The Chad elitist black dude vs. the literal virgin """""(((((musicologist)))))"""""" soilad

The Chad elitist black dude vs. the literal virgin """""(((((musicologist)))))"""""" soilad.

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Yeah let's have this discussion again

this white man doesnt actually care about us he just wants woke points

>symphonic algorithm

what did he mean y this?

guess we know which one you are


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oh steve

never trust a man who doesn’t lift weights. seriously start doing this and see how many soÿ opinions are dodged

Read this as "Good composition"

>old meme from the "cancer years"

I posted it again guys


Not the shitposting soi faggot

Yea Forums is unironically more based than in the days of chanology.

Ehh saying Beethoven used "symphonic algorithms" is pretty reductive and kind of insulting towards his actual creativity. If anything he's more known for not following the conventions and formulas of his day. Tbh I would love to hear this guy attempt to break down Beethoven's symphonic algorithm

>faggots getting unironically invested in the non-cogencies of scientology was good

You have a guy who simply misspoke and another guy being ironically unironically racist and condescending and also promoting totala aesthetic relativism. I mean obviously the first guy is in the right.

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That man's girly shoulders tells me all I need to know about his political affiliation and general constitution.

> siding with soiboi over nigger

Never change.

You can agree with a soiboi and still think he's a fucking faggot

I didn't side with either of them... all I did is point out that the language the guy was using to describe Beethoven was pretty dumb. I don't disagree with his point but I think it's funny that he implies he COULD break down Beethoven's music, all while pretty much showing in two words that he has no idea what he's talking about.

Seriously some of y'all need to learn that you can criticize an aspect of someone's statement without believing the polar opposite. Nowhere in my first post did I say anything remotely mirroring what the second twitter guy said

he is obviously jewish
i dont know how so many people on Yea Forums of all places cant spot a jew

only people that have been here since 2008 truly appreciate what happened in 2016

>You can't have individual taste
>Music taste is inherently racist
Fuck Steve with a rusty railroad spike

That's the problem. There is so much going against Steve that you really ought to side with the Black dude.

The second guy is probably a meme account. Top tweet isn't even shitting on trap, just saying that classical experts will understand why certain songs are special over some zoomer that listened only to Lil Yachty

the nigger in this picture was trolling, google the tweet and read further in the thread