Does Yea Forums like deathcore?
Does Yea Forums like deathcore?
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Surely not
Fuck no
no, but some of us who browse do.
playing Hate by them, and Ashes to Ashes by Chelsea Grin atm.
No but their first EP is fun and chaotic
no. it's fucking terrible.
anything core related is fucking trash unironically
Then why does almost everyone in Yea Forums seem to like pic related if it is labeld as metalcore?
used to. fuck thy art is generic though.
That album is shit though.
I do like deathcore here and there. I know this kid in person and he produces all his own shit. I like it for those reasons mostly and I wouldn't call myself an arbitrator of good deathcore unfortunately.
Mad 2step elements, I'm intrigued.
I think "Hate" and "Holy War" are great albums aswell.
it's just not that interesting imo
>good metalcore
truly /ourguy/
not only based, but dare I say, redpilled.
whoops wrong image sorry I'm new to Yea Forums kek