Listening to 98.12.28 for the first time on my soundbar covered in blankets :3 I feel comfy

Listening to 98.12.28 for the first time on my soundbar covered in blankets :3 I feel comfy

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it's 2am also

I'm glad you're having a good time, user


Is that your boner

:) I mean it. I'm going to listen to the blade runner soundtrack soon and hope for equal comfyness



have fun :)


How big is your dick?

17-18 cm

Post pics

thats a good album user Long Season is my favorite song all time. glad youre enjoying it :)


Nice dude

thog don't care


stop being a faggot ITT

that looks pretty expensive, but listening to music in bed comfily sounds amazing. Headphones always get in the way though

My parents got this for free when they bought TV or something and they ain't using it. It's pretty gud. Better than I expected.

Holy shit I'm done
the Long Season on here... damn
it was a trip

hey thog, wassup?

hey bro can we cuddle :3