Moby is a faggot.

Play was a terrible album.

Attached: 02-moby.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 93K)

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I use it for a coaster on my coffee table.

I use it for a coaster on my coffee table.

I use it as a frisbee when I'm at the park.

It's very low energy.

>tfw remembering Yea Forums prior to Donald Trump's campaign

Attached: 1556548461005.jpg (400x580, 74K)

I remember music hipster art fag music like Moby in the 90s and it was a good disc to throw in the air before you blew it to smithereens with a shotgun.

Attached: Moby.png (900x1154, 1.2M)

>he thinks Moby is "hipster"
wew lad

"Natural Blues", lol.

This is what a soi boy looks like. Soi muzak.

Attached: download (3).jpg (225x224, 7K)

I don't know why I'm even responding but, he was a rave kid, and now he's a celebrity musician. His time was before hipsters.