The absolute state of american indie/diy

have you paid tribute to the poor and disenfranchised today user?

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This is why punk is dead.

but if you do this then you're a white savior and that's evil too!

>it's another "Yea Forums gets offended by some literally who's opinion" episode

Trump 2020

>If you are in a position of power it is your responsibility to use the privilege with positive intent

anyone got a source on this?


is this the result of growing up under obama? what's wrong with 'people'

um.....are we suppose to disagree on what they said or......


Attached: 23-3.png (277x696, 97K)

>you lucked you way in
>give us money
every damn time

>no apologist

Why do butt sex people make butt sex their entire identity?
We get it. You're gay, who cares? if the music is bad it doesn't make up for it because you take it in the ass

Frankly I wouldn't mind these things considering it's all well and good to say that we should be mindful about the stations of people and that, just because someone is different doesn't particularly make them bad people-- but the only run-in I've ever had with a tranny at a merch booth was on a tour I was a part of and they kept skimming off the top of the shirt sales and they were caught. So I mean, it's difficult, dude. It seems like poor behavior is a predisposition by many of these folk and I don't know how to handle it.

demanding social change from entertainers is pretty fucking retarded yes

i won't even get into the batshit crazy that is requesting touring bands in the year 2019 to donate a percentage of their profits to trans shelters or whatever

lmao, “indie” is dead. what will be the new underground?

Have sex. I swear to god, PLEASE do anything in your power to have sex. I beg you.

incel noise trap

Get fucked

i have a gf. go to church

No it's a sin unless you're married.

kys tranny, go back to plebbit

It's an attempt from bourgeoises white American to sound more working class, and failing miserably.

>would love to hear other ideas/perspectives on this

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can't say "guys" anymore, that's sexist

never really thought of it like this but you’re right. it’s the same with “y’all”

*smears tangy mayonnaise all over your bandcamp page*
and there it is

>my home city
goddamnit. that scene was so kino at the time it was one of the primary reasons i didn't want to leave.


ween is the only band

Who gives a fuck what race or gender an artist is when the music is good
Fucking Americans, I swear to god

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damn this goes hard

