requested to tie music harder to the meme. "Gusic" needs to be defined more precisely, it should have some common carracteristics. You are not required, but heavily encouraged to create a "gusic-core" chart.
If you have plans in tying music to the "gusic" meme in a different format, such as (but not limited to) "gusic musical videos", "/gu/ gakes gusic" then you are permitted to do so, under the condition that you start this process as soon as your situation allows

Thank you for your attention,
Yea Forumsmes inc. representative


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Why do people act like the gusic posters are one guy*. Except the squirrel and dog in bird costume posters

yeah fuck these guys

Because it is one guy (you) under VPN connections so as to increase the poster count. This shit really isn't funny, if there's someone here who legitimately laughs at this, I can guarantee you that they're most likely underage, finding this "LOL SO RANDUMB CAT HAHAH" humor fucking hilarious. At least the Bowie drumposter was funny and original, this reeks of desperation and underageness.

good thread


It's actually not random there is clearly a thread to it all. Sorry all of our memes arent about owning libs or lolnigger

Cry more my guy

for me gusic has a certain how you say
jay knee say quwah

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Who's crying about these threads fuckface?





Translation: gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic *gusic* gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic *gusic* gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic *gusic* gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic *gusic* gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic gusic *gusic* gusic gusic gusic gusic

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This is being run into the ground by people trying to make it a big thing with constant threads. Please chill.

>Get banned for posting I am a cuck lyrics because it's "off topic"(prolly offended the janny)
>This faggot can post this faggot cat 'til his autism's content.

There's a difference. You're a stupid agitator and a troll.
We aren't doing this to piss you off.