this new Vampire Weekend album has had the worst rollout I have ever witnessed
Holy fucking shit dude
>2 minutes
cade essa porra
>when you have to release an album but you're only good at lyrics and your best musician left the band
he cute
lol totally true. i am very worried about the post-rostam era.
ma boi
the real mvp
Is Discovery part the Vampire Weekend canon?
if it leaks tonight i'll eat my own cum
me too
Nothing you haven't done before
rostam is trash
share ur best meme bros
Much better
girls that like Vampire Weekend got the best pussy
>Actually believing this
I need this leak to cure my post-MDMA brain chemistry
It's me, the guy who got broken up with from the other thread. I miss my girlfriend's pussy so much. All I want to do is eat her out right now.
good times
leak it deak
reminder that this thread is either sony shills or redditors posting on Yea Forums because le epic illegal stuff o_0 happens
Leak it deak
she’s ugly
Can I get a rec while waiting? Literally whatever you want to rec and I'll listen no hesitation
Based retarded schizo poster
you're going to have to apologize for this thread you shithead
the sound of me making love to your mom
is that on spotify?
lets continue, post ur wallpaper and what ur listening now, while we wait bros
you changed your wallpaper between the last thread and now?
Yea Forums Brie Larson threads are hilarious
based brie poster
i change my wallpaper every 10 minutes
reddit spics fuck off
this is a white man's board and vampire weekend is a white man's band
Just waiting for the fucking leak
same here
only 2 more minutes
The refrain on this life is so beautiful bros, I got a feeling this record will be VW's best
Fuck truth i want FOTB
is that rostams alt
half white devil half spic vampire weekend fan here. Don’t go to reddit though
leak it deak
reminder that rostam left vw in a virgin huff because ezra cucked him with tavi gevinson of rookie
Hey at least if it’s Sony Music it probably got released in some meme format like DSD.
I need to listen to vampire weekend to see what the hype is all about.
Check out Modern Vampires of the City. If you don't like that you can listen to Contra. The latter is far more pop-ish and upbeat
FOTB UMD edition
I'm currently listening to their debut, then I'll get to Modern Vampires of the City.
Nice. If you don't like the debut you can skip Contra. Not identical, but definitely similar in sound. The newest record, judging from the six singles, seems to be more in line with the first two albums, but with more of a west coast/California vibe.
yeah, I'm liking it so far. I'm on Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa rn. It's got some nice guitar riffs, and overall not half bad.
2 minutes lol
I know they exist but I’ve never met a person who dislikes vw’s debut. It pleases normie and weirdo alike
Fuck the 2 min shit
It's no use anons, we'll have to wait a week...
It'll leak soon because people already have the FOTB CD, no clue how no ones leaked it yet, yall lacking
bunch of fags on their moral high horse
it always "leaks" the day before because of time zone releases. so we'll only have to wait a little over two days.
The singles have to release early in the timezones for the album to 'leak', the singles released the same time everywhere, we all have to wait until it actually leaks or it releases
nah, because it's physically out there by that time. it's already out there though.
I guess, that'll only be a 4 hour early leak lmao
The arctic monkeys album was like this and it leaked Tuesday afternoon
what do you mean "like this"?
Probably having CD's around the place
fans already had it and yet no one leaked it until then
I mean at the very latest we could have it by 12am Friday New Zealand time. That's what the other guy was saying
It's coming out at the same time worldwide because the singles did, not all albums release at midnight in each timezone
Same release date, floating around physically the Sunday/Monday prior. The physical copies arrived in South America on Tuesday and some dude in Argentina uploaded it. Target employees are too worried but once it hits mom and pop record shops it’ll be online
Just shut the fuck up, TBHC leaked 4 days before its official release
This rollout combined with no fucking leak is excruciating.
I'm checking out. I don't give a fuck anymore.
Le wrong
The Monday leak was some shitty vinyl rip if I recall. Nobody upped a CD quality until the next day
The Instagram leak was on 7/5, that night the 256 version leaked, ive got some proofs, check arcticmonkeysus forum u piece of crap
You have to go back
You know we cant go back
Well just stop checking these forums and wait till Friday then. Who cares. Either way the physical copies of this album are out there just like the monkeys album. If it takes one extra day longer who cares
It’s probably already sitting on some private torrent
fag 2
Fager of the Bride
It’s an lgbt ally band
Kingdom leak has it
Not seeing it
No they don't faggot
Just bc they HAVE IT does not means they gonna SHARE IT
My fucking shit. I want to bang the animal crossing dog so fucking bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the town hall I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/dog babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.
Portugal. The Man has to be one of the worst band names I have ever heard. The fact that the band has nothing to do with Portugal is only the least of this names problems. What does "Portugal. The Man" even mean? It's not like all good band names have to mean something, but "Portugal. The Man" not only has a bewildering meaning, it doesn't even sound that cool. "Arcade Fire" might not really mean anything relevant to the band, but the words "Arcade Fire" present some pretty cool imagery, and so that is really all the band name needs.
Absolutely nothing special comes to mind upon hearing the words "Portugal. The Man". Is the band trying to give us two totally different ideas here? Like, here's Portugal the country. And then here's some man? It's as if the band couldn't decide between naming themselves "Portugal" or "The Man" so they just said "ahh fuck it, let's combine the two names". And then, against all reason and common sense, they fucking did it.
Is there some man named "Portugal"? Is that who this band is named after? Is the "The Man" part to distinguish the man from the country of the same name? "Portugal" isn't even a real name for a person. And even if it was, and even if "Portugal. The Man" is named after some guy named "Portugal", the band fucked up big time with the punctuation. If all those things are true, the band name should read "Portugal: The Man". You see that? That's a colon. The band name doesn't need a period. The band name just looks stupid with that random misplaced period. The correct punctuation should be a colon, and that's only the case if the band name really is referring to some guy named Portugal. But the band name is never clear. The band name is vague, it sounds stupid, and they fucked up the punctuation. I hate that band name.
Man shut up
so where is it? I'm a busy man.
Nowhere atm, vampire weekemd fans are cucks baka
and the record begins with a song of rebellion
This is fuckedddd
is there still a link to this?
theyre referring to leaked TBHC last year i think
Read the posts above it. They're talking about last year's Arctic Monkeys album
what the fuck is taking so long
Lock in your p4k prediction now
8.4, screenshotting for posterity
hmmmmmf 8.0 best new music
6.4 all fucking buzzbands must get fucking panned
t. nu-p4k
8.4 Best New Album
trust me.
My prediction: 6.8 — the album’s highs are as good or better as anything VW has done, but the album is shaggy and overlong. “This Life” is the standout track. If they had whittled it down to 10 tracks it would be an 8.4 BNM.
goodnight I give up maybe a leak will appear by morning. until then B ye!
who needs pitchfork
U r
can't believe that a few hours ago i actually thought i would listen to this today
same i was so hopeful, better luck tomorrow compadre
I'm upset
y’all are entitled af
You've been cheating on me cheating on me
but i've been cheating thru ....
Giving up the gun underrated senpai
leak does not exist
Alright who's ready to spend all day in this thread again
I can't take it anymore
Not dying
What’s the deal with all the Sony stuff front and centre? Weird artistic choice...album aesthetic is starting to remind me of white goods??? Washing machines....microwave ovens...tumble dryers....
this guy has small facial features which make his head look big
What’s everyone’s listening music today? pic related
meant to say waiting music
ezra said that it's inspired on like weird merchandise from the 90's. that's why the sony logo is so prominently featured.
i actually like the sony logo, it does remind me of a 90s corporate vibe
>Finger Back into Worship You into Ya Hey
holy shit what a run
such a modest mouse
What did Ezra mean by this?
today is the day lads
what you on about?
>Baby, I love you
>But that's not enough
>And pulling away has been unbearably buff
>band with awesome name like "Vampire Weekend"
fucking acoustic guitars
>actually thinking any instrument is inherently bad
It makes me sad to think that you’ll never know what being a patrician feels like.
It's not my fault you have bad taste.
The only time I listen to VW again is when a new one comes out. They're all pretty forgettable.
Hah! Interestingggg
Yeh it’s different, sort of Wall Street Walkman headphones vibe
rostam is gay, and ezra is married with a child.
It's not great. Contra is probably their only actual good album
please today
>unendurably white
you need to go back
You’re dumb
I listening to their whole discography again today and I'm halfway through MVOTC right now. Someone please leak FOTB in the next 20 minutes.
Lil Jon he always tells the truth
at least i'm not a pleb, like you.
If it doesn't happen today I'm gonna fucking shit on every single one of your chests
I'll paypal you $2 if one of you leak this, very exclusive reward
i'll do the same. no bamboozle.
Since when is Rachel Maddow in Vampire Weekend?
leak it baio
same here, $6 coming to our brave brave solider
Buncha zoomers its supposed to look like one of these bastids and it says sony because obviously the band is gonna feel like their branch of the megacorporation owns the world
Just listen to contra, fuck the new album
Post proof or gtfo
Vampire Weekend sucks guys. I can't believe so many of you like this shit.
>Disco Inferno
Holy fucking based
Imagine actually not liking Vampire Weekend lol
>mfw the kids dont stand a chance
I'll swallow a bottlecap rn if one of you fucks drops the .Zip
>frog poster
>shit opinion
name a more iconic duo
i mean "tonight" is over so no need
No zoomer, but I don’t see the similarity. Looks more like a mr men book to me, or some 90s educational poster in some centre for supervised contact with your deadbeat father
ok leak now
Very funny guys but you can drop the leak now
I miss my girlfriend so much guys. This album needs to drop it's all I'm looking forward to.
I heard it leaks friday
this isn't going to happen is it?
it's a white mans band in literally the worst way
someone has it on the ktt thread but won't leak. Lotta people already have it
>dirty east coastie tries to make a “California record”
Fucking yikes
This will be VW’s worst by miles
ya right
they could be bullshitting but I wouldn't put it past a ktt faggot to not leak it.
they posted snippets from non released tracks and deleted them
If you like art ho pussy I guess, they're usually cute tho.
anyone have them saved?
hm sure
Girls that like Vampire Weekend got the best pussy
you cowards need to step the tuck up
luv to see how bent out of shape everyone is lol
Diplomat’s son is so good
that songs about a gay hookup
The best kind of hookups
why does it have sony music over the entire album art
It’s fake tardo
Pack it up ladies this leak has been cancelled
VW's album art as a whole has always been driven by era-specific aesthetic. Their debut and Contra is meant to satirize that early-2010s Urban Outfitters-clad Coachella-native socialite look, MVOTC is meant to represent the end of that generation's youth and aging into misguided adults without much in the way of real world experience.
FOTB seems to be harkening back to a mixture of late 60s flower power Grateful Dead-tinged sounds and early 90s alternative hip-hop with its artwork ala Souls of Mischief and De La Soul. The SONY MUSIC isn't meant to portray wholehearted devotion to their label (though I can easily see why most might feel that way) it's meant to been seen as just another layer of the artwork.
Even the font and style of the logo is antiquated and hasn't been used since the early aughts. Whether or not you like it is totally up to you, but when it comes to intention, the usage is purely tongue-in-cheek and is meant to look tacky like most 90s advertising did.
lol at this fool talking about what art is “meant” to do. good thing ur here with all the answers, brah.
The leak will happen tonight, just be patient lads
Yeah. Maybe tomorrow. Nothing ever leaks after this time of day
don’t listen to him, ladies. you’ll hear this for the first time on Spotify or whatever
leaked on kg, dling now 2 c if legit
Didn't say anything that was meant to come off as objective, all art is subjective and you're well within your rights to interpret any of it however you wish. But most art to some extent is meant to convey a feeling or an opinion about something and I was just speaking on where I felt their intentions were gathered on what I've read from interviews.
yeah what's kg?!
it's not on kingdom leaks if thats what you meant
karagarga?! lol
please keep us updated
Think he was trolling
yeah is there even music on there?
i'm going to be that annoying asshole and post another album while we await this leak. i thought it was decent. u can download it 4 free tho its quite different than vw and it is also nowhere as good
pretty cool
Vinyl rip though ehhh
It'll suffice for now, listened to wildflower on a shitty vinyl rip that was poorly sequenced
it's going slow, 1 seeder and 46 leeches rn
What's the ETA on it
friday :^)
I’d just wait. There’ll be a cd quality one up within hours of a vinyl
you’re doing god’s work, dude. much appreciated
Thanks dude!
why the fuck would it be on kg of all places first
We’re in the endgame now
Wtf is karagarga
>Inb4 t. underage
brb listening in my moms car
There is, but generally not major label stuff.
It isn't, they just have the first album in low bitrate that was uploaded in 2008 and was only snatched four times and is currently dead.
Thank you for educating these children
it’s there u just didn’t search right
I need to stop falling for all of these bamboozles
Anyone willing to shill out for the Japanese release to share the three bonus tracks? (assuming they aren't just remixes)
love contra, really like mvotc, absolutely not a fan of debut
uploading right now, 15%, 2 minutes!
Reminder that The Strokes did the “retro” album cover for Comedown Machine with the record label name pasted huge on the front 6 years ago as a fuck you to RCA because it was the last album in their 5 album contract with them
And they never did another album again
i want to be leaf
Rostam produced some shit on the upcoming album, he just doesn't wanna be part of the band.
They released a 3 song EP in 2016, and will probably release something else before The Voidz do another album
i like the strokes but i dont know what the voidz are
julians side project?
This rollout has been so bad. Like a 6 month rollout after a 6 year break. Arctic monkeys posted a snippet then just released the album 8 weeks later. Nobody deserves this shit
only one track according to the rolling stone review, pretty sure it was Harmony Hall too.
So why is there no leak yet?
Yea, but it’s more of a new band than just Julian’s side project. Both Tyranny and Virtue are fantastic albums, think the Strokes but more noise and fuzz and synths
Leek plz
Def think we get new strokes soon. They’re headlining a bunch of shit this year
>ywn have a contra gf
Bump. Someone start the next thread
We need new luck. Plus the title of this one sucks ass. Who wants to leak in this garbage ass thread
Oh I hope so, I loved OBLIVIUS