>Love classical music
>Specially Sacred and Chamber classical music from the Baroque/Renaissance era
>Realize that this kind of music isn't composed anymore
>Feel sad and start to listen to contemporary classical music
>Contemporary classical music is disliked by Yea Forums
Love classical music
Other urls found in this thread:
>contemporary classical
aka lets see how much unlistenable garbage can we make and still get applauses from the clueless but snobby audience.
classical has been done, no use beating a dead horse. Just listen to the classics if thats what you want
Only Finnish contemporary classical is good.
what's music?
i wanna bite her titties off
its like gusic but bigger and therefore worse
i’m usually not the type to post this but god damnit she’s cute
Kate Micucci
I think she's a Mexican cosplayer.
Meriweather if I remember correctly
Messaien, Part and Tavener are great
Isn't she one of the women who did the assfucking for jesus song?
"S Meriweather". Shitposter, cosplayer and my wife.
What do you consider contemporary? There are a lot of great composers around, many are shunned by academia. There is a whole generation in power that killed western art music that doesn't conform to their "Musical" post-modern ideology. Also have you listened to Gesualdo, Giaches de Wert, Cipriano de Rore? They get fairly chromatic, in a way that's like late 19th century and music up 1945.
>There is a whole generation in power that killed western art music that doesn't conform to their "Musical" post-modern ideology.
Would you elaborate on this part?
Professors, especially those in theory/composition departments, they often denigrate students that want to compose tonal music, they force student to write non tonal music w/out any direction. They often only teach traditional composition as a theoretical exercise and discourage it in free composition. They only allow performance of student works that meet their ideological demands.
That is the most disgusting looking woman I've ever seen.
You can also go back to an article know as "who cares if you listen" by Milton Babbitt. but honestly is so old that it doesn't really matter, but it does lay the ground work for academic thought that followed through the various periods from 1960-2000.