How much is this guitar worth

My grandpa died recently and my grandma opened up his fault which has been sealed for like 50 years and found a Gibson Moderne, he used to work for Gibson. My grandma vaguely remembers him bringing this home in the late 50s or early 60s. I kinda want to learn how to play but I know some of these old guitars are worth money.

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look it up

What's worth more to you?

Potentionally up to 750k. Do you really want to sell it though?

You're either full of shit or just hit the fuckin lottery my friend

really? You are trolling me!

Apparently 750k!

a fucking shit load

Assuming it's really prototype from 58 AND you can prove it AND you find the right buyer. These oddball guitar sell for a lot of money, but you have to find the right people

Can you post a picture of it?

it's bc rich warlock, it's worth fucking nothing

50's/60's Gibson Modernes don't exist. Nobody has seen one before. No photos of one exists. You couldn't even purchase one until 1982. OP is fake and gay

Somebody with the autism levels of Bonamassa would probably buy it for 7 figures.
That said, you don't have an original prototype Moderne. I'd bet anything on it.

you mean 7.5K at the upper end of possible
I was wrong.
please bring it over to my house so I can apologize properly.

The explorer was put into production at least it existed during that period. A genuine Gibson Moderne from 1950-whatever would be the highest priced guitar on the planet

Not even close. The highest priced guitar on planet would be either that Olympic White Strat Hendrix used on Woodstock, or that one vintage Les Paul that Hammet bought for got knows how much money

no, that old thing...? cant imagine anyone would want that old thing.

Come to my house, op. Id like to apologize properly.

It's the holy grail of guitars. You bet it would be up there in value to that hendrix strat. That's valued at 3 mil. I can see an authentic moderne (if it existed) going for close to that

>OP is mia

I would be too if I had a million dollar guitar.