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Other urls found in this thread:

post lewd tzuyu

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loving exo is painful

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Are everyone on chen2?

>sana will never fancy me...

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rabbit sex with jennie

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I trust there will be a 10 year anniversary Pink Tape Red Light tier album this year. Victoria will get tired of printing money just by breathing in China for sure. SM would never sandbag a group on their 10 year anniversary

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cute girl coming through

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damn it feels good to be a blink

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more of a Rosé man myself

is this like a nigger gook?


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>SM would never sandbag a group on their 10 year anniversary
poe's law in effect

>constant crashing
>images don't load
>the font
that place is a dumpster fire stop shilling

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yeah the new server is almost up

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damn it feels good to be a Yuqiboy/Slugchad/Arinchad/Nakychad

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why is dubu dubu?

You faggots still watch inferior asian dancing whores. Fucking plebs. When will you move on to superior white dancing ladies.

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im having a blast itkwim

It's weird how Jennie somehow makes the rest of BP seem like DFCs. Yeah it's all pushup bras but why don't they do that for the other 3?


Attached: eunboobs.webm (608x959, 1.76M)

Good taste.
>not familiar with pharell
do you like music?

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never thought I'd say it in my life
B-but after that Coachella thing I feel like im kinda a blink now too

Amber jetted to the US
Vic is still doing her thing in China
Sulli is gone
theres no way we'll get another group track

Made for spankings

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cutest girl in kpop

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kshit isn't music

wtf did i even post

I absolutely agree but I feel as if some bros have left us, and that make me sad

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vlack b

nice Nancy fancam

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feels bad to say this as a once but twice vs blackpink is exo vs bts girl version, and blackpink is bts

not quite

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i don't know how you can blow your load peacefully knowing xiumin is going to leave us soon and sm doesn't give us a single OT8/OT9 reunion

they'll be back bro don't worry

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rose is cool but she's more for slow lovemaking

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i unironically like her voice as well, like the other members as well, but the rule of kpop is that you gotta pick a bias so i guess Rosé is it

...Pharell is not a kpop star.

why is NCT's greeting a heil hitler salute?


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they'll actually never left they still post here

how are his ears so big

if anything, Jennie is the one for slow love, she gets motion sickness from everything

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I can only hope, I feel like I’ve been abandoned again

wrong, twice may be superior to blackpink can sing and look good
bts have none of these qualities

WHAT the

JYP wasted too long trying to mature Twice's image. Now they are locked into the cutepop concept since that's what Japan wants and they drive Twice's sales. And don't even pretend that Fancy is somehow not cutepop.

I don't see Twice losing a lot of fans but I don't see them having explosive growth moving forward.

>made him nut so hard he passed out

anyone else hate kpop and want to quit it?

jenneat my cock

it's so that there's more skin to bite into

glad to see she's making friends and having a good time in her homeland. glory to China
Yuqi isnt that type of girl, cretin

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You just made your last post, pal

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Is Lucas still friendzoning Yuqi?


Why’s it so slow rn :(

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mutt tranny fridges

they're symbolically reaching out hence "to the world" or whatever they say

fuck, can feel myself falling for rose too... if you told me that 3 yrs ago I would've laughed but shes a cute

I hate how it makes me feel, but I don't know if it's kpop's fault or kpg's

>jennie was in LA for two weeks and i never gathered the courage to approach her and make her fall in love with me

i dont want to live anymore

>baekhyun posts a picture of his lips on insta
>crazy solo fan says she'll punch him if he doesn't delete
and i thought i was mentally ill

blackpink is the revolution

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voldemort sunbaenim...


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i will admit that kpg is obsolete now but I'll never leave you bros we'll always be together

it’s xiumin’s choice, not sm’s
he already has a fanmeeting scheduled

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based insane fan

i used to really like NCT, but now i only like Mark and Jaehyun

why is that a big deal? you read crazier things here every day

Are you a millionaire chad? If not you did everything right

2chen will not dethrone Yea Forums in any capacity whatsoever.

Twice not scary

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word we'll be together in chen2

Yeah, my biggest mistake was becoming a fan instead of remaining a casual like I was doing since 2011.

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I literally have nothing left

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If Jennie doesn't show 'cheek at the concert...
I finna be disappointed

Rose has been best BP for ages. Yeah YG is fucking with her vocals because muh vocal color but she's still best girl.

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the more i read about twitter the more i understand why bang chan would refuse to give a bunch of brats the power trip they're clamoring for

nobody's talking about Yea Forums just kpg

fuck me jin is uggo

I get depressed when I think about how horribly my fav artists are probably treated. Like, overworked, pimped out, paid shit, etc. But it feels a void in my life so fuck

I like many of the top groups. I gotta say though the way you'd usually connect with each of the girls is more through the pics, the memes, interviews, variety appearances, shit like that. While for bp I could feel that connection just through music. Gotta respect that, for real

jisoo is far and away best girl

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you know that you can change the font right brainlet

>she's still best girl.
Where were you earlier. I was the only Rose fan defending her

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based blindbro

This is the uggo general, fren.

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i have 20/20 vision


Why would people move off of kpg? Trash never worked why would some other site? Besides can you imagine how dead /mu would be with no KPG?

post her moneymaker

which girl could literally choke me to death with her thighs that isn't ugly Sejeong?

ugly tranny

hey chad

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look at the gaypg general on chen2 there's like 20 people there right now


They’re earning more in those 5 years of their career than any of us in a lifetime

Sorry I don't come on like 16 hrs a day like some people do

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fuck omg and fuck miracles

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I have to give big props to both her and jisoo after Coachella, and it's not just about singing, but the way they carried themselves, through the whole performance. It feels like they grew a lot since the debut says where jennie and Lisa totally overshadowed them

Jisoo is the patrician taste

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okay hipster

my faves haven't made any money

you obviously don’t

Yeah, so now go back to your spinoff.

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blackpink optimal usage:

Jennie = quick sex
Rose = slow sex
Lisa = blowjob under the table
Jisoo = jerking off in the bathroom after she hugs you

what are you talking about


I very much doubt Weki Meki will earn more in the next five years than I will, let alone my whole lifetime

>that goddess on the right

Cheng Xiao


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You may not like it, but this is what peak Christianity looks like

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my grandmother

thank you for all the jinkook incest fics chen2 bros

>talking to yourself in your own post


she's skinny now

That's a bit excessive lol I just started coming here yesterday (thanks anons who posted a fuckload of Rose videos) and probably spent 3 hours total and already feel like I should calm down a bit. But Rose needs me.

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jennie = quick and dirty facefuck
rosie = slow and sensual sex
Lisa = completely ignoring
Jisoo = general lovemaking for the purpose of procreation and husbandly pleasure


I still genuinely feel like Jisoo's skills as a dancer and somewhat as a vocalist are underwhelming and with a 4 member group you can't just hide the visual in the back but she's definitely improved in the time period since DDDD

Jisoo is for femdom

Sponsors are a thing

i've never been to universal studios and always wondered if you could actually go inside hogwarts castle -or is it like disney's castle where you can only stand outside of it

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let rome burn
we're off to live in constantinople

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this guy is gonna do all this shit to update his website only for us to abandon it by next week


>jk rowling sees this
>suddenly harry's children are blackpink stans

101,770 COPIES SOLD becomes the fastest album released by a girl group to sell 100,000 copies on Hanteo. BLACKPINK IS THE REVOLUTION DETECTED

seething perhaps?

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fuck you

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he will bear my children

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why does that castle look greenscreened in

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yeah I know that, but i was talking about legitimate income rather than having to fuck some disgusting old men, and even then you're still overestimating how much money they'll make for it


Diagon Alley >>> Hogwarts if I'm being completely honest. I've only really been there for private events so I'm not sure how shitty it would be during regular park hours

"Longevity" We are monster streamers not just on it's first day, but EVERYDAY! It's a proof that BLACKPINK songs are addicting. Congrats! Still the fastest KPOP Group MV to hit 200M views!

>kang daniel and jimmy are it boys
>they sort of lookalike

yup you're seething

>autism fights
>one minute cooldown
nah we migrated forever

Keep playing dumb all you want.

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baekhyun is the hottest and cutest man on earth

which Kpop is the CBT Queen?

stay on your shillsite

My girlfriend always listens to blackpink songs. At first I'm irritated, now I love it more than she does.

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youtube viewshitting and how much seamonkeys care about that garbage will never cease to amaze me

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Kang is a chad

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Server migration taking place atm so the site is offline
Chen2.0 coming soon


for me, it's JinSoul

Attached: 팀 안에 X맨이 나타났다! '아이돌 그라운드' 이달의 소녀(LOONA) 3편-wr_ (1920x1080, 1.97M)


Welcome aboard. Please understand that Rose is the best girl.

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Bsaed JK Rowling keeping up with the times. Although Yoona with butterbeer is superior universal studios visit

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both are ugly

Yea Forums BTFO


You Know I'm so excited for kill this love becoming 300M but i'm more excited for ddu du ddu du becoming 1B

ew spoiler that shit

As if western army aren't just as bad if not worse

Doy can definitely ask 5 figures for a date

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>ywn build a Nu Gundam with Jinsoul

And what you think u stand a chance then?

Music sales aren’t the only way idols get money
I’m pretty sure Doy is rolling in it from cfs rn

if they're ugly, why are they probably the most popular idols in the world right now? jimin btfo's the rest of bts in popularity and W1 was the only group that could compete, and kang is /theirguy/

my sweet husband

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in my day you couldnt even imagine a kpop group becoming actually mainstream. kids these days are so fucking retarded

post our girl

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>ddu du ddu du becoming 1B

nice. i didn't even know it was that popular.

meant for

I don't know what they saying only some of the words but I still love Black pink!!

gaypoppers really showed their true colors there kek

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guys why is chen2 down? did we already lose our home?


1B is honestly nice. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to join Psy sunbaenim in the 1B club.

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fucking hottie

they showed them plenty of times already

Attached: Da_4eZiXUAEfMJn.jpg (1200x1800, 315K)

adorable r*tard

what did they do

fuck the mainstream
i hate normies so much

stop harassing me

Attached: CTVc2VZUwAAaPXC.jpg (243x400, 13K)


shut up pcy

blackpink just finished their coachella performance... They got so close with the fans and you could tell they were enjoying themselves beyond what you'd have expected. I'm so proud of them!!!!

Attached: 33C876D9-9380-4B8E-B882-07159E7B0362.gif (354x286, 60K)

it isn't, views were botted by ads and sea monkeys

>cub sucks dick

word and he could get it

maybe try reading what the page says you retard

chen2 is back boys

freaking CUTE

Attached: 1553818063418.jpg (1200x1200, 160K)

you're a 30 year old manchild that types out twitch emotes outside of the twitch chatbox, the definition of a normie

I'd seriously go back to some of the soshis for this one, take your pick

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waiting for new pics from today

ok i will admit i don’t like kpop at all but i’ll admit blackpink have good music. well done girls



Stop gushing roastie you’ve been blogging for the past two threads now


you took too long so you lose

>Khalid fucked BP

Blackpink we will forever be with you. We will kill all the love which you don't deserve. The only thing which will exist between Blinks and Blackpink would be true love. Blackpink I love you. Oh god I am so shy even though it's just a comment. Hehehe

why won't it let me post

dont reply to me you fanfic writing slime


baconbro come lewdpost on the other place



When did BP get popular again I thought KPG hated them because of the SEABlink boogieman.

Reddit at least hates them because they hate everything YG related now.

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Post Yeri

Me and my little sister have been listening to this everyday we are both blinks and I’m kinda multi fandom but I’m loyal to my girls from blackpink

who is this guy and why is he copypasting bp instagram comments?

burgerbrony tier YIKES

1B on what platform? Spotify?

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why is the kpg thread moving so much slower than the gaypg thread on chen2

it's too fast and the interface is whacky, i'm posting here

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it's just one guy

blackpink is the white man's group

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you can change the theme in the settings yknow

we all migrated there

don't drake and arianna have videos with 1b

honestly i would wait for you however long you take to type

Attached: jimbo.png (435x452, 368K)

it also looks like a twitter group chat where they compete with each other on who can say the most explicit lewdpost in seconds

I assume because the V and JK spammers moved over there

Ktl is 100% underrated Even if this isn't completely in english, it should still be featured on the radio here in America

taking baekhyunie from behind while he grabs the sheets and thanks god for my 9 inches cock

Attached: D4g0iMmWsAAfnqc.jpg (803x510, 46K)

he's obviously taking about koreans

it's just the jk spammer, and maybe it's for the best...

Of course I mean the first Kpop group to join Psy

I'm so used to Lisa's bangs I'm convinced she's had them since birth ಠ_ಠ

i cant imagine shitposting anywhere else, i might as well go outside at that point

fantasies of a virgin ass cracker

are you filipino?


Attached: bacon butt.jpg (598x606, 47K)

BigHit new co-ceo talked about IZONE

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ok well that's true but it's not that bad


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why do you love that guy more than me
i need affection too

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We stan legends. We stan BLACKPINK

she looks completely different without bangs

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>chen2 giving me 404 not found

shut the fuck up you needy little bitch

BLINKS PLEASE SPREAD THIS: how can you interpret those bruises as domestic violence when there were no scenes of them getting beaten or fighting with a boy or them telling him to kill this love relation.Yet there were scenes where they were fighting themselves to get out of that TOXIC relationship as the writer explained.Those scars are not from them getting beaten in the first place.The thing is You see women as WEAK & petty that they only get bruises from domestic voilence by men.Imagine if a boy is seen with scars y'all will think he was a fighter or was in a war.Change your view on women that they can also be in war or fight for themselves & get bruises not only by domestic abuse.Kill this love is about a war of ending a toxic relationship in which they get injured (Jisoo, Rosé & Chorus scenes).The way you will interpret those bruises its up to you if you have watched the mv b4 the first that should come to your mind is a tough women who fought against herself to end a relationship & got hurt in the process but sadly you chose to see women weak & petty.

i love you too slut
are you lewdposting there too

and what if i am? i'm saving myself for baekhyun

still cant post

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>all the boomers that want to stay on Yea Forums
we are actually praised on chen2

is chen2 still down

Plumbers should go over to that other place. Bacon is for pure.

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I want to see black pink in my area to kiss jisso because she made me love the music and she is my dream she draw my life, and l want to see BTS too in my area because they made my dreams shine love you BTS love you black pink


omo yes daddy

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nobody cares about your tantrum, armyroastie

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Same I thought I was the only one getting btfo'd.
imo it makes no difference I'll just follow you guys.

bacon is for hot kinky sex night and day


i was playing this song in my car with full volume and windows down, the moment they said “let’s kill this love” i heard someone say “rampapampapa bichhh”

my sweet soobunny


yeah she's alive on IG again

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praised by who? seamonkeys?

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YG loves watching his idols get B****ED

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please tell me you're female because if you're male that's gay and cringe af

can you retards not erp? this is a christian site

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bacon is for everything but especially for breeding

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Not really. The server is up but the site is still routing people to the old ip because it hasn’t but updated yet. The domain points to the new one though.

I’ll ask Miya about it.

it's the twicetoddler at his old shenanigans again


wording this

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oh my god

thanks for killing my boner with this uggo

gaypg leaking yet again

>some retard made a shit website
>people actually fell for it
>tfw thats how Yea Forums started

did txt come out as furries too early on their career?

are you dumb, that's a copypasta moroni

it's great to be furry at any moment

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>jew vision
Based and redpilled