There is literally no other musical experience like this album

There is literally no other musical experience like this album.

Attached: 82b36ded654c35a5b8dac382bd7e6df6.1000x1000x1.jpg (1000x1000, 160K)

fuck off go back to plebbit with this normalfag garbage you fucking tourist

Have sex

>There is literally no other musical experience like this album

Attached: 66F8447B-A469-473E-9590-7A522F2B0B9E.gif (307x343, 22K)

It’s a good album. Why the anger? I just want more like it



its a good album user, check out
mercury rev - yerself is steam

Somewhat based

This album is garbage

Literally everything is onions.

>the tourist meme is still around
it's dead, isn't it?

Does it have jumpscares?
Cause that's why i don't encourage mys to listen

the only jumpscare moments are the beginning of the second song and Untitled

This album is lofi hip hop for tinnitus fags

There literally is, you fucking Yea Forumscore faggot

>how is the tourist meme not dead yet???

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OP is wrong but it's a great album

Also April and the phantom

That's the second song says

Nice examples, faggots

what did he mean by this

Danse Manatee is the patrician choice

>tfw vinyl resells for $100+

Attached: pizza bear.png (600x600, 943K)

Person Pitch is better though


how can one opinion be so bad

have sex