Anyone else feel like crying

anyone else feel like crying

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Me, but I'm unable to anymore

not me desu

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I feel like shitting

Not anymore, sometimes a little nostalgia can go a long way

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I wish I felt something.

k :3

I'm so fucking lonely

I'm going to kill myself anytime now

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Same, music is the only thing stopping me from ending it all

I feel a profound sense of loss for something that wasn't doing me any good anyway. But it was familiar and that meant a lot to me.
It gets late so early now...


Same. I'm just too much of a pussy to do it so I drink until I pass out after work

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I finally got a job and I worked one fucking day. It got too overwhelming and stressful doing a bunch of stuff for customers in front of them so I quit. ONE FUCKING DAY. I'M 24.
FUCK. I feel like such a failure.

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try a team sport maybe you gay retards

I'm a 25 year old Army veteran who is sleeping in a random person's garage who felt sorry for me.

holy fr*ck i can't believe shrek is dead

no i have social anxiety i don't like interacting with people

i'll just keep lifting in my room

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to

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i'm going to fuckijng kill you you fucking whore

i want to finish college and move i want to live but the urge to kill myself is stronger god i'm trying my best but i don't think i'll make it


I'm planning to kill myself in the next couple months but I'd like to livestream it. What technology should I look into purchasing since I won't have my laptop with me. Do I need to buy a phone? I've never used one for Internet purposes before.

ive been thinking about suicide like an inevitability lately
probably not good
i just want it to work out with my girlfriend

i wish i had someone to talk to that would keep me sane

T-thanks for your services

all the time, but it is hard to cry

Cute. You should blow him as a payment so you don't have to feel guilty.

I think I just get jealous that people with halfway decent family structures and relationships manage to be at least content with what they have. Also I just can’t stand music scenes. I actually write good stuff (not posting), but people are more interested in circlejerking and the friendship when I just want people to appreciate music for what it is. It makes it harder for me to pick up gigs than I like because I’m shy and even then people have a hard time understanding what good art is and why it’s important. I also seem incredibly self important because I think about it like this but I’m honestly just wanting to get my shit going for the sake of it being good music

wtf i think i might know you

This shit is cathartic to me on so many levels. Fuck.
Even if the people my aggression is aimed at haven't been around me for over half a year.

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