Dubs decides what the automatic world-filter turns "have sex" into

Dubs decides what the automatic world-filter turns "have sex" into

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Get laid

have sex, i n c e l

listen to ladytron

you've had too much sex

Git gud

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"am i kawaii"?


ding-dong diddly



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Fucking based!


Gross. I’d rather have sex than listen to that garbagio

have fun

I like this one. Gets the point across with a good hearty message.

this is the one guys, not

Frig off

automatic word filters aren't supposed to be viable stand-ins for the original. If "onions" filtered to "estrogen" people would probably still be using it all the time.

i meant
>I like this one. Gets the point across with a good hearty message.
not have fun

the decision has been made

bad get