People who rate this as the best album of all time have never fucking heard a jazz album in their life

People who rate this as the best album of all time have never fucking heard a jazz album in their life

Attached: crimson_king_-_in_the_court_of_the_crimson_king.jpg (1500x1500, 337K)

People who rate a jazz album as the best of all time have never heard ITCOTCK in their life

or another prog album for that matter

I love jazz, but this is still my favorite album at the moment.

Why do you keep writing this same ding dong statement?

I liked schizoid man but the other songs were dragged out

>I'm 17 and just discovered jazz: the post

BASED you speak the truth user

i talk to the wind and moonchild are the best songs


You accidentally put an image of ITCOTCK instead of the image you meant to use, DSOTM

Most jazz albums are completely forgettable though.

yeah, if it doesn't have any good hooks it's probably shit, unironically

Maybe if you're stupid

>implying you remember any of those 40 minutes of wanky panky coke-infused sax fiddling an hour after listening

People who rate this album or any jazz album as the best album they've ever heard have never seen a vagina in their lives

Wait, Schizoid man AIN'T dragged out?

what do either of those statements have to do with each other

the first song is the only jazzy one, it also happens to be the worst song on the album

I always preferred Red.

I bet you've never listened a jazz album in your life

>durr moosic with no hook or lyric i no remember. me no like sit still and pay attention to moosic for 40 minute, me like moosic in background :))

this album always makes me wanna smoke a ciggy

>hurr me like hearing the thousandth recording of round midnight and april in paris all jazz is for intellects because i was told it was for smart people
Fucking retard.

Jazz components as part of prog > Jazz alone

There's exactly ~4 minutes of jazz on ITCOTCK tardboy

>thinks everyone who listens to jazz just listens to standards on repeat
there's literally thousands of jazz albums with original compositions but ok...

no, but I've seen plenty of cocks

Yeah, and most of them are forgettable.

i'm really confused, is he for or against jazz music? because the opening sounds like he's criticizing people who like lyrics but then he goes full retard and gets what you're supposed to do with each genre the wrong way round

>but ok...
You sound like a literal mouthbreathing faggot but ok...