Yea Forums approved lifting music

What music do you fags have for me to listen to while I work out that will drown out the faux-deep pop music that those fags have playing on the speakers

I want to be completely zoned out and in a zen-like state of non-focus, methodical and/or repetitive stuff like Swans or something but not necessarily just that genre(s) of music

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True chads listen to Russian Circles while working out

idk, I just listen to noise rock and post-hardcore

fucking based, listened to Here Come The Rome Plows like 4x in a row last time i went running
ATDI is so good as well

Ask the same question on fit, you will get chad answers instead.

OP here, that album is great I listened to that a bunch last month
I think Super Unison is my favorite on there

Chads generally are complacent with music ranging from shit to boring to sometimes okay at best, last one of these threads I saw had a bunch of trap and metal

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Only listened to the album for the first time recently but yea great stuff.
if you are into leftfield noise rock you might like Laddio Bolocko (look up Goat Lips and The Man Who Never Was)

Angry shit like Death Grips, pantera, and early mastodon

Oh yeah been listening to Laddio Bolocko a lot lately as well, I fucking love that. The obsessiveness of it I particularly love. Stuff like that is totally in line with what I’m looking for

Cool, have any more recs in the same vein by any chance?

You could listen to post-rock for long repetitive sections but honestly what else do you need besides Swans. I've never heard anything as trance inducing as their rhythmics in their early work. You have Filth, Body to Body, Cop, Young God, Greed/Holy Money, and the amazing live Real Love, Kill the Child, Public Castration amd Feel Good now (the last one being the least suitable to working out). All those albums are over an hour, and they're all crushingly slow brutal rhythms that are the perfect pace for focus and exercise. I'd also rec My War by Black Flag and The Ascension by Glenn Branca

If you want focus without anger then Spiderland

Jet Pet is legit perfect for this, but pic related is good too.

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You should try Brise Glace

Agreed. Lightning Bolt and Black Pus have been good to me these days with weightlifting. The noisy and energetic repetition is perfect

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Don't be a faggot about music others enjoy. Faux deep lmao.

I second the Nails, Death Grips (their heavier tracks like The Powers That B), and Pantera (their heavier groove stuff) recs. I would also suggest stuff like Magrudergrind, Methdrinker, Noothgrush. All of this stuff has an aggressive feel that helps in pumping you up especially for the heavy lifts. Even the powerlifters at my gym who don't listen to such music will pump themselves up with a similar aggressive mindset when going for the 1RM.

Although the zen-like, methodical repetition you're looking for works best with minimal techno music like Basic Channel. If you have to get an ALBUM per say, it would be BCD2. But this is techno, and like a lot of electronic music it's about the singles so I would suggest just checking out the 9 singles. This isn't stuff I would listen to in a gym as I don't get that same adrenaline rush like boost like I do from being pumped up, but it works for the mindset you're talking about.

Have you ever listened to Container op?