this shit is so cringe
This shit is so cringe
ok retard
ok retard
ok retard
you're cringe you stupid asshole
mac milar
this shit is so cringe
have secks
this cringe is so shit
i like fire trucks and monster trucks
this so cringe is shit
lol yeah better add kanye west and lil ngiga there right xD
Tis time
sorry guys, OP here, stupid autocorrect
>the stick is almost 5 years old
let us have our relic from the past you fucking faggot, its called culture you fucking philistine
You're right, it's not at all reflective of the boards attitude anymore.
>when the gusic is too small
this is our notre dame
r u ok retard
lamo CRINGE haha ufcking necbeards
get out retarded
no thanks for asking
keep saying it
aww did you just come back from your lobotomy?
Thog dont caare