I adore this album

I don't usually listen to pop, mostly post-industrial and experimental electronic music, some metal, but this little gem has to be one of my favourite albums of all time.

Why isn't there more epic, pompous, bombastic pop music like it?

Attached: Imagine Dragons - Evolve.jpg (1500x1500, 259K)

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go fucking neck yourself normalnigger

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Yeah no, you're the normalnigger. You probably listen to rap music.

You literally listen to pop you have no excuse
also rap is shite

God, I hope this is bait

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But this board is all about pop music? Also, I listen to exactly one pop album. Which is why I came here - to ask the pop music experts of Yea Forums what other contemporary pop music is as good and free of urban influences as this Imagine Dragons album. Btw, not listening to something just because it's popular doesn't make you a rebel, you're a sheep behind a slightly unusual fence.

At least OP chooses to base his tastes off of what he personally enjoys despite them being a universally hated band rather than what will earn him cool kid internet points. Meanwhile here you are probably forcing yourself listening to spoonfed ""Yea Forumscore"" fedora garbage some internet nerds told you to like because it makes you feel like you have 'le superior patrician taste' or whatever.

The production is good but the vocals are god awful. Also, all the songs are very repetitive and the album as a whole isn't very uniform. I really don't know any other albums like it.

Thank you.

True, the vocals could be better. Still, at least pretty "rock" for a contemporary pop group. As an industrial type I can tolerate lackluster vocals. What makes this album stick out to me are the lyrics - very apocalyptic, religious, almost gothic in parts - and the compositions, which I find very unusual for contemporary pop: Free of hiphop and funk influences, very stringent, almost martial in parts. I can't think of any musical era that it seems like they are mimicking, it's a very futuristic sound. I really hope someone could point me to an album with a similar style. The closest thing I can recall is the latest Zola Jesus album, but that's a stretch, obviously.

user, I'd like to unironically recommend Linkin Park's One More Light, I think you would like it. It's absolutely not in a similar style, but I found it to be a really good Pop album with some minor Pop influences and pretty depressive lyricism
I think it's always interesting to hear deep thoughts on a pop album that is hated by almost everyone by someone who not only listens to music passionately but seeks out the more experimental one. It's so fucking easy to dismiss these popular albums and not give them any second thought, but naturally, there is more to a lot music we dismiss.

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What now, we'll post Pop albums we like?

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Muse is some epic, pompous, bombastic horse shit if that's what you're looking for.

But British

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I actually listened to that after Chester was murdered by the CIA, for the macabre charme. Too soft for me, but I see how you would like it if you were in a depressive mood. Plus the compositions seemed very typical to me, although in parts very pretty (Nobody can save me & Battle symphony) most of them were ruined by the EDM drops.

I do not want to get into theory over Chester's death.
But, yeah, it is pretty soft, but I like it, those songs in particular you mentioned are some of my favourites, that and Heavy and the title track.

I also really like Origins btw, and I hope they will keep on developing their unique style.

Cringe and bluepilled.

There's plenty of great pop bands out there and you had to choose fucking Imagine Dragons?

Holy fucking shit this thread is a mistake

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Imagine draggin deez nuts across your face

Well, rec something similar but better. Here'S what I like about it

I think the reason they are so hated in this feminized society is that they are just so extremely masculine. Masculine music, masculine lyricism, masculine all over!

hey, just passing by to lyk you're a fucking homo. that's all.

Not nice.

Haha I also love this album. It has such deep lyrics that really speak to me, like
>lightning and thunder
Gives me chills every time


>having poor taste is better than challenging your sense
Poptards need to be gassed.

very rude

So you are too cowardly to enjoy an album even if the opinion of the majority is that it's terrible?
OP literally established in his opening post that he is more into more experimental music, so it's not like he hasn't challenged his tastes, it's just that he can enjoy some experimental shit alongside normie-core shist like Imagine Dragons.

>What makes this album stick out to me are the lyrics - very apocalyptic, religious, almost gothic in parts - and the compositions, which I find very unusual for contemporary pop:
Yea, they have some pretty hard hitting stuff here.

You can like garbage all you want but let's not pretend that shit is any good.

>Which is why I came here - to ask the pop music experts of Yea Forums what other contemporary pop music is as good and free of urban influences as this Imagine Dragons album.
Listen to the Beach Boys or the Beatles if you want good pop music free of "urban influences".
>Btw, not listening to something just because it's popular doesn't make you a rebel, you're a sheep behind a slightly unusual fence.
Well you just revealed yourself as being an ass. Won't take anything you say seriously anymore.

>Beach Boys
Those are a) not contemporary and b) should not be listened to by anyone except old women who were once little girls in the 60s for whom this children's music was appropriate. How lame do you have to be to listen to the the Beatles, let alone the fucking Beach Boys? And you know you're lame if you're being called out for it by an Imagine Dragons & Death In June fan. God damn, that's lame. Babby's first shitty antique boy bands.

Kill yourself faggot
Get aids

boring no taste drone

rude and clearly untrue

Agreed this shit is normie core but it is great and uplifting music all around. Half the songs are straight bangers.

Go finish your spreadsheets bro

>lyrics make a song

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get the fuck off this board your taste is a piece of fermenting dog shit

kill yourself

that's because you are a nig

I don't know, man. On this board you have not only fantanofags and people who unironically listen to soundcloud rap, Kayne West and the fucking Beach Boys, you also have neckbearded contrarians who refuse to like anything that has more than 100 scrobbles, let alone radio play. Lots of small-minded people. What harm could a few hundred Imagine Dragons fans possibly do?

A lot

A lot of good

>Yea Forums praising pop punk
I hate it but maybe I just don’t get it because of how cringy the bands look
>Yea Forums praises Oasis, a shitty normal gag Brit pop band with a handful of decent songs
Maybe they’re just doing it because the Gallaghers are funny lads
>user says he likes imagine dragons, a band with 0 songs that don’t make me want to put a drill in my brain to end it
>instead of insulting him for his incredibly shitty taste, Yea Forums praises him because ‘at least he has his own opinions’
OP having shit taste does not mean he needs to share it here just because it’s different
It’s turbo normalfag music for teenage girls and numales who aren’t woke enough to pretend to enjoy rap
if this isn’t b8 this really is a new low for this already bad board

>It’s turbo normalfag music for teenage girls and numales
It's not though. It's an esoteric conservative power chant, a hidden transmission decipherable only by the inhabitants of Abscondinium - ever notice how all the comments under their videos are in Russian? There is a black flame burning in Europe, secretly, that is ready to engulf the world. A black flame that has been spewed by Imagined Dragons.

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...and still no one has named a band that makes similar music - apocalyptic, futuristic power pop that neither bows to current trends nor rehashes the sound of past generations - in a more "patrician" way. If not your appreciation of it, could you at least admit the uniqueness of Imagine Dragons' music? And if not to its quality, could you tell me why? So far, the only arguments seem to be that it's "pop", "normie" and "bad".

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This is satire, right?

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It's like a gayer, blander version of 2000s U2

Kys faggit

I actually somewhat agree. Fav album of all time? Definitely not, but it actually uses sound pretty interestingly and in this case, overproduced kinda helps. "I Don't Know Why" and the two lead singles are kinda good.