
i'm new to this Yea Forums. what do you guys think of Radiohead?

Attached: anime.png (900x900, 966K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?ei=pRDGXN_CI5DxrgT7kAw&q="howdy partner" "I love incest"&oq="howdy partner" "I love incest"&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2879.8396..8649...0.0..0.108.385.4j1......0....1..gws-wiz.qPBqsxudt0g

nigga u gay

>anime picture
Lads, I am confused.

they're trash go back to

Hey joey aka steve irweeb go laugh about epin maymays on twitter you ugly queer

shut up you fucking cunt

They're a pretty good band. OKC's still their best tho and it's not even the best album of the year.

take the neckpill

Attached: radiohead2.png (720x893, 511K)

its crazy how popular this guy has gotten. I subbed to him so long ago. He needs to get a better editor though.

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Fucking who?

Johnny L you piece of shit fuck you ya super gay is your bf licking your dirty arsehole right now

>wasting time watching youtubers instead of watching anime
You are everything I hope to never be, namefag.

howdy partner. I love incest

Attached: 1483248735500.png (560x600, 151K)

U smell nice

google.com/search?ei=pRDGXN_CI5DxrgT7kAw&q="howdy partner" "I love incest"&oq="howdy partner" "I love incest"&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2879.8396..8649...0.0..0.108.385.4j1......0....1..gws-wiz.qPBqsxudt0g

>wasting time shitposting on Yea Forums instead of watching anime
looks like we have more in common than you think, user

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>no u!

at least I made an effort. this post sucks. for your punishment your next reply has to be over 20 words.

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hello how do you get a cute bf?

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you spend a decent amount of time with pewdiepie right? has he told you anything hot and lewd about marzia? if so please share this information with me mate

stay, you are a fucking faggot. you should leave this board and never come back again because every single post of you or your dozen impersonators sucks ass. all of your opinions are shit and reek of a gay faggot with gender dysphoria, and you know what we say to trannies: neck yourself.

not the one who replied to you earlier but there are certain things that have to be said


Attached: Gallagher-bros-fight-500x348.jpg (500x348, 55K)

im sorry you feel that way user. If it makes you feel any better stayposting is dead and im a very manly male with no trap potential whatsoever. Ask friendo if you don't believe me. also name one opinion I have that is shit

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