AOTY 2018

AOTY 2018

I kind of went off the Yea Forums online grid last year and didn't really keep up with what was coming out besides what I saw on social media. Here's my favorite releases I listened to, but I feel pretty lukewarm about 90% of these albums. Show me some albums that redeem 2018.

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a lot of people are gonna be upset at brockhampton being that high


this is Yea Forums so they're easily triggered. Doesn't really bother me. I posted this on the off chance that someone might actually want to recommend and discuss some new music

bump because I actually want good music

I realise that it will shut off a lot of discussion, but I truly belive that this might have been AOTY last year. Kkb's songwriting is improving so much, and their sound has gained a sort of depth.

Attached: Time'n'Place.jpg (1500x1500, 532K)

Going to check this out. Pretty highly rated on RYM too. I don't think this is something I would normally like, but going to try it nonetheless.

Because people are still massively underrating 2018 (not referring to OP since he wasn't paying especial attention to new releases), here are a few to start. I don't keep rankings/ratings so it's not my top 6 AOTY or anything (though these ones would probably be up there for me since they're the first 6 that came to mind thinking about recs).
I'll YT link a track or two off each in order with a blank line separating them:

Attached: topsters2.jpg (2364x374, 92K)

>Pretty highly rated on RYM too
thread's over, OP is a lost cause

Haven't heard of any of these artists. Gonna check them out, thanks user.

here is my top 10 of last year

Attached: topsters2 (13).png (2066x644, 346K)

This was my favorite of the year, you should try it out.

Attached: Tracyanne & Danny.jpg (320x320, 12K)

My favourite by far.

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as somebody who enjoyed a lot of these albums (machine girl, mgmt, kkb) could you please explain to me the appeal of red light or bladee in general? I just can't stand it at all maybe I'm missing something?

thanks user

Boarding house reach by Jack White was pretty amazing. His sound is pretty accessible but it was nonetheless a highlight of last year

Thinking back I probably should have included on my list, somewhere near the middle. I wasn't blown away but it was a cool changeup in sound

well for me i already really loved yung lean and the whole sadboy cloud rap style and bladee takes it to its most minimalist and bare bones while still keeping the laid back feel of cloud rap and the kinda off the cuf style of rapping

Saturation 1-3 are pretty fucking good tho, its quality fun-core

>New Music


ez choice

Attached: Anonymized.jpg (1200x1200, 596K)

fuck em

not an album, not that good.

haru my bb. wish she'd yell more.

The Iceage one has actually grown on me quite a lot, Skylight is also good but not great admittedly

Attached: I Need to Start a Garden.jpg (320x320, 19K)

Agreed about Skylight, it was somewhat of a let down. Some great songs on there, though.

Thanks for the rec.

>Thanks for the rec.
hang on, I found the chart I made back in december!
All in all pretty meh year although a couple albums were really good like that Haley Heynderickx one. 2019 is already much better imo

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wouldn't be my absolute #1 pick if I had to make a ranked list of favorites, but since it gets old seeing almost exclusively the same like 10-12 hip-hop albums posted as being among the best last year, I'm reccing pic related as the best hip-hop I heard from 2018 after hearing those 10-12 (like half of which were trap which is an automatic waste of time) plus the others I came across organically.

>All things that are happening ITT (aside from new music because it's from last year)

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mid air thief - crumbling
unknown mortal orchestra - ic 01 hanoi
playboi carti - die lit
jpegmafia - veteran
pinkyshinyultrablast - miserable miracles

Saw goat girl when the opened for Parquet Courts, definitely got me into that album.

Gonna check out some others on here. Big fan of The Monitor so that TA album has been on my radar for a while.

This Young Mothers album was pretty good. Really liked the instrumentation and how often they weren't afraid to branch out into some screeching free jazz.



Haley Heyndricksz was pre good

These were a few of my favorites

A bit of surprises in here that I did not expect to like as much as I did

Attached: TOP 15 BEST ALBUMS OF 2018.png (1767x1102, 1.59M)

Attached: My 2018 AOTY.png (1755x1183, 475K)

why is this getting shilled so hard
fuck off your album sucks

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