I recently got into neofolk and now every other genre of music seems so boring in comparison...

I recently got into neofolk and now every other genre of music seems so boring in comparison. If you have to rely on distortion and pedals to get an interesting sound, you're a shit musician. Loveless used to be one of my favorite albums but now I'm realizing that all of the songs fucking suck and are completely carried by the production and effects pedals. They aren't well-written tracks, they're Kevin Shields fucking around with his pedalboard for 4 or 5 minutes straight while playing some basic power chord riffs.

Tl;dr if your song doesn't sound good unplugged it's a shit song

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nice b8

Try listening to any song from Loveless acoustic. It will fucking suck. Loveless and shoegaze as a whole fucking suck.

lol, yeah it would suck, that's uhhh why they have distortion and reverb, it's part of the style kiddo

it wouldn’t actually. also shoegaze isn’t a genre filled with fascist imagery so there’s that too

Please rec some neofolk. I like folk but I haven’t heard any neofolk

I'd like to see Kevin Sheids write a song that doesn't require 15 billion pedals covering up his lack of ability to play guitar

waaaah muh fascism. Get over it. Who fucking cares lol go back to twitter

>lol i love shitty fascist folk music because i don’t have a personality

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lol, I like people like you, people who don't believe their opinion is correct, people who KNOW their opinion is correct, always a good source of entertainment


this is a cover but regardless it’s the same song, just acoustic and it’s fucking good

>Grrrr.... fascism bad! Fascist symbols evil! Make nazis afraid again! Grrrrr!

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shit nigga, you right

i love how anytime people insult a racist/nazi artist, everyone assumes it's because they are triggered, when in reality it's usually just cuz they are shitty artists

your dumb

Can you guys please quit the fascist debate for a second and answer this? I really like the Anthology of American Folk Music and the folk revival groups from the 60s, and I’d love to hear the best neofolk has to offer. I don’t care about politics to the point of being put off by fascists

If you have a criticism of Death in June then so be it let me know but it's interesting how the first thing is always "GRRRR NAZIS BAD FASCIST IMAGERY EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I am new to neofolk and am in no real position to make recommendations. As such, I have very basic taste at the moment, but I will let you know the albums I have been listening to lately.

>Death in June - But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
>Death in June - All Pigs Must Die
>Death in June - Nada!
>Death in June - Essence!
>Death in June - The Rule of Thirds
>Death in June - Brown Book


this is my favorite neo folk album other than the angels of light

i don't have one, i've never listened to them, but if I criticize someone like phil anselmo, people assumed it's cuz i'm triggered or something, which is retarded, I just fucking pantera's music, and I love artists like ramleh and burzum. People just can't take criticism of music they like, so they assume the critic hates their music for other reasons

>loveless isn't well-written

you are musically illiterate. holy shit this is actually one of the worst unironic takes i've seen on this board. when you strip down loveless to unplugged, it still sounds better than 99% of music.
i'd post it just to completely BTFO you, but i'm positive you're too far gone or are just a genuine boomer that doesn't have a musical sense or bone in your balding boomer body.
please consider leaving this board for good.

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one of my fave kevin shields songs.
he is what you get if neofolk grew a dick

why can’t disliking a band because they’re fascist be a valid criticism? the music is generic neo folk with fascist influences/context sooo that’s why i don’t like it. there’s plenty of great neo folk that doesn’t fool around with that imagery to be cool and edgy

I am 18 years old. I am old enough to post on Yea Forums legally as of December. Loveless is not well-written. You are an NPC towing the Yea Forumscore line trying to get internet brownie points for liking the "right" kind of music. Let me guess, your favorite artists besides MBV are American Football, Death Grips, Neutral Milk Hotel, Carseat Headrest? Lmao

Okay. I dislike leftist bands because they are leftist. Is this also valid?


valid but yr missing out on lots of good music if that's the case

are you legally old enough to purchase a fucking brain?

I could say the same for you excluding "fascist" bands.

nice 2014 mu core

oh, i get it. it's bait.
death grips is unlistenable aside from 2 albums, nmh is alright, car seat headrest is really hit or miss because will doesn't spend enough time on his songs.
what else do you have?

Hahaha calm down man. Listen. I know you think you're really smart and have 9000 IQ because your topsters chart is made up of American Football, Loveless, Aeroplane over the sea, my beautiful dark twisted fantasy and probably no love deep web or something but listen. Your music taste is pretty forgettable lmao. Please do not get all your opinions from Yea Forumscore charts and anthony fantano lol

>fascist band

we get it, you worship dead idiots

b-but I don't exclude fascist bands, I just said I liked burzum and ramleh, lol

Who do I worship? Can you please tell me? I am very interested in knowing this

Arguing with two people at once can't tell who's who but also I hope you like more than Filosofem because s/t is by far the best Burzum album. Filosofem is truly not very impressive lol

The STUPIDEST fucking shit I have ever seen on this board is when people say "hurr durr, if you stripped away the effects of loveless it'd just be boring indie pop!" like, no fucking shit dude. But when you listen to the actual fucking songs the effects ARE PART OF THE SONG and NOT stripped away, so how is that even a legitimate criticism? You could literally make that shit about anything
>If you took the distortion and heavy guitars out of this Led Zeppelin track, it'd just be a blues song
>If you took the synthesizers and drum machines away from this Kraftwerk song, it'd just be a boring krautrock song
>If you took the guitars away from this Leonard Cohen song, it'd just be some dude singing lol

Like, of course you could theorize what shit would sound like without parts of it that are there, but those parts ARE THERE so how could you criticize the music for some theoretical scenario in which they weren't there?? Jesus christ dude kill yourself.

It's about songwriting ability. The fundamentals. Listen, I started playing electric guitar. I thought it was the coolest shit ever. I thought Kevin Shields was so cool. It just is not really that impressive because it's not actual songwriting ability.

that's fair, I do love fliosofem but yeah he has tons of great stuff aside from that

you dont know my taste mate....
what you do know is

i was 16 once too
neofolk's not very large. you'll be bored after a year.

If you write a song so that the song incorporates effects how is that not songwriting?

Perhaps. But right now, the revelation of enjoying acoustic music for the first time has completely made me re-examine all my previous favorites. It is now much easier to tell the distinction between a talented musician and an untalented one.

The effects go after. What about the song before? Does it still sound good?

Death in June, early Sol Invictus, Current 93 there's a ton of good stuff

these + rome

How do you know? What if he wrote the song on electric guitar? You are making a lot of assumptions here. It wouldn't make sense if these songs were written without the effects in mind since many of the songs utilize changes in effects in order to advance the actual structure the song. See Loomer.

not sure about rome...
remind me of the national but not a good...

I’m curious to know your thoughts on this

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I love Death in June. Of the Wand and the Moon, and the first 2 king dude records would be my reccs to you.

The songs are written with effects in mind, like an instrument. Of course they would sound weird without their effects, like most bands would sound strange without a main instrument. You are a fag for not knowing that.

Not OP, but reminds me of the early Kurt Vile records, really good.

Thanks bros


Just go to redit or something. They'll like you there and you can circlejerk with them too.