Pain, you make me a believer

>Pain, you make me a believer
How can you not love that line? Imagine Dragons are so underrated, it's a shame.

Attached: Imagine Dragons - Evolve.jpg (1500x1500, 259K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get the fuck out retard

I will be heard!

but your band is poo

Do you parrot everything your melon tells you?

Is that the deepest line you've ever heard? fucking retard

No, but it's deeper than anything the Beach Boys or Kanye West ever wrote.

Im about to be deep inside you if you catch my drift ;)

Sorry, I'm not into melon drones.

Heh, no kid sorry

>Imagine Dragons are so underrated
I hope you're at least brain damaged for making a statement that dumb, otherwise you need some serious help.

ok troglodyte

>no arguments
OP - 1
Melon drones - 0

Natural is a banger alright

Weak bait

How is that not a good line though?

Attached: quality_bait.jpg (319x320, 51K)

>first they insult you
>then they call your posts bait
>then you win

OP - 2
Melon drones - 0

lol I own all their albums and I hate seeing the hate they get

How did that hate even start? There's so much stupidity and ugliness on the radio, and of all bands Imagine Dragons - who clearly try to remain dignified and spread a positive message - become the most hated?

they feel 100% designed by committee/algorithm
just bland unoffensive lowest-common-denominator arena rock for commercial use

Are you serious? Their lyricist is a Christian and it shows. Their songs are always about faith and apocalypse. Their music is well produced and uplifting - if that's what you're getting at, I agree. I disagree about them being bland. There is no other group that plays the same style of grandiose futuristic arena pop.

My farts sound better than Imagine Faggons

>if they don't like shitty band its because of a reviewer

Attached: 1554847982004s.jpg (124x125, 4K)

I feel physically ill when one of their songs is played. Please user, you're hurting me. I don't want to die having natural played at me for the forty-thousandth time. Just take me out in silence.

wtf they stole the cover from star trek

Attached: 507782.jpg (1980x1080, 277K)
Listen to it by your own choice and realise what a great song it really is. If that won't do it... perhaps you're not a natural? I'm sorry but this music is for Chads only.

all their music sounds the same user. And also just because an album is well produced and uplifting doesn't mean it's good.

>There is no other group that plays the same style of grandiose futuristic arena pop.
If the synthesis of every 201x pop trope is the future then I want off the ride.

So what you're saying is they have a consistent and unique style of thier own? It must be, how else would you get the idea that all their songs sound the same? It's not true btw, that's like saying all Death Grips songs sound the same (like shitty noise and yelling) because you didn't like what little you listened to and rejected the band from the get-go. Oh, and being uplifting and well produced doesn't automatically mean something is bad either, In fact, most of the time those are two very positive qualities.

>music draws on musical tradition

Attached: 1556323034827.jpg (236x276, 12K)

>tradition: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought
>trope:a common or overused theme or device
Cheap tropes fade long before being called tradition.

Tradition is a process, brainlet

>insults don't affect him
>accusations of baitposting leave him unfazed
>rational arguments only strengthen his position
OP - 3
Melon drones - 0


So is learning the meaning of words evidently.

The fuck is a melon?

OP made want to listen to Imagine Dragons

Not bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to:
>In the desert you can't remember your name
>Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain