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Death seems appealing

In The Aeroplane Over the Sea is one of the worst albums of the 1990s. It is not moving, just sappy, and Jeff Mangum, while a decent singer, sucks at playing guitar and writes bad chord progressions.

I have no friends and I want to fucking kill myself

Even though I hate to sell my Parker later today, I have to do it. I'm low on money, need to pay bills and still unemployed. You have to make sacrifices sometimes, it's going to be hard, but it's for the best.

>bad chord progressions
>king of carrot flowers pt. 1
>holland 1945
>communist daughter
>two headed boy pt 2

I don't think they're bad, just that they are really simple

im so devastatingly lonely

I am really tired right now but I can't stop refreshing Yea Forums. Somebody kill me please.

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I'm so sad and lonely

Everything is adding up to the answer being suicide and it scares the shit outta me

okay I'll get it off my chest
this guy is a fucking retard

I coulndt poopp after eating 2 bags of chili lime doritos but here i am 2 weeks later eating them again

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maybe just don't eat two bags this time then

how are you still unemployed?

my lipsh are throbbing spicily

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It's been rough, I've had calls back from places that are 20+ miles away from here. I'm assuming they think I have a car, I dont. Anyway, I've tried to find work around here but no luck yet and no luck with any staffing companies I've contacted.

I've been depressed, but I think things are getting better. Work and school are stressful. Still a virgin with no girlfriend, and I just hate being social. It sucks. The girl I have feelings for is married. It sucks.

But dying doesnt

I despise rock, pop, rap, and recorded music.

There are two types of real music: conservatory classical and porch traditional. Jazz is a strange and beautiful in-between.

Everything else is garbage, and I despise it. 99% of what is called music is retarded noise.

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you all should befriend each other

John Lennon beat his FUCKING WIFE

synesthesia isnt real, everyone who says they have it are lying

I don't think I try hard enough to get a girlfriend, although I want one I feel as if they all aren't attracted to me. Maybe I'm wrong who knows

If I was a woman, I would abort my child (while making sure grandma never finds out) if it's a boy

My dog ran out the front door and I decided to just leave it and it was hit by a car and I've never felt guiltier over anything in my life. I buried it in my backyard and have laid on top of its grave drunk and crying twice. I wasn't even all that close with it, but its dead because of me.

all dogs should be killed

You didn’t recognize the value of its life when the happened, which is unforgivable.

But you have learned the preciousness of life, and you will carry this knowledge until you die.

i have a black online friend who i fell in love with. i dunno if she loves me back. ive never felt so much in love in my entire life.

maybe when you turn 18

Californication is better than BSSM

Going to kill myself next week, not even going to leave anything or tell anyone, kinda just planning to disappear.

That's a valid analysis of the experience. It feels crippling right now, like I don't deserve to see myself as soneone who can do good again, but I hope the lesson prevents any more hurt from ever occuring again. Thank you user.


I'm good ;)

Instead of this you should just start walking/traveling as far away as possible. Amass a variety of drugs, eat a lot of food, fuck a lot of people. If you are about to hit the Quit button on life, might as well do all the random, fun shit you can do which have negative repercussions, since you are gonna die anyway. Death is a sort of relief in this way, and you either come out of it more convinced that you should die, or you come to see the value of life as an opportunity to feel good (via drugs, food, anything). There are some highs worth living for, even temporarily.

I hate racism.


MF DOOM is actually pretty boring and theres way better rappers out there,the only thing that's good about his music is the beats. Also all his bars are just frooty loop scoopy poop loopy doop

I'm so busy with academics all the time now I can literally feel my friendships with people severing. I walk past them and feel like I'm trapped in a golem deadset on working 16 hours a day and know I won't be able to do anything with them for like 3 weeks and that when I finally can do something I'll have to awkwardly force myself into the gathering and make them dislike me even more because of my sporadic appearances and slovenly behavior due to sleep deprivation/lack of socializing and this will continue until either the year ends or I have no friends left, whichever comes first. Even girls that used to think I was cute in the first term have gotten repulsed by me and give me this odd look as I walk by kind of like when you see a three-legged puppy or something but avoid me. It isn't enjoyable and I don't know what to do with my life and everyone is having a blast and taking like no fucking credits and tons of drugs- it makes me wonder how they're going to survive on their own in a few years and if I'm doing everything wrong because I'll only be young and decent looking for a short time but also getting ahead w premed stuff now puts me ahead of them even though I can barely do it and my body is atrophying and at the end of a nearly sleepless week all I have the energy to do is get wasted and either listen to Red House Painters or play video games with my peeved roommate who probably only lets me use his PC because he's worried I'll off myself otherwise but I don't want to do that I'm just neurotic and unable to fall asleep or get up in the mornings anymore. Half the time it takes me 90 minutes to get out of bed and by that time I only have time to chug a cold coffee without eating anything or properly getting ready. It's almost impossible for me to hold a conversation without losing concentration 20 seconds in, I hope I don't have schizophrenia because my cousin got that shit in college and had multiple suicide attempts (jumping off bridge)

Not very based or redpilled user, downboated

Im 28 dickhead

have sex

I dont care that you broke your elbow

no one was there when i need them the most!


of you start thinking about suicide like an inevitability is that bad


It's not like you killed him dumbass. Anything could die any day, in the most stupidest and most predictable ways. It's not like you let your dog play with a shotgun or smth. Also how the fuck did he get hit by a car? That's impossible.

What a fucking retard. Stop giving superficial advice, you are too stupid to understand how human beings work.

I bet it feels good getting that shit off your chest, even if it's just a post on mu/. I feel for you man, everything it's gonna be fine. Also i somewhat envy you, I'm really lazy, and I'm scared of what the future holds for me. While you have a job and seem to be going towards a really good future.

Not him but it was a thought I had too, before offing myself it makes sense to try the most extreme remedies. Otoh if I decide to suicide it's unlikely I'll have the energy to do that, so I dunno