Why isn't there any new unironically edgy music anymore?
Why isn't there any new unironically edgy music anymore?
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Irony is popular
I know it was popular early 2010s but it still hasnt died down?
it's so normalized we don't even realize it anymore
Linkin Park isn't even edgy, just angsty.
Slipknot was edgy.
what is death grips
Because everyone is a little cyber bully now and anything that isn't a black guy rapping or white guys making indie rock is turned away
there is youre just too old to know about it
Death Grips and trap is extremely edgy. Linkin Park was actually pretty mild in comparison of other hormonally pandering acts during that period.
Death grips is for normies that listen to beyonce and watch twilight
Death Grips isn't unironic.
This. My mom liked Linkin Park.
There is it's just BLACK.
have you forgotten that billiam eyelash exists?
i was just gonna say
Lol you call that edgy? Pffftttttt lmao
Reminder that this would be Yea Forumscore if it wasn't LP.
what is Billie Eilish
Retards like GameGrumps and South Park convinced everyone that you aren't allowed to like Anything unironically otherwise you are "cringe"
Unless if you are black because the same type of faggots who watch that stuff are scared shitless of a black guy beating them to a pulp if they called him cringe
Sign me up
Extremely based
>LP's Kid A
zoomers are afraid of having a sincere emotion, everything is cloaked in a layer of defensive irony and nihilism
I hope no one says Metallica's edgy, cos they're not. They suck.
Looking back it is actually pretty neat.
all of emo rap and dark trap
scarlxrd, city morgue
also metalcore like between the buried and me
metallica is edgy
What about all these multicolored hair, face tatted, pierced up trap rappers?
Are you retarded OP, just use Google, search for metal bands and shit.
Fucking this
"Unironically edgy"