I think this might be the greatest album I've ever heard in my entire life

I think this might be the greatest album I've ever heard in my entire life.

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Solid choice

Well so far in listening to industrial music I mean. But I've also really enjoyed hole and cannot wait to listen to the rest of foetus's discography.
Honestly like ministry's twitch I've fallen completely in love with it.

based scaruffi drone

If this is just your start you've got lots more good Foetus ahead

Man that album is fucking stellar.

it's literally just goofy industrial disney music though

>Disney music

why does it make sense?

This. Always glad to see Foetus on Yea Forums.

Also, does anyone have the Foetus version of this meme? It was so epic.

Attached: 1464377833237.png (668x1300, 766K)

the guy who made this clearly liked power for power a bit too much

angry they might be giants

t. kanye zoomerfag

It’s Cardiacs for the suicidal

What’s good about it I’m about to play it in full while driving

don't get mad because you know it's true, we all know bands like Einsturzende Neubauten and SPK are better anyways

I just listened to it. It’s pretty out there. I like it

Fucking this, I went into it expecting some Einsturzende Neubauten industrial shit and got literally an album full of Disney villain songs, what a fucking shite meme album lol

goofy shit rules, pussy

youre gay because the music you listen to

Hole and Nail have so much replay value, its hard to say which one's my favorite. Thaw is also up there.

Don't skip the singles from that era.


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nah dude it's honestly corny as hell, makes me gag in my mouth a little bit thinking about it. What a shit album. And everyone pretending this is some really dark edgy shit needs to off themselves, at least Queen were open about being super theatrical and flamboyant, Foetus is super theatrical and flamboyant but at the same time larps as some edgy experimental band it's so fucking embarrassing lol

Nah dude I have a gf

60 IQ response

Ok bud, keep enjoying fucking Ursala's theme except it's ok and totally not kiddy music because it's got le edgy epic industrial clingy clangy's right guis? xD

Attached: UrsulaOfficial.png (751x800, 547K)

50 IQ response