Do you smoke weed when you listen to music?

Do you smoke weed when you listen to music?

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No, I like having a three digit IQ, a functioning memory, and a job.

Yea this

And posting this on every thread about drugs and music, apparently.

based, fuck stoners


they do go well together so yeah it happens. definitely almost always smoke for the first listen of a heavily anticipated release

Why, yes of course user, how could you tell?

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based as fuck
please leave Yea Forums you degenerate junkie faggots


Ive only seen weed once, I have no idea where to get some. Do cigarettes count?

i didn't invent the words i just repeat what /pol/ tells me to you weedcuck

When I was 16, sure. I grew up though.

I listen to weed while i smoke music all the time

No, normie.

weed is normie shit though, at least where I grew up
not him though, I actually smoke

>tfw cannabis dependency

A "degenerate" Nazi,quite odd I would say.


i don't really have access to any and have never really enjoyed smoking

>t. D.A.R.E. presenter



more like i listen to music while i smoke weed

you probably never had a 3 digit IQ to start with then. i smoke everyday, graduated from a top tier uni and have a great job, house, and my memory is fine. i guess if you’re subhuman weed will fuck you up.

holy shit look at all the SEETHING drug addict losers (you)ing you

druggies on suicide watch

b a s e d

What the fuck is wrong with smoking weed you degenerate boomers?

>eat an edible
>play some albums
>feel fucking good for a while and have an enhanced listening experience
>sober up in like a few hours, no harm done

if anything, alcohol is 5x as degenerate as weed, but that's ok because it's legal? Fucking idiots.

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i actually dont drink or smoke or take any types of drugs


you know actual boomers are the ones who made weed popular right?


my first reaction was to get upset with you, but then I realized that you're right

Having a 3 digit IQ, a good memory and a job is overrated. Only egotistical straight edge fags think it's more important to appear better then others then to enjoy life.

I have all of these, and I smoke daily.


There are music that sounds better sober though.

ok this is based

I can't even imagine how much of weed you have to smoke to make you dumb. It's not that easy, you have to dedicate your life to it.

I liked to smoke and then listen to music.
I don't like to fall into my music. It hits me unexpectedly and I forget why I originally started listening to that music, so it sort of sets me out of a mood, and I don't smoke to alter my mood.
I smoke to understand things differently so that I might learn to enjoy new things.

Nowadays, if I happen to smoke, I'll wind p watching a movie. But it's weird. I'll spend an entire high looking up what to watch, and another high listening to a single song and then an album, trying to understand what the artist meant by that album cover. Then I feel like the artist is speaking to me and I get tripped out. As soon as I understand what the artists is saying I tend to leave that high. It's complicated.

I do, however, play much better when I'm high. I can anticipate the pitch and remember what everything is called, especially remembering the lyrics.

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to smoke yourself dumb you've both gotta be high all the time and do nothing when you're high. some things are easier to learn/create when you smoke

Does anyone else think that druggies need to be banned from listening to music? Seriously. They have an objectively incomplete perspective (the brain is altered by drugs so they aren't using their full faculties to experience a song). I love it when druggies think that their opinions on music are better than yours simply based on how much drugs they've taken.
Newsflash: the music from the sixties wasn't good. Whenever druggies pine on about the sixties they are actually just talking about how much they love to get high. If you ask them to explain why a song is good, they will often fall back to something along the lines of: "dude the musician was taking a bunch of acid -- he was SO HIGH when he made this. super crazy shit man! You've never taken LSD so you just wouldn't understand how good this song is." It's also a subtle way to feel better about themselves because they feel accomplished about having "gotten higher" than others. It's mega-cringe.
This goes for all substances. Even if you drink a glass of wine while listening to a song, you are not listening to it through an objective lens. Druggies have been ruining music for half a century, and I think it's time that they were called out. The influence of drugs and alcohol on music could play a major role in why music devolved into what we have today.

If you've ever been with a pothead girl it's extremely easy

Yes. I smoke myself stupid and listen to gnarly shit.

Sober normies don't realise this is the end goal. Being stupid is 10x more fun then being intelligent


There's a fine line where you can be in a haze but get shut done. It's like living with skulls on.

Yeah, some people don't understand it's not drugs that make people 'useless' it's an attitude. Many huge artists etc have no trouble abusing drugs while still being successful. Not condoning it but to each their own

weed is legal

Californians fuck off

>best state
>our state is better than most wealthy countries

god i love this place

Your state has homless heroin addicts shitting on the streets

>enjoys living in a leftist shithole

best state reporting in

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crack* addicts. they're only common in a few centralized areas. even in la, you'll only find shit in the street in the poorest areas of the city (and remember, the city is fucking gigantic)

you'll never be as big as us

Fellow Texan reporting in. Can confirm that it is the best state despite our prehistoric-era drug laws.

Californians are literally migrating to Texas en masse you low IQ leftist
Yeah, that sucks. However, I'll take illegal weed over paying Californian taxes and walking through streets covered in shit.

Is that why they proposed making safe spaces to shoot up in

we're still bigger

we're so big that i don't even know what country you're talking about. au revoir bitch, i'm gonna go jerk off to pictures of our infinite national parks


Arizona is better

lotta text. too high to read this shit

Amen to that.

i'll say one more thing

even though you're both trash compared to ca, deserts are the best landscape. and you've got nice deserts

Yeah, bigger in homeless, leftists, shit tier laws, forest fires, you name it. Enjoy your shithole and don't come near Texas

Conservatives is the new punk rock.
~This is a paid for post bought by The Mercers, Devos, and Murdoch Families.

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Holy based

This, fuck being functional normie