ITT: Shitty albums that everyone pretends to like

ITT: Shitty albums that everyone pretends to like

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trout mask replica

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i like all three

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>ITT: Shitty albums that everyone pretends to like

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All rap
All music that is obscure to the point of having 12 views on bandcamp because they have to pretend to like unknown shit to keep their hipster cred as heaven forbid some people on a music board likes music no one outside hardcore dedicated music websites have heard of this unsigned band

>i don't like it so NO ONE can like it

>it's abrasiveness is borderline unlistenable so its good

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Any "classic" rock album, bonus points if it's the Rolling Stones, Beatles or Nirvana


this is actually for ITT: good albums that everyone pretends to hate because a youtube music reviewer reviewed it


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TPAB is overrated, I honestly like Section.80 and GKMC better. MBDTF is really good though, even if Kanye has 1 or 2 better albums.

neither of these things are things people pretend to like retard
no one pretends to like fucking drake or lil uzi vert, why would they no one looks cool because of that rap is just easily digestible easy to enjoy music
and how many people do you see talking about minuscule bandcamp artists on this board unless they're shilling themselves in bandcamp threads
basically no one
and if someone does talk about unknown bandcamp artists no one is doing it for fucking hipster cred they're doing it because they think the music is actually really good
these two are actually the literal worst possible answers to this question

>implying people actually do this
>tfw you're the only one who does, user

I bet you are listening to this album each and every time that you make this thread.

This board is full of contrarian dumbasses. Every album mentioned itt is good except trout mask replica

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ITT: Plebs

kill you are self

>calls others plebs
>likes (c)rap

>I can't get a gf cause muh jews and niggers
seethe harder white boy

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Any album by Tool

Looks like you have a bad case of fuck you in your fucking assfacefuckhole

>Replies to everyone

ITT: good albums that are too popular for contrarian faggots

I always thought this album was hilarious, seeing Yea Forums shill it for 10 years.
Then I saw NMH live as a gift to my girlfriend, and I finally got it. Goddamn, if the album sounded anything like that performance I would say I actually like the band.

It's honestly not even that abrasive. It's more abrasive than the one before it, I guess.

all good but not as good as people make them out to be

these are actually terrible albums and people are kidding themselves

No it's good because both of them are true
There's so many people who pretend to like rap to fit in with a social group as that's seen as what's "in" due to its assumed "coolness"
And go on Yea Forums for two minutes and you'll see what I mean. People need to go as "underground" as possible to look like they have cred, so they like stuff with lower quality and production value so that they can retain that exclusiveness. If anything even they previously liked becomes somewhat known outside 100 youtube views it's instantly shit, even if they still are underground

The only good song from this band is In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Everything else is generic shit that you'd hear at Starbucks.