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Other urls found in this thread:

fakey love


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giving tzuyu a crampie while she ignores me and looks at her phone

getting a gf is too hard

Redditfag thought he was getting some TWICE pussy, but just made half of the girls feel awkward. It's funny he thought the ones who are best at being fake as fuck were the nicest

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fancy is song of the year

Are they okay

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this is unironically my fetish and it's so hard to find...

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ok ok but when's the unit reunion
this triggers me

He'd have to try harder than impressing Twice with dance covers to fuck them.

what happend

>literally every single post-ioi group failed except chungha

damn if only someone (literally everyone) saw it coming, it mightve been preventable..

that's gay

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exo transcends kpop

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post her ass

>jeonyeon and tzuyu didn't act like they wanted to fuck

literally nothing

is she atleast facetiming me

me on the left.

I'm starting go think people in the industry actually hate somi lmao

This thread makes me want to get back into doing celebrity to porn face swaps again.

why didnt the swedish dude grab them by the pussy like his viking ancestors would

you know google recommends results based on your history right

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A weapon to surpass Twice...

pls donate help a once

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>believing what you read online
>specifically a reddit post


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Swedish dude's dance group was invited to dance with Twice. Tzuyu and Jeongyeon were a bit awkward around him.


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ksoo’s phat ass transcends everything

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wtf he didn't say anything bad about jeongyeon or tzuyu at all

can i get a status on my niggas
my current status: so fucking horny

Relax /kpg/, I'm sure Swedish dude didn't fuck your Twicefu

based. old kpop is fucking horrible most of the time it all sound like someone who spent 1 weeks learning how to make beats in fl studio and left it at that

seeing twice on stage and with these swedish dude is the weirdest thing i've seen in kpop yet.
still really funny. he looks like he had the time of his life

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He said "They were all (well, mostly) really sweet and kind."

and then went on to say

"There was a pretty stark difference between say Nayeon and Jihyo who were really active with running around shaking our hands and hugging, and Tzuyu and Jeongyeon who didn't make nearly the same effort."

i hate aegyo so much, especially when ugly men do it

when they say "old" kpop they mean 2nd gen, not seo taiji etc

ì don't even google stuff like this? what does google think is wrong with me?

Attached: why google.png (684x502, 28K)

composition-wise there were tons of amazing songs obviously, but the arrangements/production only started getting decent around 2014/5 or so with stuff like 4minute etc. galaxy supernova I think was notably ahead of its time tho

he is closer than you will ever be

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It's cause google's constantly wire tapping everyone who uses it. Or because most kpop fans are emo teenagers.

K-Pop was at the same cringe level as J-Pop for a long time.

i need to meet dubu irl
i want to know just how soft she really is
how are the results so close?

the ones i posted are suggested youtube searches, seems google gives me positive ones as well
what are your youtube recs like

why would Tzuyu choose that ugly motherfucker over the BTS or Exo boys lmao

i haven't found that comment but he says tzuyu is his bias

stay healthy boys

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That's not the only thing it bases them on.


you know exactly why

Attached: 세리머니까지 완.벽. 야부키 나코, 고난도 한글 퍼즐 정답! The Brainiacs 190429 E (1920x1080, 2.79M)

the idea of kpop on the radio still fucks with my mind. like its not even an idea anymore but i always wonder what goes thru boomers' heads when theyre driving and all they hear are 6 twinks singing in autotune and the 7th member starts rapping autistically in a language they've never heard before

not sure, I think snsd/wg/kara were already miles ahead of jpop

funny because i actually google sewol earlier

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roasties use allkpop

everything i do is completely wired into google. i even use a google phone, so it must have a pretty clear picture of me. but i'm definitely not an emo.
it's probably because i visit /r9k/

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okay i found the comment. honestly phillip is obviously a faggot, and that's just how faggots are. they're catty and they don't have respect

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Is it just BTS that gets airtime in NA? Is it actually a common occurrence even?

i'm a guy that loves huge asses, but jennie's small butt gets me ROCK HARD!

most boomers wouldn't be listening to a pop music station (that would play new/recent songs or kpop)
they'd tune in to the "easy listening" station or whatever the equivalent is

boy with luv fell out of public consciousness pretty quick. i wonder if they'll ever make a song that will stick

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right, also location and time. maybe i have a bunch of suicidal faggots near my location right now.

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Is Dubu the only natty kpop girl who's made it big? Everyone else has clearly had prastic surgery. Dubu looks natty.

Fake Love still plays in my head

I'm an anesthetist and in the operating room last week I heard boy in luv. Weird af.


Here comes armchair Dr. Kimberly

wonder why the youtube recs are so much sadder

IU is uggo though

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somi, but she's uggo


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spring day stuck around for a record time although a lot of that is probably army streaming it autistically ofc

do twinks have any body hair? should i shave my legs and the rest of my body?

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you didn't say anything about their attractiveness

>Tzuyu and Jeongyeon who didn't make nearly the same effort."
>pretty girls putting in extra effort
well, imagine my shock


>being so mad dubuggo is such fucking uggo you have to accuse every other idol of cheating
lol name something more pathetic
cute minju tummy

nobody believes this not even you

responding to bait with bait is fine

i def noticed along with wonys tiny butt


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yoo jeongyeon is racist against white people

>huge bait
iu is fucking perfect

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and hitomi gets rekt
pretty good video

i need more nayeon and cub spam, im starting to think they're pretty

>tfw you grieve in stereo

wtf I love jeongyeon now!

i honestly find her ugly. her nose bridge is too low.

a literal sloth

hitomi honda beating up nako and stealing all her fans

can't wait to see it!

lol shaving isn't gonna cut it you fag
you have to go for full body waxings

Benefits of waxing over shaving
1) pulls the hair out from the root rather than cutting it just above the surface, so you get proper smoothness instead of stubble everywhere
2) lasts a lot longer before you need to do it again
3) waxing actually weakens the hair so the mroe you do it, the thinner and thinner it will grow back every time

being a twink is fagshit though so you should probably kys

word she only likes black cock

that's every korean except eunseo

rose instead.

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yes, twinks can be hairy

last night i dreamt that nayeon was my gf and i've been in love with her all day since waking up

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IU is even worse than usual

i haven't followed iu closely to know if she had something done later but it seems a pretty good guess she was natty when she made it as a kid
practically every kpop seems to do something eventually

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twiceboy come back pls

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no one understands you

i miss her so much bros

why is nayeon learning english anyway? does she want more white dick? is she aiming for an american debut?

poor hiichan
god damn it

word, iu is pretty ugly, her face is too flat and she looks like a chimpanzee from the side

>tfw you grieve in stereo

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what do you consider crossing the line for alterations? a lot of retards claim ps when most likely it's the usual injections package (botox reductions and kybella) they did to shape their face. maybe some laser for acne scarring if it's there

if somi ever debuts she'll be joining chungha

someone’s gotta. i’ve heard her and jihyo’s english is good enough to carry a convo at a fan sign.

Sounds strange

pristin comeback any day now

it wouldnt hurt to be able to speak a little for their western tour stops i guess

Are there any stans here who literally follow their group around the world and go to practically every show?

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no way she's natty

nayeon's always been decent at english. her best friend growing up moved to america when they were kids and she stays in contact and knows a bit of english that way

IOI reunion soon


(kent belieb)

when stalker sasaengs find time for social media it's their own group chats or on their own native language boards

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imagine ioi outselling izone...

i spend all day here. that should be enough

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i wouldn't even do that if i was rich enough to never work

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why do incels think everything is plastic

chaeyeon hasn't looked good for the past of couple years. cathy and jueun have been mogging her

Attached: DIA(다이아) 주은 - WOOWA(우와) _ 190322 뮤직뱅크 직캠-5795586.mp4-[01.01.861-01.08.435] (590x1080, 2.82M)

beautiful tall wife

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not that i've seen, some kpg members have traveled between countries for a specific concert though

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Himmler should be teaching the others girls English. She already has a headstart

this video is highly edited

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fancammers don't even focus on chaeyeon anymore. she's not hot anymore

jueun and cathy get all the attention now

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Chaeyeon is really cute sometimes, hard to believe no one cares about her more than they do

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sad but true
it was all over when she got those carboxy shots
her face is still pretty tho

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koreans are fucking crazy if they think being 20kg underweight is attractive

no one on kpg posts chaeyeon any more either...

Imagine GI-DLE's next comeback outselling IOI

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me as chen

why are you spamming nayuggo

a couple of years ago some fan told chae he got into dia for her but now he likes yebin and she just said that's how it usually goes

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can't believe what?

sticc is popular in america too tho

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this looks like a drama

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chaeyeon's always been a fake stuck-up cunt anyway so who gives a fuck? oh yeah and she shits herself in the bathtub

they should auction off twice clothes for charity

where to get stone gf

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only the ones that actually look good, not the cheap shit

I want Momo's panties

Can't sleep so I'm blasting it to Yuqi

why is she so cute

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freaking cute

>that's how it usually goes

only if you become less attractive than you once were(due to losing weight or plastic surgery). it's usually one of those two reasons

jimin of aoa became uggu due to both

why isn't it popular in germany though?! girls get fatter here

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>be white dude who loves twice
>get the chance to perform in front of them
>because you are the only dude there, they are excited/interested to see you perform
>ego through the roof now
>perform for them and win
>get a chance to dance with them too
>the two members you expected to be bitches turn out to be the friendliest and nicest to you
>the ones who you expected to be really friendly don't give you the time of day
>even worse one of them is your waifu

pretty hilarious

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baby rose. super cute.

Attached: 42330749_304052590180634_3590002775559591831_n.jpg (1080x810, 76K)

>take my money
yes please

>ioi is coming back
>without somi
>her debut is delayed

i want that thong that jihyo wore in her see thru pants

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looks like kei

only the jueun part is accurate

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nayeon is my favorite twice

they did on twice's elegant private life

Sihyeon with a shorter face...

i bet all he had to do to fuck freak nasty was to wink at her or some easy bullshit

Attached: DRQgdd9UMAIdO32.jpg (1000x1500, 202K)

massive changes in before and after pictures. significant nose shape change, overall face/jaw shape changes
the nose is usually the biggest giveaway, chingchongs just don't have thin noses
oh and eye alterations. that eyelid surgery that lots of chingchong women get. to make the eyes bigger (which i don't even like, it takes away from their chingchong beauty. if i wanted big eyed whores i'd stick with white roasties)

But just looking at all the other members of Twice

- Naeyeon has had a lot. Eyes and nose definitely. Overall face shape/jaw too? not sure
- Mina: nose for sure
- Momo: nose for sure. Maybe also eyes, they're quite 'open', much more than a normal Jap
- Sana: eyes
- Tsuyu: a lot. Eyes, nose, jaw/chin
- Jihyo: EYES
- Chaeyoung: her eyes looked awful big in this latest vid. Perhaps nose too. Not as obvious as the others, more subtle.

- Twiceboy: actually Twiceboy looks possibly natty too. Twiceboy and Dubu.

phillip's a little bitch, fuck that guy

>be white dude who loves twice
>"if i perform they'll love me and i get to fuck my waifu!"
>twice couldn't care less after watching his performance
>tfw no twice pussy tonight

sleepy rose, my wife is sleeping.

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glad I picked a good waifu

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Have you actually seen Mimi's nose

jh had big eyes since a kid

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i have hardly paid attention to kpop and kpg since snsd died with lion heart. i like bts, twice, and dreamcatcher. whats some good shit that came out recently?

cathy has also been looking great recently

OMG have you guys seen this music video

is wikipedia down

jihyo reminds of that genetic freak on hello counselor who is 100% korean but looks like an arab and got shit for it his entire life


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Weki Meki

i dont plan to marry rose until she's 27-29. also i fool around too so im not getting cucked

you almost had us

Persian princess...

the episode with exid right? that guy's dad 100% got cucked


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nose and eyes aren't really dramatic procedures, especially the more subtle kinds idols get these days. (unless they get botched like namjoo)

shaving down jaws or cheekbones starts to enter gambling territory for how dramatically it can change someone's appearance

>dumb swed thinks just because he's white everyone is gonna be nice to him

Jihyo having Arabic or Indian ancestry isn't out of the question.


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Yeah it is not a natural east asian nose at all. It's thinned. The biggest giveaway is when you look from the side.
yeah i see what you mean. But even using that kid picture as a reference, I think they're still too big now to be natty.
Cmon, this is the kpop industry, it's not like it's unusual.

good cams but she has never mogged jueun or chaeyeon

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>He hasn't invest in new EXID LE glass

What are even doing on Yea Forums now? Purchase today.

majestic beauty

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trying to break into the chinese botnet app

Cub's really training for these american shows.

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didn't he say he got tested to make sure? idk though, i don't care that much

surgeryposter here
ah yes this is also a possibility regarding her
i didn't think of that
maybe she is a quarter something else
that could explain it

I sitll think most kpop stars are enhanced
All the hot ones from all the bands over the years
Cmon, it' obvious

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i love strawberries

someone spam somi

thinking about my beautiful wife

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*horse noises*

Those mudslimes do make some lovely rugs.

i don't get the chaeyeon is ugly meme now. she still looks great.

>they don't look like my gook caricature therefore they are plastic
Momo still has flat nose with dorsal hump, some of the first things Dr. Kim would fix

THat's not LE from EXID

saving pics

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the fugliest lisp bitch

Fuck. If she wasn't from a millionaire family i would kidnap her.


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stop being a moroni

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all a member has to do to mog the fuck out of the other members is wear a crop top with arms and belly showing.

it works for mijoo and sujeong every time. the fancammers flock to them because of it

>momo got her nose done

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post irene's ass

be nice

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post nayoung's ass

makeup makes a big difference to how your eyes look, she's probably totally barefaced as a kid
i'm not someone who's scared a little plastic in my kpops but jihyo's eyes seem to me like they've always been that way

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Mimi's nose is way more stereotypically Asian than Dubu's

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>they didn't fix this thing literally everyone would fix therefore they're natty
goes both ways


i'll see you in Yea Forums

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lul fuck Somi, I hope Itzy and Ioi have huge success without that brat

this is why red hair is the best

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>IOI comes back before PRISTIN
jesus christ

>wear a crop top with arms and belly showing.
>the fancammers flock to them because of it
they're not gonna switch subjects just because of those things

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chaeyeon's face does look great, I don't think that's what they mean. she just lost too much weight to compete with this

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yup. raptors in 5

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how could you hate this cutie

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J-Pop has always been and will always be good.

game starting soon, going to Yea Forums see you guys later

lets go rapties!

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I.O.I's comeback will break the record for first week sales.

what? where

korea, japan, and a minority of the u.s. (aka the countries with some money) are almost eager to love itzy. as long as they dont have any major scandals that ruin their rookie years

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you've ruined every thread i like

name 3 good jpop songs

>implying all the fans haven't moved on already



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it's summer, give us woo woo part 2

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the klaw will take us to the promised land

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I'm enjoying it but whats really the point tho. we all know meme chucker man is gonna win the finals

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C-ute- Adam to eve no dilemma
Tren-d - Candy boy

god freaking damn it... fromis_9 is just too good to be true! ?

i need this

i'm not a big n-ball fan but my bro says the raptors could win it this year

shut the fuck up about that gay rigged sport

give us another cozy summer album like yolo instead

Dame will beat those meme chuckers, its his time now

That's some really entry level shit m8

post her feet

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harden is a flopper.

someone get a salt lick ready this horse is hungry

all shit and this is why jpop will never be an international thing

i really don't believe that she got her nose done. no one goes to a surgeon and says "i want a nose like a fucking pug"

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basketball is a meme sport for s oyboys

My friends korean gf sat next to me at a campfire and rubbed her ass against me while sitting down then sat so close she was leaning against me then she got up and came back and rubbed her ass against me again

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woo woo tier title song, yolo tier b-sides

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twice are all natty

bm talked about a girl that went to every kard show in 2017.


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yeah well your boy flops like he's playing soccer.

then what happened?


i don't watch that shitty sport


understandable, i'd have sex with everyone in that group

Juene really channeled being a jap, by showing off her panties that one time