What music do girls like this listen to?
What music do girls like this listen to?
Death grips 0
90% of the time it's boring shit like everyone else, pop punk/grunge/angst aesthetic. Otherwise I'd say mostly unpredictable but in my experience some shoegaze, dream pop, hip hop
My Chemical Romace, Panic! At The Disco
Generic mid 2000's emo/pop rock
Hot topic music or cringey metalcore bands, I could also see her thinking disturbed and 5 finger death punch are cool
she’s ugly
that's boomer shit all the girls who listened to that ate single moms now, zoomers listen to Neck Deep Tigers Jaw & The Front Bottons
nah, as a zoomer myself I can say that most dumb edgelord girls still listen to P!ATD and MCR
Just saw a girl like that today. She had a led zeppelin patch on her denim jacker
>she fell for the dreampop meme
2000s emo and pop rock but she just found out about Lil Peep and says she loves trap music
ur dumb as hell
bingo, 2013 tumblr emocore
imagine dragons
that's a man
That's a dude, but girls with that aesthetic usually go for grunge or emo punk.
how can you guys tell?
the collarbones and cheekbones are a dead giveaway
plus the exaggerated makeup and facial aesthetic to disguise said bone features
honestly once you bring it up it’s glaringly obviously
he still cute though
what exactly differentiates male and female collarbones? ive never really noticed much of a difference in that specific area
i guess i can kinda see what you mean with the cheekbones but i still dont think theres enough here to so definitively say that its a guy. kind of a reach to be honest
probably to anything on the radio nowadays. some migos and drake
that's a man, baby
joji, post Malone, black bear, panic at the dickso, my chemical bromance
Is fucc that boi pucci
You’re the dumb edge lord girl though..
I know a girl at work who likes to listen to dad rock. How should I ask her out Yea Forums? Or a conversation topic to lead up to it?
Start criticising her musical taste
Why are you so obsessed with daddies you big gay?
Honestly if she likes dadrock she clearly isn't too interested in music, or at least what she has been exposed to yet, so approaching her with a conversation topic related to music isn't going to work
Legit saw chicks like this at a doom metal gig.
Was impressed.
She looks like she fucks black guys.