Why is no one talking about Yung Lean any more?

Why is no one talking about Yung Lean any more?

5 years ago this guy was a total meme and the whole hazy lofi sadboy rap thing was about as credible as grindcore but that's pretty much the hip-hop mainstream now. What happened? And how come all the sadboy rappers on the radio are basically shittier, trashier American knockoffs of the Swedes?

Attached: Yung-Lean.jpg (1400x1046, 179K)

he is, was, and always will be, meme rap.

memes have a short lifecycle. it is what it is.

Everyone is Yung Lean now

>Everyone is Yung Lean now
This is facts

>5 years ago this guy was a total meme

Attached: tenor.gif (268x268, 785K)

his friend Bladee is more popular now

Bladee is also 10x better and was even when Yung Lean was at peak.

Lean, Chief Keef, and Lil B are the most influential rappers of the early ‘10s. They paved the way for everyone in one way or another

he got popular so now Yea Forums hates him

based, and young thug/lil wayne

The genre he created got overrun by retarded zoomer faggots and run into the ground within like 2 years, and also it became out of fad to like him and his style changed up a bit so all the hypebeasts jumped ship


His two most recent albums are actually horrible. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but Unknown Death and Unknown Memory both still sound like forward thinking great albums, but with Warlord the production and even his lyrics didn't deliver. Bladee is what Lean could have been.

He's great Kyoto was always the peak of cloud rap
He was also one of the main guys along with Bones and others who brought vaporwave aesthetic to hip hop

>The genre he created got overrun by retarded zoomer faggots and run into the ground within like 2 years
But it completely took over hip-hop. At this point it's pretty much exclusively old-guard established rappers and that aren't sadboys. Even trap is getting invaded by sadboys.

bladee is more consistent, lean has higher highs

Tyler the Creator was literally just an Eminem clone

dg overtook sbe .. and naturally. whitearmor kinda boring now low key, i think hes uninspired or something. bladee rose up like jesus

bladee literally fucking sucks, Yung Leans flow and lyrics have improved to the point where its literally the best rap of the century

Pretty much this. I miss 2013 when Yung Lean was pretty much the only one doing his retard thing.

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Cause his music is shit.

He stopped being a meme at his own peril and with very mixed results. Red Bottom Sky, Yellowman, and Skimask were all good songs, but the entire Poison Ivy tape was ass.

and yung lean is just a lil b clone

He's not really though. Lil B is definitely to internet rapping as a business model what Henry Ford is to the automotive industry but he doesn't sound that much like Yung Lean.

Yung Lean is more like the retarded lovechild of DJ Screw, 808s and Heartbreaks era Kanye and Lil B.