>start studying theory
>realize i'm not a musician
>realize i'm retarded
i'm nothing
Start studying theory
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Good now end it alll. Too many people on this earth as is
yeah but i'm 27 so it'd be like i thought i was a musician and am joining the 27 club
also i wouldn't do that to my family and friends
>Realize he has a lot to learn
>feels bad because Don't know nothing yet
Yeah, you're pretty much retarded.
thanks user, you're right. it's not too late to face my ignorance and learn and grow as a music lover who enjoys making music.
Besides, theory is... an accessory. It is genuinely good to know, but don’t become one of the guys that get into the mindset that if you don’t fall in line, then you’re useless.
Dont go into in it with goals just learn little by little for fun and eventually youll find you know a lot.
Yeah. Also by actually trying to improve your writing, you will have genuine questions which theory might be able to help answer. Goes down a lot easier then
i've been listening to simon and garfunkel lately, simon didn't know any theory and took a one-week theory course when he was like 29.
i'm bad at piano and i can barely read or write music
i can play a bunch of instruments but i don't know shit
i want to write a fugue just to be a pseud and pretend i know anything about music theory idk
this pragmatic approach to theory seems useful, thanks
I dont think you necessarily have to be able to read sheet music to understand theory. To compose, yeah maybe, but maybe study theory first and the music reading will come easier.
it's something i feel bad about. i could read music when i was literally a child, then i switched to guitar and just read tabs and chord charts. but i feel retarded and like not a real musician for not being able to easily, fluently read and write musical notation. i mean, it's 2019, unless i'm using musescore i'm not going to write music, but i'd like to be able to read music and "hear it" in my head, you know? i feel vastly inferior to classically trained musicians, who are the "real" musicians. i feel like giving up
What approach have you been using to study music theory. I'm in a similar situation where I can play instruments, and I think it would help me progress to learn more about conventional theory.
Don't give up, you can do it user
i didn't make any music for years because i had no way to, but i got a new computer and a midi keyboard and sort of just got interested in theory because i felt stuck in the compositions i was making, stuck in one key. learned to modulate keys, read a book on the mathematics of music (different sort of theory) and now have started learning counterpoint, which is a super basic thing i should have learned half a lifetime ago. i just watch youtube videos desu, like most other pseuds
i feel like it's too late, i'm just a stupid charlatan retard, not a real musician
That is a really good start, and this demonstrates your commitment to actually learn and comprehend fundamental theory.
Don't become a doomer. Knowing theory doesn't make you a musician. The best advice I could give is to not give a shot about theoryfags that preach without ever contributing anything meaningful. Just draft some simple ideas each day (they don't have to be good), and gradually you will improve.
You don't need to be a musician to study and learn about music. An example are musicologists who usually know how to play a few instruments a little but they're not really musicians and yet they know a lot about music because they love it.
Just do whatever makes you happy, user. Music is wonderful. The fact that you don't know a lot just makes your journey longer and more fun.
>this demonstrates your commitment to actually learn and comprehend fundamental theory
yeah, i just feel like i've "hit the wall" or something - am i a professional musician? no. i don't even know theory, it's just a hobby for me. so it's like, do i continue to teach myself theory? do i go to school to study it, do i want to be a teacher or something? so it's more an identity problem than anything.
>just draft some simple ideas each day (they don't have to be good), and gradually you will improve.
you're right.. i've gotten so down on myself, been so filled with doubt that i haven't even made any music in three weeks, because of this identity crisis wrt music, feeling like i'm not really a musician. but i shouldn't even identify, just learn and create.
musicologists seem cool though, they have an intellectual approach to music.
>Just do whatever makes you happy, user
making music definitely does make me happy... i just feel old and retarded and like i should be successful and like i should give up music and grow the f*ck up or pursue it professionally... theory is good, interesting and useful i just feel stupid as fuck
if you want to get laid, you need to understand popular music, which has nothing to do with knowing music theory.
Well feeling old and stupid and retarded is your perception, nobody else's. You can honestly just decide to not give a fuck and keep going or even delude your previous self and decide that you're young and smart; not because it's correct or false but because it's right and easier for you to enjoy life and complete your goals. Don't think about this petty shit about age and intellect because it really doesn't matter, just make music then. Take it easy, my dude.
i want to make good music, i'm not tryna fuck
music is spiritual for me
lots of composers weren't classically trained... even schoenberg i think was self-taught, but he had a vast and deep knowledge of music theory.
>Don't think about this petty shit about age and intellect because it really doesn't matter, just make music then. Take it easy, my dude.
you're totally right. thanks bro. i just make music because i love music, it's as simple as that hahah. do what you love, right?
>don't give a fuck
>realize I don't give a fuck
>don't give a fuck about not giving a fuck
how do i play by ear and play interesting voicings?
>lots of composers weren't classically trained... even schoenberg i think was self-taught
Exactly. You can always teach yourself or with friends and/or private teachers.
Friends and score study will help you go a long way.