Fucking NOBODY tours in the midwest. Pisses me off

Fucking NOBODY tours in the midwest. Pisses me off

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There's not enough money in it.

im a SDfag, gotta go to minneapolis if I wanna see anyone good

Iowa - Slipknot

Fuck Coasties


You don't live in an european country far from the capital, you don't know what it's like to be ignored


>Not going to Colorado

Good job living in the middle of nowhere

living in St. Louis is trash, everyone perfers to go to KC than here.

Yeah this sucks but is right. Theres not enough pull for (insert semi-big name) to play in Des Moines when only 25 people within 2 hours of it have ever heard of them. If you want to enjoy a thriving local scene/national touring acts, moving within an hour or so of a big city is your best bet. It’s definitely worth it imo

st Louis seems like such a fucking dump compared to KC, no offense

>dude let’s go to Iowa and play in a 30 person venue haha

Good job living in a city libshit darkie

>not living near Chicago

>tfw no one tours in my city except washed up dadrockers

I saw death grips in tulsa a few weeks ago

No I completely agree, if I had the money and will, I'd leave this shithole, at least go somewhere safer. KC is pretty nice city from when I went there to see SP on Shiny and Oh So Bright, but 4-5 hour drive across this shit state is just too much.

I live in michigan and enough people come to detroit to satisfy me, kinda sad compared to when I lived in portland or DC, but it's alright since I'm only here for another few years.

i-70 is pretty depressing

KC is probably a lot more comfortable to live in. It's a little slower from what I've gathered but that's okay. Less uppity blacks too

Iowa is pretty fucking liberal dude.
t. Des Moines native

Moved from California to KC for about a year. Fuck KC. The only good part about that place was the bbq. I couldn't find any ethnic food that wasn't Americanized garbage, everything felt rural as fuck, the nightlife was overpriced and lame, and overall I disliked my time there immensely.

Thankfully I returned to California and I've never looked back. Sure the cost of living here blows dick but it's worth it over having to live in bum fuck nowhere like KC.

>Sac City

Maybe in the downtown and suburbs but rural Iowa is still kind of southern

SDfags rise up. How many stoplights in your town?

walking taco or taco in a bag?

Chicago and Minneapolis are both in the midwest and they see every tour.

It's not a midwestern problem, it's a "living in bumfuck anywhere" problem.

Literally a 5 hour 30 minute trip either way

Have fun in Iowa lmao. LA is like an hour where I live. you should see the concerts on my songkick

im native texan so for me, its frito chili pie

the fact that St. Louis is the current murder capital of the US might have something to do with it.

You guys got slipknot:)