ITT: artists with no albums worse than a 7/10

ITT: artists with no albums worse than a 7/10

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He ruined that with Ye.

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literally an industry plant


Ye was a masterpiece tho

Objectively wrong opinion. It was the moment he realized he could put out whatever and it would still sell.

Ye is my second favorite Kanye album. Took a little while for me to fully warm up to it, at first I would start it at All Mine, skipping the first two tracks, but now I love the entirety of the album. There was a period where I listened to the album daily for like 3 months. It seriously feels like a MBDTF EP with a post-Yeezus vibe. Fantastic album.

TLOP fits your description better. Ye and KSG were 10/10 albums.

I would literally let Kanye impregnate my wife and he's my second favorite artist, but Ye was just trash. Can I get confirmation the three of you aren't trolling before I give it another try?

>he didnt like I Thought About Killing You
Its the best song on the album

I'm not trolling, lad. It's genuinely a fantastic album. Give it another listen.

Best song on the album

At first I didn't, but I love it now. No Mistakes is definitely the best songs imo. On my first several listens I just didn't get it desu. I found the opening monologue to just be kind of odd, and that production transition right after, "Imma clear the cache," was off putting. Now that I fully appreciate the message, knowing that he's actually talking about himself the entire time (at least from what I can tell), I think its done perfectly.
Seriously, I love this album. I'm not an overly emotional person, but its made me teary eyed a few times now. Its an immensely personal album with fantastic production. I remember the first time I listened to it, I really didn't like it. It felt incomplete with weird production, but it really does grow on you once you really think about the full context and message.

It starts out kind of jagged with its production and lyrics, which really complement the subject matter of his mental illness, and slowly progresses into a melodic and smooth feel as each song passes. I see it as his road to accepting and utilizing his flaws. Just give it another listen, but maybe just start it at Wouldn't Leave for now.

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Yellow Submarine

only a northern song is their best song

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>No System of a Down
You know it's true, fucking fight me.

Grandma, who are 'THEY'?

>No Bjork


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She doesn'y have an album over a 6

Doesn't count.

RIP Lemmy

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both Talking Heads and David Byrne

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Man Little Creatures is weak as HELL and True Stories offers even less. The only weak albums in either of their discogs.

Hard disagree on True Stories, it's in my top 3 TH albums. I'd probably rate Little Creatures last but still 7/10 for me.

Fpbp. His worst album, TLOP, is a 7.
Ye is alright. Definitely towards the bottom of the discography though.

No fighting here that's true

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Little creatures is my favorite Talking Heads albun

Not really, there is no reason, on paper, that 808s & Heartbreak or Yeezus should've sold, because they were weird, or even MBDTF because of the 2009 VMAs. I don't think Ye was him getting lazy, because KSG was so good.

TLOP is my favorite album, easily. It contains every single aspect of his career. Wolves sounds like Yeezus, 30 hour and No More Parties in LA are like tracks off LR or The College Drop Out, Famous has many MDBTF elements to it, among other shit. Ultralight Beam and Saint Pablo are both god tier songs, up there with Runaway. The entire album is so weird and unlike anything anyone has ever created. While it does have its weird moments like the end of Highlights (another amazing song btw), or Freestyle 4 (which is actually a Kubrik homage in a sense), its a truly a masterpiece.

Side A is 10/10

I think TLOP was too inconsistent. I really like the last quarter of the album, and one or two other songs, but I just can't get into the rest of it. I like more of it than I did in 2016, so maybe there's some hope though.

>Wolves sounds like Yeezus
nigga what