Is sampling stealing?

Is sampling stealing?

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its copying. stealing would imply the original is gone and thats obviously not the case with music

Only if it's black people

imo if the sample being used is immediately recognizable, then yes it's stealing. see the vast majority of hip-hop "music."

That's not an opinion, dumbass.

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Stealing is when i raid your grandpa's medicine cabinet for opioids. Sampling isn't stealing


But if you're apart of a rock band, then..

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no, the original work remains, therefore, by definition, it is not sealing. QED.

>That's not an opinion,
what makes it not an opinion

because it's wrong

I think sampling is ok if you sample white musicians or bands. After all, they have stolen from everyone else as long as anyone can remember... It's only fair, try not to be too upset white boy.

Sometimes. Definitely not in SILY's case, it's unreal how creative they were with combining so many samples.

really lazy sampling like shitty anime lofi hip hop beats to study to that are just some obscure smooth jazz song looped with boom bap drums over it could probably be called creatively bankrupt and stealing
but that's not the argument anyone is ever making they just want an excuse to say the phrase "nigger beats" disregarding whether or not the use of sampling was creative or transformative

>ITT: nobody knows how sampling works

Is using the I–V–vi–IV chord progression stealing?

Attached: common-chord-progression.jpg (500x412, 60K)

Is it stealing? Yes. Do I care? No.


Don’t care

I think all forms of sampling are good, to an extent. Whether it's micro sampling, or lofi hip-hop. Some people do minimal forms of sampling. Ice Cube's 'It was a Good Day' is a good example of a very simple samplng turned into something that stands alone. Stuff like P Diddy's 'Come With Me' falls more into the spectrum of creatively bankrupt imo

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but i love sampled based music

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i dont understand the appeal of this album

The charm is taking things that weren't originally together and making a collage of
sounds ranging from music, tv shows, movie dialogue etc. Some stuff has the melody structure of a song, some stuff is shuffled around in a very experimental way.

I can't lie, i get a kick out of watching a movie, or listening to something and spotting a sample. It's like finding a new room in a house you've lived in for years, if that makes any sense

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but is the six million figure really even feasible? that's an awful lot of of furnaces and even then the cremation process still takes a long time ...


ask negativland