
i'm new to this Yea Forums. what do you guys think of Radiohead?

Attached: anime.png (900x900, 966K)

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nigga u gay

>anime picture
Lads, I am confused.

they're trash go back to

Hey joey aka steve irweeb go laugh about epin maymays on twitter you ugly queer

shut up you fucking cunt

They're a pretty good band. OKC's still their best tho and it's not even the best album of the year.

take the neckpill

Attached: radiohead2.png (720x893, 511K)

its crazy how popular this guy has gotten. I subbed to him so long ago. He needs to get a better editor though.

Attached: 1417984614076.gif (500x500, 129K)

Fucking who?