/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Ear training:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


from last thread:
Changed up the board again. After half a year I finally understand my sea machine. I also did a half-assed attempt at a design on my DIY analog flanger. Looking to get some paint markers and doing a better design and then apply a clear coat. What are you /gg/oyms doing this week?

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Fender came out with a new limited run for american pros

Get a job

Why are you projecting user?

>What are you /gg/oyms doing this week?


shidd, you got me!

I feel like we wouldn't get along irl.


what is this bassline from pls help me

What makes you say that? Is it because of my taste in pedals or is it because I keep spamming my board? uwu

They don't like people that actually post their gear here.

No, we just don't like you.
Go back.

What's wrong fren?

Not that guy bit fuck off back to plebbit.


Last thread I asked about the best, but who is the WORST company for leftyfags and why is it Gibson?
>hard to find models
>basically no low end/cheap lefties
>too retarded to know how to wire the pots backwards

none of you even play guitar wtf

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I do

I do

You dont

By the powers invested in me, I pronounce the two of you faggos. Guitar has turned you gay.

>implying I didn't start guitar BECAUSE I was gay

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this looks like the physical form of Cafo

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Guitar turned me gay

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Synth can turn you gayer.

>ywn be able to play onstage completely naked, the only thing covering your cock up being the guitar's body
why live?
>filename related, what Flea gives me

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I can feel it on my thumb

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i prefer

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Youll be surprised what a smack addict will willingly do to and with his body for the next bag of tar

The grip ya dingus

cute tummy

The smaller pick keeps me under control. I think I tend to let too much pick out and I get sloppy. I prefer a larger pick, but the smaller ones just keep me in line.

Grip closer to the edge on the larger picks retard

where can I get a custom sonichu les paul and how much would it cost?

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I do, but I just naturally let more slip out as I play. Did you really think I didn't fucking know that?

Literally lost all respect I had for Flea once I saw his whole ass and balls out flinging about on stage in front of my very face

Charvel chads in the house tonight

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Gibson fags are gonna have a bad time

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It's me. It's me that's not playing a show! :)

Yes. I honestly believe youre a fucking retard.

No shit fag I've only been playing guitar for a few months

Sometimes I wonder if people buy new guitars too often

Don't these things last a lifetime? And still some people will buy a second guitar because they just have to have one with the truss rod hole in the heel or something.


good i wish i was gayer


Post your Gretschs

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>look up earthquaker devices pedals
>these sound as hipster as they look
>look at the prices
>laugh at everyone who pays $180 per pedal to sound indie

if the fender jazzmaster was a pedal brand

>thing i dont like

God the JP Majesty guitars are ugly.

>look up behringer pedals
>they sound as cheap as they are
>remember actual vintage pedals sounded cheap too
>buy a bunch, put them in new enclosures, and start my own boutique pedal brand

Okay /gg/, I'm bored, so here's some tips on how to jazz. Some of these are pretty simple, others have some fairly dense theoretical explanations as to why they work, but the idea is to provide simple shortcuts that you'll start picking up on in other guitarists' playing.

1) Play a diminished arpeggio over dominant 7 chords, starting on the 3rd of the V7. (Ex. play F#dim over D7.)
2) Play harmonic minor licks over ii-V changes. (Ex. A harm. minor over Am7-D7, the major 7th of A harm minor creates tension over D7.)
3) Play a maj7 arpeggio over V7 built from the tritone of the root of the V7. (Ex. Abmaj over D7.)
4) Combine steps 2 and 3. This creates a super modern sound that reminds me a bit of Kurt Rosenwinkel.
5) Play a minor 3rd interval a tritone away from the root of the minor pentatonic scale of whatever key you're in. (Ex. play E-G, then Bb-Db, then resolve to E minor. Bb-Db is the tritone part of the lick, Greg Howe does this shit ALL the time.)
6) Play a diminished arpeggio one whole step above the V7. (Ex. Cdim over D7.) This produces a super altered sound that resolves nicely.


>he's too poor and/or stupid to own a Gibson
>he doesn't play his Gibson through solid state technology for the highest fidelity audio reproduction

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go back to riding Adult Swim's greasy jew cock while they deny you a final season Brandon

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Remember that you can have an authentic American made gibson for $800 and at least one user has posted his bank account containing enough funds for 7 middle of the road les pauls.

you can also taste test the grapes at guitar center

protip they're sour out of the box
>buy gibson
>after going through 10 different guitars, discarding one after another for crappy neck joints, blemished finishes, and tilted bridges
>find a good one
>G and B go out of tune if fretted
>have to replace nut

Step one: Don't have soft baby hands
Step two: Use non-textured pick
Step three: ???
Step four: profit!

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anons soft baby hands

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should i cop an ampeg ba115 v2 for $200?

oh right

I'm not particularly partial to Gibson but of course GC is going to have crappy ones, nobody sells their good stock to GC.

GC doesn't get the bad or the good stock except for shit like schecter's guitar center specifc specials you can't buy anywhere else (downgraded two knob C-1 platinum with worse QC)

I played a used one in my guitar center yesterday
it sounded nice, but it was tiny, felt like a toy.
Couldn't take myself seriously while holding it

On a 24 fret guitar, the neck pickup is still under a harmonic node

try it

Schecter appreciation

>changing strings
>not letting them get old and well adjusted

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untill my PRS gets here, my Schecter is my pride and joy

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schecter targets the men in rozen maiden cosplay audience


Their names and fretmarkers may be edgy as hell but dammit if they're not wonderful guitars

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how the FUCK do i get my guitar to sound like this?


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yeah but that tone

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I’m switching to left handed guys. I started left handed, got to a beginner level (knew a few basic strumming only, 4 chord songs). I got tired of limited gear options and not being able to play any ol’ guitar I see. So I switched to right handed, and picked it all up again quickly and have been improving somewhat nicely since. But now I’m getting into more advanced strumming and picking, and I’m realizing that it will be far more efficient for me to switch back to lefty. I can do it okay, it’s just that when I close my eyes and envision myself shredding guitar someday, I cannot imagine doing it right handed. I held it left handed today and it felt overwhelmingly ergonomic.

Also, being left handed AND using my left hand for chords is contributing to some RSI development I think. Strumming and plucking is less likely to do that ime.

Thoughts, fa/gg/ots?

Fuzz, echo and 90% skill.

fellow leftyfag, on one hand(geddit?) it sucks not being able to find gear as easily, but on the other it's so much more rewarding to be able to find a guitar that fits you. Also say goodbye to mid-range priced guitars and Gibsons entirely, it's either low budget or high-end from here

For me as another lefty, I'm glad Fender has a decent collection of lefthanded. Squier, MIM, some MIJ, MIA.
It just sucks that I need special lefthanded pickguards and other stuff that's harder to find.

yeah, i’ll probably get an esp ltd ec-400 or sub $400 les paul and hope it goes well. i like the lp body style

go for the ltd, Gibson doesn't know how to wire a lefty

what about epiphones? they make a les paul too

I actually forgot epiphone even existed, but someone in that forum says his are fine

thanks for the thoughts fellow lefties

wolfpack out

I never understood why lefties need their own guitar. Both of my hands felt retarded when starting out, not just my weak one.

>order guitar 2 months ago
>told that i would get it this week
>ask recently what's happening
>told me it's pushed back until july

it's hard out here for a lefty

What are the best affordable telecaster pickups? Was thinking about Pribora's Cream Tele pickup set, but there are little information available apart from positive reviews on Ebay

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Did you
A) Order custom shop
B) Order from China or some shithole country?

guy who was looking for his first acoustic guitar last thread here (doesn't narrow it down i'm sure)
I thought I had decided on the yamaha apx 600 but I just listened to a review of it and despite the reviewers singing it's praises it sounded off to me

anyone got one here

what sounded off to you?

Are vintage Japanese acoustics as good as they say? Many people say they beat American acoustics 3x their price range

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i'm probably using the wrong terminology it sounds "squeaky" and "weak" in the intro here

it's like the sound is being held back somehow and they're trying to force it out through a small gap and it wont come out fully

I don't live in Aus and I ordered a Fender Strat. I managed to cancel my order and track down the single one in stock in the entire country.

>I don't live in Aus
I live in Aus*

I guess that's just what acoustics sound like when you're not playing big open string cowboy chords.

Just go check classical guitars like I told you last time, it might just be the sound you're looking for.

Lawsuit era acoustics are great. The 3x is more of a thing that US made guitars back then were absolute shit riding on nothing but branding.

alright will do, thanks for the advice

which is the more versatile guitar?

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A tele

Throw in a coil split, and the humbucker guitar will always beat your single coil shitplank.

bassfag here anyone ever played a Warwick alien ?

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I like being lefty, it helps holding my GAS.

Just buy random chinkshit and then act surprised when it sounds like shit.

Now try a dean made in korea.

In this post we can see how poorfa/gg/ syndrome is affecting this poor lad with a marriage of COPE and DELUSIONAL posting. This lets us know he is SEETHING on the inside. Poorfa/gg/ syndrome can be easily treated by


ill try these out tonight. Thanks man.

Ye boi

As much as I dislike boomer guitars, the gibson

Its because he purposefully left out the right answer. Pic related

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Take your Squier and fuck off, son.

What was that little bitch?
Lets see you guitar. Unoess its too embarassing to post

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Nice slide on decal.

squiers are alright

>didnt post his guitar
Its all so tiresome

Sorry, I actually play my guitars, I don't take pictures off them like some weak poser.

dunlop makes good picks

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As long as it's not nylon, yup.

>unless its too embarassing to post
Why are you still replying to me? i already got my answer

Did you? Pray tell, what am I currently playing?

Correct blue amd black tortex best pick. And i have 1 cheap trick that makes it ultra grippable too but fuck you guys im not saying.

Black tortex sticks enough on my fingers. Who the fuck need texturing?

>too busy playing his non embarassing guitar so he cant take a picture
>replies to my posts in less than a minute
Based on the retardation present im gonna say this is sam. And if youre not sam may god have mercy on your soul and may he allow you to grow another neuron.

soft handed cucks

Offset players that leak onions from their pores.
The simple mod i did was to prevent slippage after my hand got sweaty from playing for extended periods of time and when im picking fast. By the time you noticed your hand got tired and loosened your pick has moved slightly in your hand and its annoying to readjust when picking 16ths

Buncha dumbfucks

Rate board desu.

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what does it sound like tho

Go fucking practice and stop taking pictures/10.

When afflicted by poorfa/gg/ syndrome the host may show intense rage and unreasonable aggressions at images that unconciously trigger the syndrome and makes the patient unable to control his emotions and must express his discontent akin to a rabid primate.
(See also SEETHING)

Exhibit A: The attention whore.
Go start /bpg/ - Boutique Pedal General.

Youre a fucking retard

Your pedal board is shit and you're nothing but an attention whore.

Through DI, as good as a DI rig can sound. I'm picking my 1969 Major up in a few hours (store it at the studio mostly, bc its so fucking heavy), so that'll be the real tone test.

But otherwise, the thing that really stood out was the Crunch ensemble (its the input circuitry from the CE1 in its own pedal). It has a really amazing clipping response and essentially acts as limiter, and then everything fed after it sounds alot better because of it.

Even the chorus next to it, a shitty $30 flanger, sounds like a real CE1 when its stacked with that thing.

>complaining about gear posts when 90% of this general is people posting their shit $500 guitars.


Where the fuck did I imply that's any less attention whoring?

You idiot im not even that fag. Youre a fucking insufferable little bitch through and through.

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I don't see the point in singling out my post when its the theme for the whole general is all. At least a pedal board can elicit more discussion than planks of wood

Shut the fuck up and quit fucking whining. Youre unironically shitting up the thread just as much.

Shouldn't you be posting the same picture of your guitar or pedal board for the 600th time while complaining that other brands can't measure up?

Why are you complaining about shitting in a designated shitting general, because that's what this is.

>Why are you complaining about shitting in a designated shitting general, because that's what this is
I have no words for this retardation

Why wont he post his gear bros? Is he embarrassed?

If you don't like what gets posted in this general then fuck off


I don't whine about the shit that gets posted on this general though?

This isnt you?



My dad has a couple but only plays the same three blues licks I've heard since I was a kid

What's the most CHAD guitar colour?

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Dumb lonely faggot looking for more attention

nope lol i'm the guy who posted the pedal board.

Whenever I go to denmark street or any vintage guitar store my gf asks me to play blue guitars, idk why, she just thinks they're really pretty.

I sound like shit when I then pick a guitar and play infront of her.

Its not because i'm a faggot who gets nervous performing in front of people and the fact that i don't practice.

No, its that blue guitars have bad tone. That's definitely it. Sunburst guitars objectively sound better.

Mystic Black
Pic related

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Lmao. Well that other guys a retard then

>my gf asks me to play blue guitars,

Maybe she's autistic. That's a weird request

I had a vintage Alvarez 12 string and it was the best acoustic I've ever heard. Definitely a hidden gem.

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more please these are awesome

What genre is this?


Mule, Riff Raff or VHII?

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>someone is actually posting about playing guitar in /gg/
Please continue.

Much as I hate to agree with jcum, anything HSS.

For arguments sake lets compare hsh to hss. I think it will boil down to sonic preference between a single coil neck sound and a creamy humbucker sound.

Yeah, that's a good point. I'm biased, not being a fan of neck 'buckers.

To be fair, does anyone really use the middle pup? I can see why so many people just go HH with coil splits.

>not liking humbuckers in the neck

do you even jazz

playing a wedding in a Catholic church. I'm using the bride's acoustic electric and she is willing to pick up an amp so I don't need to use my electric amp. looking for decent amps around 150. not familiar with them, any suggestions?

But then you can argue that you can always throw a single coil sized bucker in the single coil slot but a split bucker wont ever sound exactly like a single coil. Also the middle position is vital for strat positions 2 and 4 and giving it the hum cancelling. Think sweet home alabama and jeff becks superstitious respectively.. Funnily enough i was experimenting using it alone on my strat and i found it to be superior than the dhawbucker in the bridge for funk and cleans overall. It has a glassiness to it that really shines on clean settings. So in my opinion it fulfills the start single coil bridge sound with being over bearingly shrill

Work on your timing m89, it was alright though keep going

Its seriously sounds like you have no business performing there. If youre a good friend just be straight up and tell them youre not the man for the job. It will save everyone from embarassment down the line. You dont want to be brought uo down the libe when theyre going through the divorce as just another shitty choice the wife made in her marriage

Who are you quoting?


How will a split bucker not sound like a single coil when it is literally a single coil? It sounds like a high output single coil with a big ass magnet, just not very "vintage".

Series/parallel switching sounds better anyways. Same single coil on steroids tone, no hum.

Im sure someone can explain it better but my guess would be electrical resistance in the wiring I split my aldrich bucker before and it sounds more like a single coil but.you wont be fooled in a side by side comparison.

It's probably because it has more windings than your average guitar built for muh vintage tone and the active coil isn't in the position a single coil would usually be.

A 24 fret SSS strat with hot rodded high output pickups wouldn't sound exactly like most people think single coils sound like either.

would anyone here agree with my view that 10 inch speakers sound much more interesting than 12 inch speakers, which are such a safe and trite option. I think that despite them being "smaller" they actually sound more aggressive

buy Sunn o)))

clean your freakin cabinet, would ya?

Duh less headroom they probably break up faster but im sure you lose alot of nuance than compared to if you drove your amp head harder into a 12 inch speaker to achieve the same effect. Also get a job.

it's for big guys like JP

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achieving the same effect with a 12 inch speaker would probably be twice as loud

>Also get a job.

>if you don't use acoustic amps you can't play guitar xd
neck yourself, faggot

Yes it would be louder but it would sound better. Thats the tradeoff

Everything that's louder sounds better

The tradeoff is permanent hearing damage so you'll never be able to hear all those subtleties that got turned up anyways without getting the cops called

ps: hear that? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>earplugs don't exist

Congrats now you're hearing a muffled tone and straight up missing some harmonic content so you could have just used a speaker with a sound wall slammed up against the cab

>would sound better
Bullshit, it will sound different, not better
And quit this bullcrap about "clarity", good ol Fenders are the paragon of clarity and they were loaded with 10s

Record loud playback at enjoyable volume

>tfw lefthanded but playing righthanded

>tfw i don’t own an amp or any pedals and just play my guitar through amp emulation software on my DAW

Does anyone else in /gg/ do this?

What’s the point of recording through a shitty mic when your DAW can do it so much better now?

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Why would you get a shitty mic?

for practice instead of production

also analog sounds different isn't a meme, the lo-fi and random electrical noise adds to the appeal

>"get a job" faggot is not aware that 50% of people objectively can't get a job.

I’m not going to spend $1000 bucks for a mic where i can’t further adjust the sound in post-production

That’s the beauty of the emulation software, “oh this sound doesn’t quite blend with this, fuck the EQ i’m Going to adjust the mic placement/distortion/etc.”

You can practice by just opening up the emulation software though?

But a great mic is 200 bucks. You sound like a peasant.

>You can practice by just opening up the emulation software though?

It's just not the same

It is literally not the same

just try an amp if you're curious

>too stupid to get a job
Weird flex but ok

I had a Marshall amp but ended up selling it because there was no point in lugging that around with me anymore as i could just emulate everything and have it saved/easy to access

I bet you guys could’t Tell the difference in a blind audio test

>too stupid to understand basic economy
jeez louise where do these shits crawl from?

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I could tell the difference between playing into an amp running into a cab and listening to a simulated amp through headphones

By the time you've got them to sound exactly the same you have $500+ put into a speaker setup, power amp, and possibly a better sound card for your computer

and having too much versatility is actually bad for practice imho, you'll spend more time chasing tone than making it work. i just keep my amp by my stool and fiddle with the knobs using my toes and leave it that way for an hour, and my only pedal is a boss reverb thing

The people have spoken.

7) Play chromatic enclosures around the the major 6th of the ii minor 7 chord (Ex. G-E-F-F# over Am7.) This is a great way to add some flavor while staying in familiar Dorian shapes, and it's classic Pat Metheny.
8) Make an exercise of playing licks built from the third of every chord. A lot of bebop players phrase this way. Then move onto building licks from the fifths and sevenths. Each lick or arpeggio will highlight different chord tones of the parent chord and give you more ways to move around the fretboard as you navigate changes.
9) Play the altered scale, or arpeggios built from the altered scale, a half-step above V7 or altV7 chords.

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How below-your-skill level or how comfortable should you be with a song before you go to an audition with it?
I've practiced a piece basically upside down, played it glacially slow, learned to play it at a faster tempo than needed just to make sure my technique was up to snuff, played my part to a click only without the other instruments, played it along to the track, recorded myself playing it. Hell probably spent 80 hours on it.
And I still messed it up in while playing along with other musicians. Any checklist you have before you can say that a piece is mastered?

Sounds like you're just uncomfortable with playing with other people still

I guess I'll just have to fuck up more auditions until I have it down. I really want more field experience, but it's hard to find a spot in a small underground scene.

hi /gg/, /fa/ here

if you run a pau ferro fingerboard into a white pick guard, you have SHIT taste in guitars and should off yourself

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White pickguards suck in general

I like the sharp version

Thats not pau ferro though


I think i finally decided on the interface i want. Question is, is a 2x4 worth the 50 bucks over a 2x2?

do you need 4 outputs?

If you learned to play it that well then you only messed up because you're anxious playing with others - practice that now.

Points for playing the song at various tempos, that's an excellent exercise that few people perform.

That's true of using pau ferro in general, the clause about white pickguards is redundant.

They'll sound the same with EQ

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imagine spending 230$ on an overdrive pedal that cost peanuts to make

I don't use guitars with pickguards

this is a good board

im working my way up to basically this setup

I wouldn't know

Those hand wired tube screamers cost like $400. Only rich old fucks buy them


Yeah i do all the time. Good Mics with a cab are good too, but it is so much easier and cheaper with emulation. Most of the time, elitists will say it sounds worse than the real thing, which may be true to an extent, but i find its just self validation for the 1000000s of dollars they spent accumulating equipment. plus its only a matter of time before the technology gets better.

Thats what im asking

If they're all interchangeable and they all cost the same then why not pick the one you like the sound of best regardless?

Imagine not being an 11 year old Taiwanese virtuoso.

what brand is this, who made the case

Attached: casewho.jpg (1600x1200, 440K)

case is probably SKB

right? imagine that

>Slaps guitar
Stopped watching

I wouldn't consider him a virtuoso but he's really advanced for his age.

This pedal board is really badass looking. I’m jealous and I guess I’m inspired to put some money into my setup.

Should I not fuck with rack shit? I want to have my own rack just for the sake of everything being in one place. I already have some mountable effect processors, but nothing else. Do rack preamps sound worse than regular heads?

Does anyone use synth effects? Could anyone recommend me a midi or a pedal to add synth to my guitar sound?

Electro harmonix has the synth 9


>can't into percussive guitar
shit tastes desu

Could be 100+ songs because those 4 notes you play are extremely common. Also, tune your instrument.

do i suck?

I knew what it was from the opening chord lol
Good job user. My only criticism is that you sound like you could benefit from a metronome keeping the beat.



Nicely done, user. It's a bit sloppy, so as another user said, use a metronome, slow it down to half speed, get it perfect, then crank up the tempo gradually, only increasing by a little when you get it perfect every time.

Normies wouldn't know the difference, though. Break it out to some drunk thots for instant gratification.

>i knew what it was from the opening chord
yeah i'm not looking to be a studio guitarist or on stage anywhere, i never use a metronome. i made the mistake of listening to jimmy page live when i first started playing and he's sloppy as fuck live, so i never felt the need to play clean. it's also hard as fuck to find time to practice, i've been a doctorate student for the last 3 years so i've had almost no free time and i've gotten rusty.

i dont play guitar all the time because i dont want to waste my new strings and because i'm depressed, not because i dont like my guitar

My bad, since your opening question was "do i suck?", I assumed you wanted to improve.

And yes, Jimmy Page does suck. No idea why he's so idolised.

ooo spooky

reminds me of the Signs theme

What happens if you go to friends house to jam though?

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am i sloppy?


was that amplitube
also funny song what is it

rate instaud.io/3CJt

>And yes, Jimmy Page does suck. No idea why he's so idolised.
eh there's more to guitar than technique and "clean playing." he writes good riffs, good tones and "emotion"

but yeah idk why so many guys have him in their top 5 all time, he's good at a lot of what i said but there are way more than 5 better guitarists. thousands more.

>No idea why he's so idolised.
he was the master arranger. No one did any thing like this, a massive orchestra of guitars.

no it was garageband's built in amp plug ins or whatever

it's the king of the hill theme song

but people who write are writers poets and lyrics writers! not guitarists

Do you guys have any tips for bar chords? They’re really the only thing that I have trouble with.

yeah, practice

Brought my joyo zombie and cab to the bass players house

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Dope thanks

make sure your nut is low enough. do you struggle all the way up the neck, or just the first position?

How's my improvising?

Also best thing to do for buzzy notes past the seventh/eight fret? Raise the bridge? Go up a string gauge or two?

That actually helped a lot lol I think I got it now. Thanks dude

Please give me a daily practice for up and down the neck, something not too long but gets me familiar with all the right progressions

whoops no link

Spider exercises in all positions

>Was craft
>Not original

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Funny enough synth Bros are cooler then guitarbros RN. Getting into synth and electronic and implementing it in my studio setup save me from being a fucking Boomer at 21. All I did before was fuzzy blues garage rock with vintage guitars and tube amps. That stuff stopped being cool probably in 2010 when I discovered it.

rate this progression I just came up with

turn into a song or some shit? sound like something else you've heard?
should i thrust lofi recording into a new, shittier realm?

you sound like guitar so doesn't really know much what he's doing on his fretboard and it's just moving his fingers around until he finds something he likes. I highly recommend learning some basic theory. Practice your scale patterns up and down the neck learn your key signatures. Learn different chord voicings and come back and try again. None of this stuff should take you longer than 3 to 5 months

Practice minor pentatonic and all 5 positions in every key on your guitar neck. Learn the major and minor and dominant 7 and 7th Barre chord shapes. after you know how to play the minor pentatonic major and minor scale in all 5 positions and every key of the neck move on to some more complex chord voicings and practice playing around those chord progressions with improvisation. try to spend at least 1 to 3 hours a day practicing practicing this. don't get sucked into watching gear demos on YouTube and sitting around jerking off over pedals and guitar amplifiers and vintage guitars because that'll stop you from practicing and just turn you into another gear fagg and there's nothing wrong with having a nice gear but being able to actually play your nice gear makes you 10 times cooler in a more respectable position than some faget with a bunch of brand-new pedals he's never taken to a show

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So I jammed with a musician who has a platinum record... it was fucking crazy. I have never felt so inadequate. I mean, he was on another level.

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is there a way to autism past scales? like full-blown memorizing the notes on the fretboard?

But yeah, apt hearing. I feel like all my stuff sounds samey at this point. Gotta find some songs that use peculiar chords.

Wow not a single spec of stage wear on anything... another bedroom star...sigh

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>two fuzz pedals
>shitquaker devices

Also 9 gauge strings suck!
I keep bending the fucking notes when I chord shit. Is my technique fucked, or do I need thicker strings?

yup, go with 14-62, tuned a halfstep up

I use 12-56 guage lol.

Just buy one set of every kind your favorite string provider offers. I use ernie balls and got each one of their slinky nickels and i think the 11--54s might be my favorite. these 12s are terrible to bend.

vaguely related, but once I had a song mixed by an engineer who mixed multi-platinum records. The mix sucked mega ass to the point my pre-pro track objectively sounded better. Shit's wild sometimes. I'm guessing he just didn't give a single shit about delivering quality mixes because we weren't paying ourselves, we were hired as songwriters and performers for some company's project and they already paid him a fixed amount to record and mix a ton of bands' songs and he was probably overworked. Major let-down, but still got paid so eh

Wait, is that a dude?

To be fair the guy and his friends I jammed with were all washed up in their 50s. So it was similar. But it's good to have those contacts.

is dummies guide to music theory a good book to get some basics down?

Haven't read that one, but yeah, in general a book will help you learn music theory. I was fortunate enough to learn it in high school and minored in music in college. HIGHLY recommended to take some college level music theory/aural skills classes.

yes, its from yearly charity event called games done quick.
speed running video games is a hobby for autists and trannies. who would have thunk it

No, she's obviously a girl. Don't be a bigot

what’s wrong with eqd?

I'll tell you Hwhat.

It kind of sucked. It was basically how to recognize quarter notes in sheet music, the major scale (but that's not that important once you get to jazz) and the importance of the ii chord in jazz. Basically it breezed over fundamentals then pushed you to learning what you needed to appreciate jazz like it was the be all end all. I learned more about theory from old html websites than I did that book. It did do a decent job explaining harmony and chord building. I wouldn't buy the book for those 2 paragraphs though.

It also spent a ton of tine on reading sheet music and almost none on key signatures. It has been over 12 years since I looked at my copy.

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What would be the value of a capacitor that says "220K400"? I have a few laying around.

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They make the impoverished seethe.

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I've been trying since yesterday with no results and only found it on one site.


This is the capacitor. I can't tell if it's 0.22uf or 0.022uf.

Anybody here ever fucked around with a Space-Echo? Was it fun?

my dream instrument

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>Anybody here ever fucked

So I am buying a schecter omen extreme 4 tomorrow for $250. I want to be able to add low end to my band when we play (small gigs) and do some home-studio stuff. What amp does Yea Forums recommend?

it's like delay but without highs

Also, we play country and rock, usually no drummer, and only 1 other guitar (acoustic)

axe fx

I have that drive pedal, it's overrated.

I also have a $20 chinese analog delay that sounds better than that MXR.

paying $200 a pedal to look and sound indie is the opposite of indie

it's more like post-modern ironic indie where being independent is just subscribing to a lesser known business ecosystem that directly screws you instead of some chinese guys


Indie was never synonymous with poorfaggotry anyways. Stephen Malkmus and Thurston Moore play vintage Pre-CBS Fenders ffs.


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>$200 for something that normally costs $60 from the mass producers with an actual worth of $20

"$100 isn't expensive"
t. charges $100 for a $1 bill

Are we really playing this game?

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EQD build their stuff themselves. Do you think they outsource their operation?

>not a Halo meme
close, but it's gotta be off here

Oh you want my creations?

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I think they make a substantial profit on each sale and could have automated a lot of steps in the process a good while ago and standardized pedal size and switch/board placement in the process, allowing them to increase volume and reduce prices.

Yeah, hand soldering is some 20th century shit and not exactly healthy as a day job either.

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You like mine?

Attached: My-Halo-Custom-Guitar (1).jpg (995x420, 39K)

holy based how did you do headless

strandberg's new color option: boden os 6 pimp slap

under shape, only the headless octavia can do it tho as far as I know

>multiscale on a 6 string
>3rd middle pickup barely visible between the two humbuckers
>abalone out the ass
I bet Tosin Abassi would still play it

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I bet Jared Dines would still buy it, make an overproduced video with it once, and then put it in a closet somewhere dissatisfied that buying another guitar did not make him feel less hollow inside.

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who the fuck comes up with some of these body names?
>pic related: "the Delson"

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>over produced
lol his production sucks. It’s literally meal babby’s first dslr with a heavy diet of Mountain Dew and Sony Vegas.

Fuck off Randy Bobandy

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