black metal pokemon edition
Other urls found in this thread:
melodeath sucks
netherlands edition
First for black metal pizzagate edition
I need more Slavic/Ruski meals.
Is there a chart for this?
yes, just try any NSBM chart
Vried, although not true black metal, are really good and deserve to be jammed every now and then. put them in your rotation.
>easysong to get into:
Add m*lodic black metal to that list two
no meloblack can be good
bolt thrower sucks
first 3 albums are great, especially pitch black brigade. haven't put out a good album since. never seen another band so content with mediocrity
which pokemon is this?
Rate my vocals
>never seen another band so content with mediocrity
literally any band that peaked in the 80s or 90s
>What’s with DMU/ANUS? Is it really all one guy? Is it just some autist who tried to turn his social awkwardness into something to be smug about?
Yes it's mostly just Brett/SRP. His site has been around forever, and he established a canon of classic albums that still holds up really well. ANUS for instance was pushing Demilich and Intestine Baalism many years before they became trendy. As for his political posturing, it seems a bit power fantasy driven and I try to mostly look past it. So yeah, your estimation of the guy is pretty spot on.
Pretty good m8!
What is the most glorious Power Metal album?
The only Power Metal album that counts
I'm conflicted about this one.
Literally sound like some Latino rock bands I’ve heard
>posting metalcore in /metal/
stormlord blows this shit out of the water
this one is really well done
>tfw broke my ankle, collarbone, and sternum in a car accident
Metal for this feel?
im boring can someone recomend black or thrash or black black/thrash? or death ? what ever surprise me
>melodic black metal su-
most of this is black/thrash
actually all of it is just thrash and venom is just nwobhm
This but ironically
there's some iffy ones. i see sentence of death as arguably the first black metal release
first for BASED Noire and not shit KPN or whatever the fuck it turned into over the past half a decade
the only iffy ones are the second bathory album and tormentor
kreator and sepultura are unironically closer to death metal
>whatever the fuck it turned into over the past half a decade
a rap group, apparently
never like the first vomitor album
>here this
wow this is better thanks
im already here al of this thx
sounds good butt im not in the mood maby check later
wats the opinion of the new darkthrone song
Mercyful Fate is not thrash.
Next band in line to get all its concerts cancelled. You heard it here first.
Famine has let his gay political views take over the band.
Of course it doesn't help that the only good drummer and bassist that he ever worked with left too.
didn't even notice them
it's already happening you doofus.
muslims don't even listen to metal
who cares
fuck them
>muslims don't even listen to metal
>who cares
not you, but who cares about you?
>fuck them
fuck you.
>3 minute casio noodling/spoken word intro
Yeah that's always a good sign
literally how long until bands like deafheaven get attacked just for playing a vaguely black metal style?
It could be worse user
ok shitskin
>Muslims don’t even listen to metal
Well it’s whites the ones asking always for the cancellation of black metal concerts so that’s irrelevant
they should just listen to non-racist muslim music in praise of allah then
the NSBM bands that the guys from Horna were in were so fucking bad. Also doesn't one of them do session work with the JUST Peste Noire now? Lame
BLACK FUGGIN METAL!!!!!!!11!!!!1!
Well the vocalist was heavily influenced by Nazi imagery during the Sunbather era (he used to do the seig heil during their sets), the guitarist also used to use the word faggot a lot and the drummer used to always use a Hate Forest t-shirt. They may as well get the antifa treatment in the future
also this lmao
may as well get the ball rolling
it'll be fun to see trannies get buttmad about having to disassociate with their favorite band
emailing writers at pitchfork, stereogum, awl, vulture, av club would be a good start. i guarantee one of them would bite.
the tweets are old news and trying to ruin Deafheaven for stupid social media posts is no better than Graveland getting it's concert cancelled a few years ago, or what is happening to Horna, and even more recently Mgla (which makes no fucking sense because Mgla has no ties to NS)
literally everyone has seen this already
mgwa are taking legal action so hopefully these media outlets aren't so eager to write hit pieces on bands anymore
that metalsucks article on behemoth should have been a bigger deal in regards to defamation
Rob Darken is a born again christian now so it's all good
Behemoth's fanbase, at least before the Santa-ist, was mostly neckbears rather than soibois. So no one gave a shit about anything metalcux was dishing out.
why are the actual 2nd wave norwegian artists more polite than this guy?
Get well soon fren
because most of them are based, have mellowed out, and realize how cringe they were
not Varg though
>"Why yes I believe Epidemic of Violence is the best thrash metal album ever recorded, how did you know?"
wtf i love black metal now
The left 50% of this image are some of the both funniest and most kvlt shit that has ever been captured
I like how two of them went all out and the other two decided to just show up
>my pet b-grade album/band is great because I posted le funny meme again
>t. ourist
Big 4 > Demolition Hammer
>contrarian faggots will actually try to argue against this
Indria and Winterhalter look like dudes from any other metal band and Famine and Neige, especially Famine, look like they'd come crawling at you from a coffin in some dungeon
>that metalsucks article on behemoth should have been a bigger deal in regards to defamation
which one?
yes except for anthrax
Friendly reminder that Sons of Evil is pale shriveled shit in comparison to Into the Abyss and the fact that it's on like 3 of the charts that float around here is fuckin retarded. Like hard to look at, "dear god, is it 9 yrs old or 40?", unresponsive drooling kind of retarded.
>no Kat
>no Root
the one that called nergal a nazi for hanging out with rob darken
>Indria goes from KPN to Tears for Fears covers on youtube with less than 150 views
Unironically more kvlt than Alcest
At least it doesn't have Strappado
strappado is based kys
The thing with that shit, is all those BM bands loved all that stuff... The deathrash stuff that came out the same time that was that sweet spot between all the subgenres that existed like December Moon (which is a shame it's not on that chart either). I'm not too mad when Strappado is there because it's just beefed up Hellhammer n it influenced all those dudes.
doubt the attention whoring faggot nergal cared a bit. all it did was get him some last shred of credibility with edgelords, metalkikes got their clicks, and the whole thing has largely been forgotten already
>t. literal boomer
>hating early Anthrax
>t. contrarian faggot trying too hard
literally me
>what, you don't like my favorite boomer bands? you're just a contrarian then!
>Thinking boomers listen to 80s thrash metal
Top kek, friend.
>What, you don't think my favorite b-grade band is the best thrash band ever? You must be a boomer then!
Friendly reminder that everyone here is just a boomer is disguise
how are you being any different for not liking them just for the sake of it?
you're all wrong Vio-lence's eternal nightmare is the pinnacle of thrash sorry
esoteric will be releasing a triple album this year
Thoughts on Abbath's new solo stuff?
>Robb Flynn
>greatest anything
>thinking eternal nightmare isn't a masterpiece
yeah ok machine head sucks vio-lence still sounds sick without him
How are you supposed to listen to Esoteric? I never have the attention span for a full album of theirs.
>Sean Killian
Has there ever been a less essential metal band member?
by being depressed and angry at the same time
He's the only memorable part of the band.
its alright, but don't suck its dick too hard
>Sean Killian
>Has there ever been a less essential metal band member?
(You) me next time, feggit
>its alright, but don't suck its dick too hard
>machine head boy good, critic of his old band bad
Holy Diver
Rank these albums.
But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.
We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.
To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."
I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.
Chuck’s Fuck and Suck
hello my name is Rob and I have a new hat
left hand path and persecution mania are highly based u must be one of dem gay niggas
Very Cool, Kanye!
First band I’ve seen use Notre Dame in the album cover. The music is not bad at all either.
they're overrated
entombed is completely outclassed by dismember and grave in every imaginable way
i've never cared about sodom, they're boring compared to kreator or destruction
those are some insane vocals and nasty riffs for someone who looks like a peak boomer
Need me some blackened thrash or death thrash please
This is pretty good. Thanks user.
for blackthrash
>Sons of Evil instead of Into the Abyss
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Based, thanks user
>you walk into the men's showers at the gym and see this
What do?
i think I might like Sons of Evil a little better than Into the Abyss desu. I've never heard an album that sounded quite like it. A real unique shittiness to the sound
Listen to more demos. It's not unique.
uhuh, and what demos in 1984 or before 1984 sound like sons of evil?
Have you guys ever stopped listening to metal for a long while only for you to find yourself wanting to listen to it again?
Could Mglas lawsuit be the next hulk beatdown?
Possessed, Hellhammer, and the rest of the German Thrash bands. Doesn't mean it was their best material.
>/metal/ listens to metal
get a load of this fag
we rate album artwork, not listen to music..
literally every time I stop
whenever I try and listen to another genre, I just think, no matter how good it is, "I'd rather be listening to metal"
So is he a top or a bottom? Have never decided about that.
Fuckin by the way. Into the Abyss was only recorded in 86. It's still pretty fuckin gnarly for its time.
I don't even know how it's possible to have this conversation considering you can barely hear what's happening in Sons of Evil.
>Severed Survival
>Left Hand Path
>Onward to Golgotha
>Ride the Lightning
>Persecution Mania
>Effigy of the Forgotten
i'll just listen to another genre of metal
>>Onward to Golgotha
end yourself
Do you really have to ask?
Sometimes I'll be in the middle of When Love Is New by Art Blakey or Sing Swan Song by Can and think...... yyyyyeeeaaaahhh, but this isn't as good as Nocturnal Hell by Slaughter.
>Have you guys ever stopped listening to metal for a long while
NSBM needs to become the norm for black metal. Enough of this edgy satanism.
cause being an actual racist isn't edgy?
it's all the same shit: shock value
half the nsbm bands use satanism anyway
Nah, we had enough of that in the 90s n 00s. We need more shit like Al Namrood. Political/religious rebels that play in spite of the impending danger of execution for blasphemy.
is there any band like black magick ss without the cringeworthy nazi symbolism? i have no problem with the ideology itself btw just asking if there are any similar bands out there
>NSBM needs to become the norm for black metal.
it's just psych rock with screaming
listen to the doors
the doors has no screaming though
Celebration of the Lizard
very based song
Are you implying being a Nazi is less edgy than being a satanist? Kek
Personally I enjoy listening to lyrics about the human condition and nihilism other than that I just don’t care about what you’re trying to tell me.
oh, hi, /pol/
with whom? also, give a link
looks like 100% top, also perhaps into bdsm
fuck off eternally. Satan rapes your dad's dumb ass.
neonazi virgins vs satanist chads
normal people > Pagans > Satanists > Chirstians > nazi/comies
p sure that image came from one of the varg threads that popped up after news broke
>not being christian
>being christian
Larry LaLonde grew up, when will you?
>Myrkur turns out to be some sperg who lives with her mom and didn’t get a bf until she was like 30
>still lives with her mom while her husband lives in the US with another woman’s kids
So now that Myrkur has been confirmed to be just as much of a nerd as everyone else, who really is the biggest Stacy in metal? Fucking Doro Pesch? That current girl from Arch Enemy who’s allegedly a con artist who rips people off?
Sodom > Kreator >> Kekstruction (literally 0.5 good albums lol)
so she's /ourgirl/ now?
thot who makes shitty faux-black metal
completely ignorable and forgettable except for having a vagina
What did she mean by this necklace?
you tell me
No. Deafheaven are gay. They deserve it.
sounds like a kind of woman I'd hang out with
Have sex.
proceed with washing?
This is the correct opinion.
fuck off back to your shithole board and leave the fucking hall.
>larping as nazi in a mongolian website about chinese cartoons
I'm too terrifying for your homosexual nigger ass.
I want to buy a weapon like this god damn it
no, you're just a loser.
borgir has always had some cool fucking weapons
>no, you're just a loser.
Okay, retard.
Garm's protégé
he's right tho
she's always been
nigger detected
>calling other people losers while sharing a general with them
im just loling at your life
I'm not "sharing" the general with the shitstains who contribute nothing of value and spread their political cancer because they're devoid of any personality.
Those ones look too stylish desu I’d rather have the one that I originally posted. It looks more medieval
uh pee pee poo poo shut up faggot who cares
unironically BASED
They try so hard to spin the ideas she’s trying to say it’s just both hilarious and sad
Hit me with that lo-fi comfy synthy black metal senpai
But... shes right
And I just took a fat shit but that doesn't mean anyone has to care
Mostly 4-6/10s largely from the era when metal musicians were pretty bad at actually playing their instruments
so when it had soul
/metal/s opinion on pro-wrestling?
fucking wish we had this in europe, at least the hardcore deathmatch stuff.
I forgot, what's that band that actually starts wrestling fights on stage among its members so they kick the shit out of each other while playing some kind of thrash or groove?
The best pro wrestling is that weird hardcore performance art shit where they actually get really bloody and endure some real pain for the art of it
no idea, would like to know as well.
that would be the hardcore deathmatch stuff i guess? they break glass on eachother and just make 'em bleed like a lot.
Necro Butcher (pic in previous) was infamous for this blood sport.
Yeah I guess, idk much about the sport. Seen some Japanese dudes with what looked to be real scars beat the shit out of each other with flourescent lightbulbs tho, good shit
Why are most young metal bands so mediocre? The best metal used to be made by guys who were 15-25, and now it seems like you need to be 30+ to be decent (a few exceptions like Hellripper exist). Even in a less boomer infested genre like Djent most notable artists are 30+.
Because the more you do something the better you get at it you fucking nonce
The young bands that are good are probably nobodies. I dont think there are many highschoolers doing metal bands after school these days like there was in the 80s and 90s. also, by the time they get big enough to get a lable, if ever, they are in their late 20s and 30s
About to blast this. What am I in for?
nah same here, there are many of these underground wrestling matches.
many fake ones too, like fighting off a moving truck.
i know it's huge in asia (mostly japan), the backwoods of america and in mexico.
those are real scars 100%, these people are madmen who are not doing it for money. not sure why they do it, maybe they like pain.
Grand Magus - Wolf God
I would say something pretentious about self destruction for the purpose of art but Im not convinced they're even considering it on that level desu
Happy valborg/walpurgisnacht to all fellow eurotrash in the thread
he's right though
yeah they don't look like your typical art fag that's for sure. they do seem to be pretty cool dudes actually, would love to party with some of those madmen, most of them are probably into metal as well.
glad valborg right back at you
>who really is the biggest Stacy in metal?
How is this even a fucking question?
For whoever was lyric posting Collins a few threads ago: extremely based
I actually listened to Beethoven on Speed and was taken by surprise: not only were there a bunch of original tracks (aside from the classical covers she’s associated with), are there death(thrash) metal sections with crazy lyrics, but the album just straight up features racist skits.
Yeah Kat is legit, she just has a really retarded "image". Although shred albums can only get so exciting. My favorite thing about her is just that you can never fucking tell how old she is in photos because she's making that same retarded face all the time.
>she’s still doing her shtick on youtube
Does she have a day job or something?
You can ask this about a lot of passionate loons but it's best not to think about it. She's a proper violinist so it's very possible she does some stealth session work.
What genre is this?
black metal
You sure?
What's the problem?
There’s a 1982 Sodom demo that’s heavier and harsher than almost everything from the 90s.
Black metal is not about being heavier and harsher, more like the opposite.
>heaviness and harshness is what defines black metal
Ok then what genre is this?
>more like the opposite
what the fuck kind of black metal have you been listening to?
I meant that sometimes a work can exist before the time that such a work is expected to exist.
black thrash metal
>black metal can't be melodic
yeah that's called melodic black metal
saying black metal is supposed to be the opposite of harsh and heavy is retarded
But thrash metal was invented in 1982 with Metallica's first demo.
How can black thrash metal exist before either black metal or thrash metal were invented?
Venom "invented" those genres but I'm gonna assume you're just trying to bait me now
>an album is heavy because of shitty recording
>riffs are literally hard rock tier
Hate this trope
anyone watch sonia anubis? she's cringey in a qt sort of way. perfect for /metal/
women aren't kvlt
youtube is for losers
>common sense is edgy
seriously, what the fuck am I reading?
You're a legit beta for giving a shit about youtube metal girls.
Great PR move. Makes me not want to hate Myrkur so badly.
All are classics.
Bathory is literally the only good album on there.
How about Painkiller?
Did I fucking stutter, gay boy?
I see how it is.
Quick rundown on ANUS/DMU?
Turbobrainlet who took philosophy in college and never got over his time in college. He also likes death metal.
Is that really how being gay works? I wouldn't know because I don't listen to Death or Burzum but I was under the impression that all fags take it up the ass without exception
firearms are cooler
imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that you can't enjoy the greatest metal album of all time
I need help Yea Forumstants
I'm looking for a song Spotify would play for me a lot with a lyric "I am the one, the one who __"
It'd play in things like falconer Clarion call radio or orden ogan the things we believe in radio.
Its not metallica or puddle of mud
Mgla lawsuit?
imagine being so gay you think that painkiller is even the best priest album, let alone best metal album of all time
Isa of course
>muslims don't even listen to metal
they don't read cartoons either
>not liking Painkiller
Literally more gay than Halford
>not liking gay shit is gay
Imagine thinking that actually makes sense.
Lmao how most women in metal are just singers who dont even play instruments too and are just kept around as a pretty face for marketing purposes
Can't make good metal? Just have a moderately attractive girl sing in your band so lonely incels will come to your concerts so they can jack off to your singer later
Post female metal musicians with actual skill
Damn people actually pay to go to college for philosophy?
I thought that was just something people joked about
Lmao just read some fucking books
If you're not retarded it's easy as shit to learn philosophical concepts on your own
Waste of money and a degree
shh gay boy
>it takes skill to larp as burzum
Guys, I think Lords of Gayos started this "hurrr cancel this meanie band concert pwease :(((" bullshit.
I mean, this recent wave of "protests" this shit always happened around the world.
That's trad-metal user. Still glorious though
>Severed Survival
>Left Hand Path
>Onward to Golgotha
>Ride the Lightning
>Persecution Mania
>Effigy of the Forgotten
This is just a track on my new E.P it's like heavy as shit black metal with an avant-garde instrumentation.
Check it out if you want;
this is garbage, fuck off and kys
>best era
>some of the best metal albums
shit taste, stop listening to metal
what do you guys think about mgla getting btfo by sjws?
>if you’re not retarded
But Chris Blanc/Brett Stevens/Prozac IS a retarded 50 year old fatso.
He was 29 in pic related, wonder what he looks like now.
I'll check that out, thanks user
shit taste kys
Thoughts on Gatecreeper?
His looks alone imply metal/tabletop rpg bro
But linking that face to the words makes himself seem pathetic
Astarte (specifically Doomed Dark Years)
Tristessa was fucking hot man, but the music was even better
Thanks guys lmao
Did they make that monitor into a bong
>doesn't even have a logo, just uses a standard font
>brown mud
her cover of folklore songs are good. she should go down that route
>söyboys now coming for mgla
They were already doing that, but it was mostly to listen to them
Too bad power metal sucks. It has the best album covers of all subgenres.
>power metal sucks
venues that cuck out of it because of some retarded accusations/threats should be labelled as cucksheds and avoided by other bands.
you kids like trad metal?
either Tales Of Ancient Prophecies or Heroes Of Mighty Magic by Twilight Force
Not trying to shill my project here, I would like to have some genuine feedback in terms of my demo/promo production. Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal.
I am trying to achieve sound similar to Caladan Brood, Summoning etc. bands. Should I ditch the whole project? How does it sound to you especially if you like the music of aforementioned bands?
The recording process is starting to consume lots of my time and I cannot afford proper studio, is it a listenable production soundwise when compared to something like this:
Any feedback more than welcome.