>that white guy who listens to jazz, hip-hop, gospel, reggae, techno, dub, funk or soul and pretends that he "gets" it
That white guy who listens to jazz, hip-hop, gospel, reggae, techno, dub, funk or soul and pretends that he "gets" it
>that white guy
I don't pretend to get it, I just enjoy the music
>niggers who think they still make relevant music today
Show of hands, how many people know a black person under the age of 25 into jazz and techno?
All the best rappers are white though.
Even gospel, dub, funk and soul are a bit of a stretch. They only seem to listen to hip hop and entry level reggae.
lots, mostly grime and drill though
gets what?
LMAO i feel u bruh white 'people' need to stay in they lane and shit stick to that country shit for real..
They do tho
smfh white people be like mayonnaise is spicy..
white man doesn't understand music period only thing he understands is oppressing po black/trans/latinx folk
most black people dont even listen to those genres asides from hip hop and some motown soul kek. If anything jazz and techno has always appealed to white crowds
jews are white
>why “pipo”
>Hello, my fellow whites
Top Keks
Techno? Is it African based?
No they don't
By the same token can black people truly 'get' classical or punk music?
unga bunga me big pee pee jamal me allowed to listen to Lee Scratch Perry why peepo allow whitey to listen
only old people say this
what's to get about punk lol
The same thing that's to get about every genre of music. A lot of people won't appreciate its appeal after only a song.
only if they’re eccentrics
they’re black people, not rocks. Invertebrates can get punk, lel
I wasn't saying that black people arent sufficiently intelligent to understand punk. I was just flipping op's statement around with the examples of typically white genres
Jazz and Techno. And.
>Thinking that race should restrict what someone should and shouldn't listen to
See, this is why everyone hates the left these days.
punk is a rock subgenre, and rock was created by blacks, so sure.
I getcha. Maybe prog would make more sense. More distinctly...not appealing to most blacks.
Only white people listen to jazz. It belongs to whites now, like rock
(By now I mean since the 1970s)
I've never met a black person who listened to any black music outside of top 40 hip hop.
I've had to explain who Miles Davis is to every black person at my job
>that black guy who makes some money rapping over beats and thinks he's relevant
Yeah prog's probably a good example. I find it hard to imagine a stereotypical black guy enjoying something like Yes
Seriously Fuck Mutts. I REPEAT FUCK MUTTS. I fully support the SJWs and the corporations when they trigger the fuck out of you with some new black or trans pokemon. Fuck your video games, Fuck your tv shows fuck all your nerd shit and your culture there have to be blacks in every single video game. I want Gay porn and BLACKED to show up in all your pornhub recommendations
Most metal seems like white people genres. Decent amount of East Asians and Hispanics into some metal, but not a lot of black people.
lol that you actually believe this
>That black guy who seethes when white people get """his""" music
>implying music "belongs" to anyone but the people who recorded it
lmao implying any non musicians like jazz
Jazz main audience always were white people.
>implying any musician like jazz
Bet you're real popular
Incels sure love to talk tough, but they are incredibly fragile. I guess I would be too if the closest thing I had to a father figure were corporate shill and/or neo-nazi e-celebs.
Cringe but redpilled
>father figure
The closest thing I have to a father figure is an actual father, can't say the same for niggers kek.
Black people turn their plight into wonderful art. Incels turn theirs into mass shootings.
>Black people turn their plight into wonderful art
Where is the incel art? Those redpill sperm comics?
>derivative poetry
>over beats you bought for 99 cents
to each his own. But to me it always came off as more of a lifestyle enforcement and ego thing
When's the last time you had sex?
the libs assassinated it
When your mother invited me over last weekend. Sounds like I might supplant Gavin McInnes as your new Dad.
>david duke lmao
The absolute state...
My mother isn't an anime body pillow tho.
Could have fooled me. Sweet girl, but a bit of a “dead fish” in the sack. I can see why your O.G. Dad up and left.
Kill yourself, degenerate leftist.
My dad's still around, you're confusing me for a nigger.
I am one
You just racist pilled me
YouTube “dads” don’t count, even if they tell you to clean your room.
Even my lesbian Los Angeles leftie bud liked that sketch.
I’m also a leftie, btw. It was the only good sketch show since Chapelle
Stop projecting so hard, user. Just because your dad never loved you enough to stick around doesn't mean that happens to everyone.
*raises paw*
Try telling that to a jew see hoe it goes you fucking racist anti-semite
>referring to yourself as a "hip-hop head"
I'm a jew, can confirm that I'm white ;)
i'm jewish and i'm definitely white
nothing to get bud, good music is good music.
>know a black person
That would be your problem mate. I know plenty into jazz.
>the white communist guy who hates racism and the alt-right but who also says that Krautrock, Shoegaze, Post-Punk, Ambient, etc are for smart people (music only whites and east asians like) are while Punk and Metal is for children (music with the most global and multiethnic fanbase next to radio pop)
If my Dad hadn’t been around, I too could have easily been an involuntary celibate who got indoctrinated into Nazism/stormfaggotry on anime imageboards
>(music only whites and east asians like)
A) False, B) Even if it were true, the music isn't racist, which is where the hypocrisy would lie.
found him
>h-ha ha my losing the argument p-p-proves me right
It's hypocritical when I go to a "patrician" show and get confused looks from people who can't believe the negro mind would enjoy such music but online those same people probably talk about how they can't wait to send Richard Spencer to gulag.
You’re right, it’s the well-rounded individuals from happy homes getting indoctrinated and going on killing sprees.
Arguably trap music is rap that adopted the hard-edged aesthetic of metal. Also note the number of rappers who wear band t-shirts these days, even if many of them don't listen to the band on their shirt they're still buying into that culture
if you hang out with music nerds, like band kids, there are always some black kids, and those black kids are into jazz because if you're a music nerd and have any drive or curiosity about the craft, you are into jazz.
not that hard, user.
>that black guy that listens to cascadian melodic ambient post-black metal and pretends that he "gets" it
Involuntary celibacy isn't real. It's just called having a low sex drive.
The raw thirst for pussy is all that gets you laid. Fact is most guy who don't get laid until later in life just don't have the desire. Explains why they're so horrified by cheating and look for explanations - they don't have shit for balls so they'd never think of cheating themselves (why cheat when they'd barely fuck their wife in the first place - if they had one)
>I've had to explain who Miles Davis is to every black person at my job
This never happened
yeah they aren't exactly common though
>that white incel who was going to commit a hate crime but end up bonding with his would be victim when they realize they both like Old Town Road
God Bless America
Raises hand
It wasn't as funny as their youtube videos.