What's the best Kiss CD?
What's the best Kiss CD?
Dennis Rodman is 6'7"...
wow, imagine being so insecure about your height that you wear boots that add 5"
kek holy shit, KISS are wrestler-tier height. at least 7 feet each. woah
I don't know but what I know for sure is that Kiss fucking sucks
the best KISS CD is one that's been snapped in half lol
it's a 70s thing
T. Rolling Stone Magazine critic
the one with rock and roll all night on it
they're a total gimmick band that make shallow music about drugs, sex, partying, and other cliches. it's not much different from trap music or something artistically, but you can enjoy it though for what it is.
does Rolling Stone actually hate KISS?
if so, then I have a new appreciation for that boomer magazine
yes but they fucking love U2
Can you really think of any band that is not a gimmick band though? I bet if you could, I could tell you their gimmick.
Can't argue with the "KISS is shallow" thing though outside of a few tender ballad type songs it's pretty much all just rock n roll cliches, but eh...there's nothing wrong with fun stupid music. I think that's the truest spirit of rock desu, simple celebration and rebellion for no real reason.
that's true, but at least U2 had some artistic integrity when they started out, unlike KISS
there's nothing rebellious about KISS
just get 'Alive!' basically a best of their 1st 3 albums
>muh art can only mean one thing
>muh art is a synonym for pretentiousness
Then why were they the most hated band in the world by critics, other rockers, parents, christian groups, etc?
If your idea of a rebel is someone who's accepted and critically acclaimed, they aren't one.
are you trying to imply that KISS ever meant anything other than "let's see how much money we can make?"
>Then why were they the most hated band in the world by critics, other rockers, parents, christian groups, etc?
Because they fucking suck lol
they were hated by critics and other rockers for gentrifying the rebellious nature of rock with their corporate bastardization of rock, and hated by parents/christians because those are retarded reactionary forces who take everything at face value
That's all any band means the moment they sell their first concert ticket, album, and t-shirt. If not they'd be free performers and give their music away for free, no questions asked. Sorry to ruin your teen rock fantasy, it's a business, your favorite band are just liars.
Then why does your favorite band love them? Lol.
There was nothing corporate about KISS, if there was they wouldn't have had a hard time from critics or getting radio play. Do you even know how the business works? If you have a corporation behind you, or even just support from them, you go much farther much easier......you pay off magazines and tastemakers for reviews....etc...
I meant that they had a corporate way of looking at the music industry, only seeing things in terms of profit. as opposed to looking at it from an artistic point of view
>Then why does your favorite band love them? Lol.
My favorite were already disbanded when Kiss was formed.
Lil Yachty is awesome!
Meh, what does "artistic point of view" even mean in this context? A song like Strutter is about a hooker, a song like Black Diamond is about the sad side of being a hooker, I think it's an artistic statement to paint pictures about city life wouldn't you say? Art doesn't always have to be some introspective deep look into your own soul, in fact I find that kind of art usually kind of self indulgent. It's all preference.
I'll admit that Paul Stanley seemed like he wanted to be in a real band and his work in the band reflects that, but overall the band is a product
All bands are products. See Also, I mean you can't have it both ways. You're an artist and not a businessman and not in the music biz, or you're both.
KISS are pure soi repellant, perfect music for crushing some beers and hanging with the boys. Their best album is Alive!
KISS is good beer drinking music, or non alcoholic beverage if you prefer