the cure vs. the smiths
Let’s settle this
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Nobody knew the smiths until the 2000s when emo bands were sucking off Morrissey every second. The cure were goth new wave and were always bigger (and better pop songs overall) in my opinion.
Fuck them both John Coltrane is the best
>Nobody knew the smiths until the 2000s
the cure lol how is this even a question
Red House Painters
>Nobody knew the smiths until the 2000s
So, exactly how underaged are you?
The The is better than both
no contest
Even better
The Smiths by a hundred million miles
Both of my parents knew The Smiths when they came out
depends. do you like genre defining music or some sneed growling about how meat is bad and he has no gf(really good guitar and bass though)?
The Smiths by a mile.
marr is probably the best guitarist of the 80s so the smiths
The Cure, full stop.
The Cure have 3 really good albums while The Smiths only have "How Soon Is Now?"
there are no bad smiths songs with the exception of a few tracks that are exclusively on compilations
a better question would be: echo and the bunnymen vs the smith
Your parents must be weirdos. Nobody likes the fuckin smiths until now. I'm dead serious. Gyrating your hips with an effeminate style on stage is pretty much all of the reasons why in the 80s the smiths were not accepted for being gay and emo.
What's funny? They were goth but not punk. More like twee goth instead of real goth snob.
My parents are normal people from San Diego. Maybe more into music than others. Also the 80s were gay as fuck, literally.
And this ladies and gentleman, is why the Smiths only became big in the 2000s/ 2010s they were super gay compared to the other artists of the time. Not that its a bad thing but its the truth. Freddy Mercury was a fairly straight dressing acting gay man, Morrissey was a gay dressing and acting bisexual man.
The Cure had higher high points, and lower lows, but always felt sincere.
The Smiths are more consistent, but they're consistently average and there's an ironic/hollow feeling to their music.
I know it sounds like I'm shitting on The Smiths, but I love them both. I just connect more with The Cure.
You are a homophobe.
For reference, DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar is currently ranked 55 on top 200. Also look up videos of their live shows they got turnouts just as big as Cure shows. Moreover, The Smiths S/T was ranked 5th most popular album in the UK, along with a plethora of singles in the top 20 throughout the band's existence.
The Cure are actually sad. The Smiths try to be sad, but they're just not. I fucking love their music, but some of Morrissey's lyrics and vocals deliveries are funny as hell.
I literally burst out laughing the first time I heard that line. I loved it.
So sad = good...
Morrissey is a better lyricist as a whole and Johnny Marr is a much better guitarist.
the cure were the first to make being sad cool which influenced the whole goth subculture
Simon Gallup shits on both of them I don't see your point
>The Cure were the first-
I mean, Robert Smith wanted to be the next Elvis Costello until he crossed paths with Siouxsie in 1979.
Both overrated, even Yea Forums should be smarter than this desu.
Stop discussing these bands just because theyre cute boi art kid core. go listen to better stuff.
>Nobody knew the smiths until the 2000s
Youre retarded
weak bait
but the cure already has a smith?
>comparing the ability of a bassist to the quality of a singer's lyrics
The Smiths > The Cure
Disintegration > The Queen is Dead
The Smiths S/T > Disintegration
>he doesn't know
Come on, mate. You need to branch out.
the smiths is great and had a bunch of great songs (that all sound the same) but overall the cure was a lot more versatile and consistent
>"Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore?
Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor"
I'm well aware of Fools Dance but I didn't think that could possibly be what you were referring to...
I'm not the guy you're replying to. I've actually never even paid any attention to Simon's lyrics. I just figured the other guy was referring to Fool's Dance, and you had never heard of them. My bad lol
The cure is less emotionally exhausting, which is an asset in this day and age
only based poster