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Kpop general
Tyler Scott
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunter Garcia
Robert Cooper
Grayson Morales
Asher Peterson
Jayden Diaz
Fuck /trash/. The only board I'm moving to is /kor/
Ryder Watson
hey it rhymes
jyp is a 'ignore it until it goes away' kind of company but i guess they'll put the idol through the wringer if government controlled media start to get involved
Tyler Edwards
lol this thread
Michael Ramirez
what are some of the best Crossover covers?
These 2 come to mind
Camden Reyes
god i love sua s braids in you and i
Austin Gray
Which kpop girls are devoutly Christian? I need to know
Parker Smith
this or /jiu/
Evan Martinez
God tier hairstyle
Evan Russell
my witchfu
Owen Fisher
Jason Russell
Darth SuA
Nolan Roberts
Carson Price
god hates gooks
Blake Murphy
Henry Long
Ethan Campbell
Lucas Moore
any shadiness bbc has would just be an extension of whatever ilkwang group gets up to
Noah Thomas
What a banger
Liam Lewis
Matthew Garcia
>chen2 is a twice colony now
the sun never sets on the twice empire
Angel Hall
Eli Allen
I want chuu to launch a tomahawk missile at Xi Xinpings house.
Dylan Thompson
Jordan Kelly
Wyatt Scott
like she went back to the 70's
Tyler Miller
Guys, I may have just found my new favorite girl group.
Tyler Sanchez
Dominic Jones
Charles Peterson
i could dig a retro concept with a 70s/80s rock sound lol
Nicholas Hernandez
The bigger they are the harder they fall. Just look at Britain now.
Oliver Lewis
Ryder Taylor
Don't forget about her
Eli Fisher
Saved, thanks based Chuuposter
Ethan Jackson
Oliver Nguyen
Nicholas Harris
they totally sex each other
Logan Harris
based. that entire album is so good
James Roberts
kpops i need an autobiography from:
Thomas Foster
Tyler Rogers
some dreamcatcher hair metal would be pretty dope
where is this pic from 'cause whoa
Andrew Evans
cute butts
Kayden Rogers
>rapper YG is now following lisa on IG
she said in an interview earlier this year that he was a big inspiration for her, that's cute
Michael Kelly
jiu being too real
Ryan Cruz
Wyatt Rodriguez
y r tzuyus hands so fat
Adrian Gomez
Bentley Morris
Carson Peterson
idk i have a few of those 'concept' filename pictures around and they're really good i should try to find the lot
Ian Peterson
Adrian Johnson
i hope i'll dream about them
Jace Foster
Asher Taylor
Isaiah Miller
wow i'm glad i looked:
Thomas Clark
i prefer this jiu hair
Colton Bennett
Tyler Phillips
This is my favorite JiU
James Powell
shit is going down on chen2
Camden Martinez
Isaiah Peterson
for me its sua
Landon Sullivan
Aiden Reyes
more retro siyeon
Xavier Jones
Then you better get over there asap! Don't worry about us, we'll catch up. Don't wait up.
Kevin Garcia
shut the fuck up
Eli Jones
if by going down you mean the system working, yes
Carter Cooper
for me it's brown jiu
Oliver Baker
Jaxson Garcia
>creamcatcher thread
absolutely based
Isaac Campbell
Matthew Lee
Brayden Gray
Brandon Richardson
John Carter
you've heard of twice boy, but have you tried dreamcatcher dude
Levi Taylor
Mason Gonzalez
why is she showing her feet yet again?
Asher Smith
John James
Ryder Hernandez
she knows
Logan Murphy
Oliver Rodriguez
how do i make myself dream about the dreamcatchers
Dylan Young
mine is still the red jius in snow
Brandon Young
this thread needs more gahyeon
Zachary Bell
There she is
Elijah Sanchez
why are you all obsessed with "music" intended for adolescent and teenage girls?
Gavin Rogers
Bentley Cook
Noah Williams
if you find out let me know
Carson Bailey
Ryder Sanders
>Kei speaking english
Jayden Gonzalez
freaking CUTE
Anthony Moore
Jack Carter
Josiah Carter
But have you heard of Boy in the Park?
Jose Foster
Nolan Gutierrez
Rich man's Jimmy
Brody James
we've hit levels of androgyny i didn't think possible
Juan Brooks
I only listen to pedopop
Wyatt Cox
I had a dream about Jiu for 7 straight days
Jackson Stewart
So beautiful
Liam Gray
Someone mind giving me a tl;dr breakdown of the k-pop genre's infamy, idolization?
Adam Price
wow, shes beautiful
Adrian Cook
Xavier Cruz
Liam Taylor
How, and were they different?
Colton Cruz
consummating our love in the honeymoon
Michael Martinez
Angel Powell
Nathan Richardson
I had a dream about Dreamcatcher having a USA concert tour
Chase Anderson
don't samefag roastie sluggo is the ugliest shit
Bentley Hall
what's your technique?
Jonathan Rodriguez
this girl looks exactly like yuta except hot
Zachary Hill
Chase Diaz
devil begone
Robert Cox
>all those jeongyeon comments
about damn time she gets some recognition
Nicholas Torres
She's my new girl crush
Mason Martinez
do you think dami ever gets depressed from being surrounded by actually attractive girls all the time?
Chase Thompson
Adrian Barnes
Good lord that is hot and healthy
Cutest woman
Daniel Williams
Nolan Rogers
diamond special clip this week btw
Cameron Gray
Jordan Baker
Olivia Hye
Kang Mina
to an all-you-can-eat buffet!
Jeremiah Nelson
dubu would have been a nazi
Jason Flores
don't you lie to me
David Nguyen
I'm depressed because I'm not surrounded by DC all the time. I envy Dami
Samuel Hughes
>has dreams about jews
>people want to know how
Owen Ross
the owner would kill you
Dylan Kelly
Ethan Rogers
same with trap too right? haha....
Jace Bell
i have no clue, she chose me
Jose Flores
Levi King
Source or you die.
Jonathan Collins
one user predicted a special clip around this time based on their schedule. my money is on daydream though
Brayden Torres
kpop intentionally builds and exploits physical and emotional attachment between the members of the groups and their fans to deepen that fandom with the goal of creating more superfans who will evangelize and spend money on those groups.
there's a benefit to the fans though, enjoyment of music is purely subjective and not at all limited to the technical merits of the music. not that kpop is inferior technically (these days) but i guarantee that kpop fans listening to 'their girls/guys' perform literally enjoy it more than most fans of other genres listening to their favorite songs
Wyatt Perry
Yein was cute af
Isaiah Perez
Landon White
Benjamin Jackson
>sua will never kill you
James Smith
Brayden Lee
Jace Murphy
i love sua
Dominic Rodriguez
Jacob Harris
haha food f-fat xDDD
Hunter Cooper
dami seems like a huge dyke so she's probably living the dream
Tyler Gray
i'm seeing a lot of fucking sow
Jaxon Sanders
Jason Walker
Samuel White
Good night insomnias pray that I'm able to dream about Jiu or Sua
Michael Hernandez
cutest girl in the game
James Roberts
Blake Ortiz
thanks baby
Ian Thomas
why is dreamcatcher being spammed
i guess chen2 is still better
Brayden Johnson
maybe she's at peace with it. she can be cute in a dopey way
Daniel Wilson
thank you for posting my wife
Justin Cook
Carson Lee
Nolan Edwards
i can word the last part of this post so hard
if you bias/stan/support a group you're going to enjoy whatever they put out at least twice as much as people who like artists from other genres
kpop has perfected the formula for getting emotional attachment out of their fans and turning it into revenue to a T
Ryan Martinez
Christopher Gomez
goodnight friend
Blake Lopez
yeah, cutest princess in the game
Kevin Martinez
excuse me her name is gahyeon
Eli Robinson
ginyu force assemble
Mason Roberts
don't samefag roastie
Samuel Bailey
Owen Cook
Wake Up special clip soon?
Cameron Turner
Post that picture of gahyeon with a gun
Cooper Wright
Carson Perez
Cameron Gomez
Juan Cooper
there's lots of them
Landon Richardson
i'm thinking over the sky, they have proper choreo for it now and everything
Ian White
Idols are basically a God-like image that dispense an "unconditional" love to all fans. It pulls people in who lack a healthy God-image. These people have no direction in life and are depressed hopeless, they want something larger than life like a glamorous idol to believe in. There lies the sin of idolatry.
Jace Kelly
wishe she wrap her hand around my "blaster" if you know what i am saying
Logan Harris
Matthew Scott
gahyeon is only for :3
Kayden Morgan
sometimes i think "if x idol can practice 10 hours a day, then surely i can do this simple task/chore"
Jace Lewis
ots and trap both have proper choreo but i doubt they'll do a special clip for anything that not from the current mini or a cover
Dylan Johnson
Dominic Mitchell
Benjamin Johnson
based non-blink
Nolan Wilson
Andrew Gomez
Hudson Parker
that's gotta be the best one. or the webm
Thomas Rivera
>feet episode
Jeremiah Wright
Samuel Flores
based dcbro thank you
Tyler Garcia
why do people like making gahyeon pose with guns?
Cooper Kelly
The choreo for Over the Sky isn't quite as good as any of their other choreos though.
They just made the choreo for Trap so I wouldn't be surprised either way
Adrian Gonzalez
>about damn time she gets some recognition
solo MV teaser, Allure magazine photoshoot, recent Idol Room etc.
Ethan Moore
>Got Babysoul and Sujeong to wave at me and high fives from Yein twice and Jin once
Fuck me, I can't handle this
Jacob Martinez
the more out of character it is the cuter it is
Carter Ramirez
are onces generally this ugly?
Angel Lopez
dc can learn their choreographs in few days/hours
Aaron Miller
good thread tonight. goodnight lads
Jose Lopez
based. living the dream bro if i even came close to a kpop i'd probably be half dead
Eli Green
Someone said feet?
Austin Ramirez
allure had everyone though. either way this was long overdue. inb4 yes or yes
Cameron Rivera
because it's cute to see a chubby short girl who looks like she'd be completely ineffectual in any kind of combat hold a replica of a lethal weapon
Angel Long
Robert Perry
goodnight friend
Isaac Rivera
didn't they say the piri choreo was only done the day before they started shooting the video?
Ryder Taylor
Luke Edwards
We did it raptie bros!
Andrew Flores
Aiden Stewart
Asher Peterson
Evan Gomez
I am an adult male. I don't personally don't see them as idols, never call them that. Just as beautiful women with catchy music. They're more like a crush.
John Green
it's even cuter when they give them real guns
Bentley Rivera
Something like that. They change their choreos around a bit during promotion as well
Bentley Watson
Christopher Turner
damn solar kinda uggo upclose
Camden Jenkins
yes, kpg has a broship with sp
Aiden Murphy
i wouldn't trust solar with a gun
Connor Stewart
Jaxon Powell
I love him so much bros
William Cooper
Chase Reyes
gahpiggy is for protecting (and feeding)
Connor Russell
Jaxson Allen
>Doh Kyung-soo, IU win Most Popular Actor, Actress at 55th Baeksang Arts Awards
Adrian Smith
night friend
Isaiah Cruz
two tards
Benjamin Fisher
i love solar but she should never be given a real gun
Elijah Ward
saw a video of bacon with massive eyebags, is he okay
Jackson Morales
who cares?
Isaiah Foster
based fatty
Isaac Peterson
John Flores
Luke Fisher
imagine what their kids would look like
Ryan Myers
i would run my tongue up irene's sweaty butt crack
Mason Nguyen
people who care about talent
Samuel Hughes
pretty sica.
Jaxon Wood
Yeah this really does feel like a dream
Kevin Wright
NO NO NO NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin Thomas
Elijah Robinson
Nolan Davis
any 상어 man in
Leo Barnes
BASED boomerchad saving the thread
Luis Williams
based dcbros
Chase Garcia
Is Sally an ethnic minority?
Jose Parker
No way mentioned
Joshua Ramirez
That fucking asshole doing the duck lips, that mother fucker needs to get beaten up.
Aiden Kelly
Dylan Russell
Josiah Green
ayy lmao
Jonathan Wood
80% of chinese are ethnic minorities so it's possible
Logan Bennett
Luis Powell
Austin Long
nah, but she looks like she is from the north/center of the country instead of the south, her family probably isn't from shenzen (like most families there)
Owen Collins
my kpopstarfu
Parker Kelly
nice ref
Adrian Powell
90+ are Han
William Jackson
James Sanders
i want to feed her shark fin soup
Jordan Gray
my granddaughter-fu, restoring my vitality
Nathan Ward
earthquake gahyeon, a classic
Oliver Fisher
Kayden Thompson
I would stan if they are named Bob.
Grayson Flores
I saw that, either he's tired as fuck or he got some weird fillers. I think it's the latter.
Sebastian Evans
shut the fuck up xi jinping
Jack Watson
maybe, but with these many posts being generated every second, and threads every hour, I wouldn't underestimate the potential, or the intentions, of those employed by the "Big 3".
>YG Entertainment - CEO: Yang Min-suk (Apr 2001–)///Founder: Yang Hyun-suk///Stock price: 122870 (KOSDAQ) ₩35,100 -600.00 (-1.68%)
>JYP Entertainment - CEO: Jung Wook (Feb 16, 2011–)///Subsidiary: Studio J
>S.M.Entertainment - Stock price: 041510 (KOSDAQ) ₩40,100 -300.00 (-0.74%)///CEO: Han Se Min (Mar 31, 2017–), Nam So Young (Mar 31, 2017–)
Ryder Lopez
Leo Russell
me on left or right
Oliver Reyes
i don't think i have many new gahyeon webms actually i gotta do something about that
Luis White
Dong and Run
Xavier Collins
i have very few of them overall
Xavier Bennett
Joshua Sullivan
who is this chunk spunk monk
Aaron Reyes
whats this from? any more with the other girls?
Gabriel Stewart
no way, why would he? eyebags can look very bad anyway
Ayden Wright
David Edwards
Nathan Powell
i gotta head now but i'll post some tomorrow
Aiden Wright
That's a pretty based webm
Parker Brooks
dreamcatcher gahyeon
Jacob Kelly
jesus christ...
Jaxson Hall
please do
Anthony Ward
reminds me of the chrono trigger marle post-battle victory animation. you know what i mean if you played it
Samuel Gutierrez
give my boyfriend* oops not sure how i missed three whole words??? haha
Wyatt Peterson
end my life bros
Angel Gonzalez
any sharkman in
Levi Young
luv gahyeon
William Richardson
Juan Davis
are we watching the nuggets spurs game bros?
Henry Mitchell
Juan Price
Jordan Garcia
post bunny's lapdance
Connor Nelson
just realised dreamcatcher and dream NOTE are two different groups
Ian Bell
Liam Walker
Did Fancy flop? Seems like the same song they've been doing for a while, but with a computer hip-hop feel. Their songs are only the 'cute' 'i love you' style.
Ian Martin
dreamnote's songs have been sort of fun
Logan Perez
my favorite clip of her. that squeal at the end is too cute
Luis Wood
Gavin Stewart
it didn't flop but it's doing a bit lukewarm by twice standards
Caleb Gomez
the general public doesnt seem to like the song but once cucks are buying the albums anyway
Lincoln Collins
did lovelyz get enough stage time at that show? there were a shitton of artists in the lineup
Christopher Young
making a yoohyeon thread
Mason Cox
Hudson Hughes
Jayden Carter
I think he's had the aegyo sal fillers before, he has a lot of fillers in his cheeks though wouldnt surprise me if he had under eye fillers too (it's supposed to make you look youthful in korea)
Eli Ortiz
i blame bts
Samuel Campbell
3 songs, it was over too quickly
Ian Ramirez
well if you're the same dude that got to actually hi five them then that's gotta take the sting off
Anthony Gonzalez
pa ko wan
Christian Allen
no, I'm not that lucky
Owen Russell
>basedeon's "rap" in senorita
fucking yaaaasss queen
Landon Richardson
oh sorry bro
Chase Clark
gahyeon thighs
Xavier Martin
John Jenkins
handong legs
Gabriel Jackson
Asher Taylor
Yeah, that alone made up for how fucking quick their set was